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Vlasta (2011-06-01 09:39:02):

Consistent look and feel + original idea = very good!

Davez (2011-06-01 16:59:19):

Thanks:) I'm going to change the "Blah Busy" and "Blah Wait" cursors, because they look a bit silly ;-)

Davez (2011-06-01 20:28:55):

--Blah Wait has been changed--

I still have to do Blah Busy

JDDellGuy (2011-06-02 19:44:21 / 4 stars):

blah Busy's wheel is a little jittery.

Davez (2011-06-03 11:11:47):

Yep, that's true. Even though I don't want to alter it a third time, I think I will. Maybe I'll make it look Aero style...

Unknown author (2011-06-16 09:48:29):

haha no worries :-D

Unknown author (2011-06-16 09:48:48):

they all look stunning!

Unknown author (2011-07-23 20:41:40):

50/5 8-)

AmberZen (2013-01-09 17:15:28 / 4.5 stars):

nice set!
very original, like the animation.
maybe more colors?
more animation?

cdl (2013-01-19 11:32:32 / 4 stars):

Definitely more animations and maybe more colors..

Nice set! Can we see more like this?

icon-image/6385-32x32x32.png image

RIDDLER (2021-04-15 06:58:37 / 5 stars):

Well done. I like the style and lavender color you have used to create the theme for this cursor set.

Unknown author (2024-12-12 13:41:31):


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