Vlasta (2011-09-23 09:14:09):
Looking pretty good. Though some of the hot spots are off, you can fix them by for example dragging the animated preview in the editor. JDDellGuy (2011-09-25 09:27:56):
What tool did you use to make these? Some kind of 3D editor or RealWorld Cursor Editor? jojois74 (2011-10-03 04:10:40 / 5 stars):
These are really nice, but like Vlasta said, some of the hotspots are off. It would be really good if you fixed them. I like it how they turn. I also like the green. Also, I like it how there is a hole in some of them. ZeloZelos (2011-10-13 08:26:23):
sorry about the hotspots, ill get them fixed real soon, had a system crash and had to recover. I'm using AniTuner2 and RWcursor Editor to make these. I'm leaning towards AniTuner for now. ZeloZelos (2011-10-13 23:19:33):
ok all hot spots are fixed. resuming completion of the set. Added the unavailable pointer. Check back soon for the rest!. Still working on the xcursor (linux) version. theme building is for some reason very complicated..hopefully will be done soon Teddy (2011-10-15 08:34:04 / 4.5 stars):
these are very nice jojois74 (2011-10-19 23:27:06):
Thanks for the hotspot fix. ZeloZelos (2011-10-21 12:31:18):
Next time ill be sure and name the cursor filenames a bit better. Didint think of it because I put any downloaded sets in a folder in the windows/cursors directory. cdl (2011-11-04 06:09:32 / 5 stars):
cool set! Nintendo (2012-04-05 07:09:20 / 2.5 stars):
sorry for 2.5 the regular arrow is just a tiny bit off sorry but they are very detailed and whats the word?OH YEAH I LOVE GRADIENT Unknown author (2012-06-25 08:01:20):
you are missing a few, but other than that it seems ok, also the movement of normal is kind of catchy/sketchy. i like the design a lot, hopefully you improve the little bit of flaws it has and i will definately use them. ZeloZelos (2012-07-09 08:54:35):
Hmm, didnt notice that b4, thank you for pointing it out, unfortunately I no longer have the files to fix that one. Had a system catastrophe and lost a bunch of stuff. OH WAIT! Thanks to RW's cursor editor I can simply download it, open it in RW's program and upload the fixed one! Ahh, there we go, all fixed up! oh, the movement does appear at 1st to be off, but actually I left it that way on purpose. I liked it that way. It helps set it apart from the working in background cursor, which spins faster and has a red gem in the hole. But sometimes the wib cursor is very briefly shown, and since they are set up that way its pretty noticeable even on the shortest of switches. AmberZen (2013-02-01 23:13:51 / 4 stars):
very weird hand! freaky! lol hear you fixed the hotspots! good job, can't have hotspots that are not hot! HNMunchey (2013-03-07 16:35:17 / 5 stars):
Nice job! Nothing to change, in my opinion. pauloandes (2018-03-31 21:02:25):
Awesome. |