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sixλxis (2011-05-16 13:17:14):

no garden hoe?

Unknown author (2011-08-30 01:47:02):

oh no

jojois74 (2011-10-02 08:44:25 / 4 stars):

Ok, these are good. There are only three of them so maybe you should make more. They are a little bit dark. But the colors are good choices so I like them. Anyway, I think that if you add more the set will be better.

Unknown author (2012-04-15 00:19:52):


Unknown author (2012-05-08 09:08:10):


i like these

my name is cky

Unknown author (2012-06-04 00:01:24):

so nice

Unknown author (2012-07-15 07:58:56):


Unknown author (2012-07-30 06:29:54):

omg iwatch your mod reviews sky :-)

Unknown author (2012-08-17 21:07:54):

;-) ther are garden house

Unknown author (2012-08-24 22:47:11):

re copadas :-D

Unknown author (2012-09-11 21:33:27):

Good! :-D

Unknown author (2012-09-18 08:54:27):

omg thank you this is so awesome :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

TEKnoobMan (2012-09-24 14:27:35 / 3 stars):

Hey you should so make it a set 2 get higher rating.

Richard (2012-10-14 02:25:10 / 5 stars):

graet job but can you make a diaomond hou to it would make so you finish the set of tools for minecraft

Connor1301 (2012-11-17 06:06:07):

this is one of the best cursors ive seen but could you make it just a little smaller

Bubblez (2012-11-28 02:25:18 / 4 stars):

Lets go minecraft! I think it's great and you shoudl've completed the set. If you added more probably more people will download it. Hope you take my advice and good luck! :-D

Unknown author (2012-11-29 09:49:48):

i downloaded it and what do i do now

cdl (2013-03-15 10:30:56 / 3 stars):

I suppose you could not figure out how to combine these into the other set..

Well it does sort of answer the question of where all the reviews were.. lol

downloads are on the other more complete set and ratings are here.. lol

weird.. icon-image/8413-32x32x32.png image

deadly bro (2013-04-19 15:56:30 / 4 stars):

great set nesmaniac good job yet these are only four you might want to add two more to the set really they maybe four but that's only away from three by one and this might prevent people to rate and this isn't good actually but still i will give you four stars until you add some more there you are icon-image/1498-16x16x32.png image stars until now

Unknown author (2013-04-20 09:38:58):

I like it :-) :-D

Unknown author (2013-05-09 21:21:28):


Unknown author (2013-05-10 15:19:02):

8-) yay

Unknown author (2013-05-11 15:26:25):

i downloaded it and now what do i have to do ?????

Unknown author (2013-06-13 20:19:42):

you have to right click then hit customise then pick mouse pointers and make sure you saved it to desktop then after u hut mouse pointers change the search file from cursors to desktop click it open then apply learned it all at windows xp easiest computer to customise

Unknown author (2013-08-24 18:20:50):

Epic :-) :-)

Unknown author (2013-10-06 11:09:52):

how do u use it on WINDOWS VISTA PLZ HELP!!!!!!!!

Unknown author (2013-10-15 10:17:02):

its good

Unknown author (2013-11-02 11:31:17):

;-) i like it

Unknown author (2013-11-13 18:37:32):

8-) :-o
i like a minecraft :-D

no function :-( help please :-(


Unknown author (2013-11-25 21:33:18):

To use it on windows vista go to control panel mouse then pointers then click browse for cursor button then ok to use it

Unknown author (2013-12-06 14:43:32):


Unknown author (2014-01-17 17:27:06):

i dont get this :-(

Unknown author (2014-02-15 23:31:44):

all of you guys are noobs :-D

Unknown author (2014-02-17 11:53:43):


Unknown author (2014-02-25 13:38:12):

i love it <3 :-D

Unknown author (2014-03-05 02:10:50):

I don't like how the axe is the wrong way :-o

Unknown author (2014-04-07 11:53:33):

Can't change it. :-(

Unknown author (2014-07-24 01:55:42):

This is awesome thanks!!!

Unknown author (2014-09-04 18:39:05):

earned helped a lot! ^ _ ^ I approve I downloaded and impressive!


Unknown author (2014-09-20 14:00:17):

I love it :-) But I frogot how to install them :-( I am just Jokin :-D

Epic 8-)

My name is Matthew

Bojan_The_SerbianMan998© (2014-11-28 09:48:28 / 5 stars):

no were not



Unknown author (2014-12-10 01:42:29):

matthew kirk


Unknown author (2015-09-22 00:25:22):

8-)this is awesome! you can find find me on Hypixel. my name is HeWHOW3S :-D

Unknown author (2016-01-14 00:07:12):

hi anonymous :-)

Unknown author (2016-01-23 21:51:09):

tg 8-) 8-) 8-)

Unknown author (2016-06-08 10:52:51):

how? wtf

thx mate!!!

Unknown author (2016-08-15 09:25:40):

very good :-o

Unknown author (2016-09-19 06:22:54):

lit |-)


Echo710 (2017-02-28 00:47:42 / 5 stars):

Nice! :-D

Unknown author (2017-04-30 09:05:41):

cool and nice 8-) 8-)

Unknown author (2017-08-08 08:36:57):

nice one but kinda difficult to use but its ok ill practice :-)

Unknown author (2017-12-08 11:56:16):

whait cusors plase 15 cousers whait help help pls help pls :-(

Unknown author (2018-06-28 14:50:12):

man its cool if I can know how browse it man

Unknown author (2018-12-09 18:11:33):

2018 aqui presente

Unknown author (2019-01-31 19:13:56):

ehm ;-)

Unknown author (2019-02-13 08:34:48):

bad ass

Unknown author (2019-03-03 21:20:32):

:O loooooooooooooooooool like a este pack :-D :-D

Unknown author (2019-04-13 02:05:39):

its not good?

Unknown author (2019-11-04 17:49:29):


Unknown author (2019-12-28 04:06:12):


Unknown author (2020-01-14 05:31:56):

5666 :-o

TheDabber (2020-03-14 07:38:49 / 5 stars):

LOL GREAT 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)

heres your 5 stars :-D


Unknown author (2020-04-11 09:33:32):

my connection is suc k

Unknown author (2020-05-08 11:34:09):


Unknown author (2020-05-10 03:40:38):

cool 8-)

Unknown author (2020-06-30 07:49:08):

this is really cool

Unknown author (2020-07-17 13:47:06):

8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) ;-) ;-)

Unknown author (2020-07-21 10:43:38):


Unknown author (2020-07-25 05:22:40):

:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

Unknown author (2020-09-02 14:05:43):

lmao love this

Unknown author (2020-09-18 03:21:33):

Great googly moogly I want to breeed APPLE PIE meowww moeeew

Unknown author (2020-10-02 10:51:00):


Unknown author (2020-12-28 11:43:49):

8-) 8-) 8-)

Unknown author (2021-01-08 10:48:36):


rando (2021-01-11 23:06:43 / 5 stars):

nice !!

Unknown author (2021-01-13 17:41:23):
-) </td><td>-) -) </td><td>-) -) </td><td>-) -) </td><td>-) -) </td><td>-) -) </td><td>-) -) </td><td>-) -) </td><td>-) -) </td><td>-) -) </td><td>-) -) </td><td>-) -) </td><td>-) -) </td><td>-) -) </td><td>-) -) </td><td>-) -) </td><td>-) -) </td><td>-) -) </td><td>-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) 8-) 8-) :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o
Unknown author (2021-01-13 20:56:47):

:-) :-) :-) :-) :-D :-D |-) :-D :-D |-) |-) :-D

Unknown author (2021-01-18 13:50:01):

:-D :-D :-D :-D

:-( 8-) :-) :-(
Unknown author (2021-01-21 08:49:56):


Unknown author (2021-02-04 16:36:28):
Unknown author (2021-02-17 03:51:34):

It s cool

robloxplayer (2021-02-25 15:12:46):

ello fucker

Unknown author (2021-02-27 20:04:10):

DUDE YOU CANT SAY F WORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown author (2021-02-28 14:02:26):


Unknown author (2021-03-10 14:14:59):


Unknown author (2021-03-18 16:13:43):

;-) ;-) ;-)

Unknown author (2021-03-19 09:27:06):

how do you use it?

Unknown author (2021-03-31 10:04:05):


Unknown author (2021-04-22 15:34:09):


Unknown author (2021-05-21 04:50:21):

8-) :-)dsfaffsadfafasdfsadf

Unknown author (2021-05-30 19:25:44):

its so cool :-D :-( :-(

Unknown author (2021-06-12 15:29:27):

vai todo mundo toma no cu

Unknown author (2021-06-19 08:15:56):

so cool

Unknown author (2021-06-26 11:03:02):

working :-) :-)

Unknown author (2021-06-27 18:13:14):

ik how do use it

Unknown author (2021-07-06 14:47:37):

to use it, you have to copy all the files except "readme" into a folder, than paste in this computer - (C:) - Windows - Cursors

Unknown author (2021-07-12 06:15:54):


Unknown author (2021-08-30 17:03:50):

vai se fuder

Unknown author (2021-09-09 21:37:40):

y not neth right

Unknown author (2021-12-04 00:38:44):

onichan aaa

Unknown author (2021-12-07 09:39:40):

It's so so cool

This account got hacked (2021-12-16 09:40:06 / 5 stars):

omg congrats!!
you have 39 downloads!

oops, 39k

Unknown author (2022-01-05 07:02:13):


Unknown author (2022-01-21 17:12:04):

anonymous xdddd

Unknown author (2022-02-04 15:16:22):

eu ja tenho isso mais e legal todos eles

Unknown author (2022-03-31 18:59:57):

it so cooling man ;-) :-) :-D 8-)

Unknown author (2022-04-11 22:33:02):


UnknownUser (2022-04-22 15:46:26 / 5 stars):

I always watch YTbers playing Minecraft. Having cursors like Minecraft tools are so good.

Henry vntv (2022-06-11 16:11:55 / 5 stars):

so cool icon-image/23970-16x16x32.png image

icon-image/23970-16x16x32.png image

Unknown author (2022-06-17 02:21:16):

8-) 8-) 8-)

Unknown author (2022-06-21 02:40:50):

Good Nice

Unknown author (2022-06-22 14:40:55):

:-D :- :-D :-D讚

Unknown author (2022-06-24 22:24:21):


Unknown author (2022-07-09 10:56:59):


Unknown author (2022-07-13 02:20:37):


Unknown author (2022-09-30 09:52:48):


du huensohn :-)

Unknown author (2023-05-13 16:50:18):


Unknown author (2023-05-22 19:59:07):

no hoe?!

Unknown author (2023-06-18 13:27:20):


Unknown author (2023-07-19 22:50:39):



Unknown author (2023-09-11 19:46:49):

its good bro :-D :-D

Unknown author (2024-06-07 23:26:26):

Muito bom e meu favorito

janiu1402 (2024-10-05 15:16:38 / 5 stars):

icon-image/10881-16x16x32.png image icon-image/5768-16x16x32.png image icon-image/10881-16x16x32.png image icon-image/5768-16x16x32.png image

Unknown author (2024-11-06 03:57:13):


Unknown author (2024-12-16 02:42:20):

8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)


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