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Unknown author (2011-06-12 12:04:27):

can you add more to the set please...
thanks :-)

Unknown author (2011-08-07 13:34:06):

thank you :-)

Ricon (2011-12-05 04:03:21):

Its not really a cursor without the point.
In both ways.

Spy (2012-01-31 23:51:43 / 3 stars):

Nice cursors. Like the idea. I am giving you a 3 star rating because you only finished half the set. I have no problem with the quality though!

tev (2012-03-01 18:41:34 / 5 stars):

icon-image/5604-16x16x32.png image very nice!! icon-image/6549-16x16x32.png image icon-image/3332-16x16x32.png image icon-image/348-16x16x32.png image

cdl (2013-02-25 22:39:46 / 4 stars):

I suppose I agree with Spy.
I would like to see more even if you do not make a complete set.
Novel idea for a cursor theme!
Hotspots are good.
Nice work for a 1st set.

icon-image/8301-32x32x32.png image

Unknown author (2013-12-20 19:37:52):

wow! dots pretty awesome (sarcasticly). hey whats your next one, the green square cursors!?


get a life.

Imagine (2014-10-24 19:31:01 / 3 stars):

not so useful

nibbler (2015-12-08 16:28:47 / 5 stars):

Cool set! Even the Help Select is awesome!

EzequielEzBrasil (2016-07-13 22:30:56 / 4.5 stars):


Unknown author (2018-02-10 13:41:47):

this is great!!! dont listen to the haters

Unknown author (2020-07-16 05:16:04):

wow theres a guy whos not havin good days

Unknown author (2020-11-30 20:23:08):

if you could make it more round not like a little + in the middle of it it would be great, best idea of this website love it plz do more<3<3<3

Unknown author (2020-12-07 16:56:09):

bro nice i wantted smol cursor

thx now i can play mc with gui scale 1 with smol cursor

Unknown author (2021-02-21 22:59:20):

ur mom u fúcking cúnt


Unknown author (2022-05-15 22:49:42):

Green dots are an intrusion. Get rid of them.

Unknown author (2023-07-20 10:25:22):

its so good

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