lu9 (2011-08-11 20:47:04):
Nice One TheSomaCruz16 (2011-08-11 22:05:50):
@lu9 Thanks lu9 (2011-08-15 00:29:29):
But i think these hands are from Mario paint TheSomaCruz16 (2011-08-15 01:00:09):
yes , is from mario paint, but looks like mac hand (for me) xD lu9 (2011-08-16 03:15:05):
absterninja (2011-09-05 19:58:16):
These are adorable! But Isn't it a little odd to have the troll face in there? It isn't fallowing the theme. But I would download all of the rest! I am a big mario fan! jojois74 (2011-09-06 18:20:46 / 3 stars):
These are nice. Animate them! That would make them really awesome. If you make them have a really slow animation of the hand opening and closing. Also, you should probably get rid off the troll face. It is sort of random. Unknown author (2011-09-25 05:48:35):
Can you do the Mario Paint rocket cursor please? (in some selections, the cursor is a rocket) cerealguy26 (2011-11-27 14:51:44):
Trollface? XD Unknown author (2012-01-03 06:03:21):
yay trollface cursor Unknown author (2012-02-04 15:31:12):
can you help me? SoaringEagle789 (2012-03-30 02:12:32 / 4 stars):
not bad. but a mario paint set might not be consistant if it had a troll face in it. Virum64 (2012-04-27 10:54:17 / 4.5 stars):
Good cursor set. But I have a question... Unknown author (2014-12-16 13:51:12):
Haha Unknown author (2015-07-03 13:56:30):
SMBX for AJaxx (2016-01-10 17:43:04 / 1 stars):
Original author/file from 2006: Mario Gant by Behelit Original MarioGloveCursor made by Ryan Clark Unknown author (2017-08-14 18:15:13):
I love the TrollFACE CURSOR WELL DONE.THANK YOU! Unknown author (2018-08-06 21:54:31):
I loved it! and I am amused by the fact that this TrollFace haha cursor was unexpected v: Trolorolololololoorororloololo Unknown author (2020-02-09 15:33:03):
why is there trollface? :p Unknown author (2020-04-25 04:13:47):
i love to see an hd one, but this is so good Unknown author (2021-08-16 02:48:51):
Take down the troll face. Unknown author (2022-01-12 14:30:01):
DOWN WITH THE TROLL FACE!!! P.S, Why do all the cursors have words instead of the actual cursor? Unknown author (2024-03-30 08:10:15):
Sooooo Silly =P |