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stefanotinaglia99's profile

View stefanotinaglia99's timeline, last visit on April 5th 2011

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Name:Stefano Tinaglia


Featured art


Nintendo Wii Cursors (15 cursors)

Released on February 25th 2011 by stefanotinaglia99

Wii Cursors by Stefano Tinaglia

Latest art

Italy TeaserItaly Cursors
by stefanotinaglia99618Italy Cursors by Stefano Tinaglia
Nintendo Wii TeaserNintendo Wii Cursors
by stefanotinaglia9951kWii Cursors by Stefano Tinaglia

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user icon mrmcgoo registered user on March 14th 2011

@davez Oh, so it wasn't personal. Stefanotinalia99, people will think you're a troll if you do this.

user icon absterninja registered user on March 24th 2011

I know. On one of my cursor sets, everyone gave it a 4.5 or a 5, and you rated it .5 dropping my rating down to a 3!!!!! :-(

user icon stefanotinaglia99 registered user on April 5th 2011


Ok. i rated your cursors 3 stars and 5 stars ;-)

user icon stefanotinaglia99 registered user on April 5th 2011

RE:Davez and MRMCGOO

user icon absterninja registered user on April 6th 2011

Thank you :-D

user icon JDDellGuy contributing user on April 6th 2011

Hey, kinda along the same lines as what the others are saying here. You rate almost all sets very poorly. I can't say how you actually view their quality, but it seems highly unlikely that they are all that bad. It would be nice to see some kind of "curve" at least if our work is not what you are used to seeing. Pick what you think are the best or worst graphics on the site. Rate them accordingly- best=5 or worst=.5
Then base other ratings off of those ones. I don't know- something, it's just an idea. It would just be nice to see some more positivity over here from you. We can't all be that terrible.

user icon mrmcgoo registered user on May 13th 2011

Thanks for the wink. But could you maybe change it to at least a two? |-)

user icon Anonymous on May 13th 2023

Nice Wii Cursor but the guy seems to be a jerk..

user icon Anonymous on September 13th 2023


user icon Anonymous on October 7th 2023

Damn 11 years have passed, I'm getting nostalgic now ...

user icon Anonymous
What about ICL files?
I wish there were...
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