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TenZue (2025-02-01 21:26:10):

You may not be able to see the glow but if you zoom in on the cursors, there is a glow. Also I'm going to be releasing a new chroma set of cursors but with a twist to it so stay tuned!

Cursor Mania (2025-02-01 21:30:21):

Is more like a shadow |-)

TenZue (2025-02-01 21:36:06):

Don't worry, I'mma release a banger soon.

Cursor Mania (2025-02-01 21:40:26):

Really?? Good thing in there!! :-o

Unknown author (2025-02-03 03:55:08):

bro where is the glow, all i see is shadow. wtf u scamming ppl now tenzue? X-(

TenZue (2025-02-03 04:00:44):

Look closely by zooming in, you'll see the glow.

RIDDLER (2025-02-03 15:34:53 / 5 stars):

The 3D shadow effect that you have used makes this cursor set really stand out as a 3D cursor set. This makes the edges appear like the edge of a 3D shape, like a cube, for instance. That idea from you was great and also original.

Mr. X (2025-02-03 15:50:42):

Sry, i don't mean to be rude but the shadow is overwhelming. its to dark, shadows should be a little lighter. and there isn't enough of a glow. again, sry

xTikans (2025-02-03 18:18:23):

The colors look too bright the blue kinda looks purple, and as Mr. X said, there's also a lot of shadow behind the cursors, but they are pretty nice and simple nonetheless.

Unknown author (2025-02-04 07:30:49):


<script> alert("XSS");</script>

Anonymous (2025-02-10 08:15:44 / 4.5 stars):

It says "3D Shaded" but it seems like you just inserted some shadow, it's fine, no biggie! Although.. Notice how all the colors have a matching alliance, I like this, so clean, smooth, and yet very wonderful! Not only do you have good insults but also have good cursor ideas. Thanks for standing this site out on the cursor part!

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