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deadly bro's profile

View deadly bro's timeline, last visit on May 18th 2013

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hey guys check out my profile,here comes the link

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RW-users Cursors (18 cursors)

Released on April 24th 2013 by deadly bro

this set is made to be used by rw users and any other person that downloads it there will be more however like destiny,SYNTHCRO and jojois74 and many other more enjoy the set

            (have a good day)

deadly bro

Latest art

golden bevel Teasergolden bevel Cursors
by deadly bro2691this is my first attempt at the bevel so please tell me what you thin...
Random Glass TeaserRandom Glass Cursors
by deadly bro469this set was made by nothing actually i was just making some cursors ...
RW-users TeaserRW-users Cursors
by deadly bro116this set is made to be used by rw users and any other person that dow...
Theme of April (oceanic) TeaserTheme of April (oceanic) Icons
by deadly bro1023these icons are from google and all credit goes to google this set ar...
Emotions by Deadly bro TeaserEmotions by Deadly bro Icons
by deadly bro719i wanted to make a smiley set but i found it a bit hard so i made the...
Neon TeaserNeon Cursors
by deadly bro2752the second Variant of the high contrast ones i really wanted to make ...
Golden TeaserGolden Cursors
by deadly bro2300this is my second roles set i kinda actually made more roles in this ...
crystal ball by deadly bro Teasercrystal ball by deadly bro Icons
by deadly bro1115this is my second set of icons that is used to allow people to use it...
high contrast black and cyan Teaserhigh contrast black and cyan Cursors
by deadly bro9006this set is my first set that is not made out of random pointers and ...
Rainbow TeaserRainbow Cursors
by deadly bro2030

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user icon SYNTHCRѺ contributing user on March 3rd 2013

Just a tip, when you rate a set you should tell the author why you rated it the way you did. Like when you rated one of my set with 3 stars and said "great cursors from a great maker" what happened to the other 2 stars? It's just that 11 other people said 5 stars and you went with 3. I just want to know why.


user icon deadly bro registered user on March 17th 2013

oh yeah sorry about that SYNHTCRO it's just that i was trying to earn buttons so i thought that if i rated you 3 stars i will get another type of buttons sorry but it is really great,i mean it it IS "great cursors from a great maker" i didn't mean to disappoint you will you forgive me please

user icon ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ contributing user on March 21st 2013

cursor-51759 cursor-51758 Thanks For you'r help I hope u are fine icon-9003 :-D

user icon deadly bro registered user on March 21st 2013

fine as always thank god

user icon ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ contributing user on March 21st 2013

cool :))

user icon Anonymous on March 28th 2013

Your Art is Great

user icon deadly bro registered user on March 28th 2013

hey thanks anonymous possibly more sets coming icon-image/8397-16x16x32.png image

user icon Anonymous on April 2nd 2013

hihihihihi :-) :-D

user icon Halo_master registered user on April 4th 2013

Hello, could someone help me with mouse cursors and icons please

user icon deadly bro registered user on April 8th 2013

of course how can i help you with cursors icon-image/5300-16x16x32.png image

user icon Anonymous
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I wish there were...
Vista & Win 7 icons
What about ICL files?