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ZeloZelos's profile

View ZeloZelos's timeline, last visit on November 28th 2024

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little about me? Well I enjoy making stuff and computer graphics all-around. Id love to have a job some day making stuff for someone. Graduated collage in 99 (computer science of multi media of course), Married father of 4. I use Blender mostly, a little Gimp and PSP (ya i know, Paint Shop Pro! WOW! thats old stuff-but it still works). About my nickname ZeloZelos, well its Native Indian for cricket-as in the bug- Ive always been fond of the letter Z and theres 2 in it. And my name is sooooo common... I decided to use a name for online.You try getting an email address or even a login to most sites with the name Ed Smith...then try and remember the email address : EDSMITH954824587@somemailserver.com ...I think you get the point.... ;-)

Featured art


Animated Rainbow Cursors (15 cursors)

Released on October 14th 2014 by ZeloZelos

A moving rainbow of colors all with shadows and look awesome with games and such.

Latest art

Spinning Spiral TeaserSpinning Spiral Cursors
by ZeloZelos445Its been a while but here is a new one!! A spinning spiral of .. um.....
Blank and White TeaserBlank and White Cursors
by ZeloZelos243They are there, you can not see them because they are white. Read the...
Rims TeaserRims Cursors
by ZeloZelos939A set of car rims -but without tires. They spin and most have chrome ...
Animated Rainbow TeaserAnimated Rainbow Cursors
by ZeloZelos4694A moving rainbow of colors all with shadows and look awesome with gam...
Gold Galoo II TeaserGold Galoo II Cursors
by ZeloZelos2005This is a remake of the Gold Galoo set I made a while ago. I lost the...
Black Recycle Bins TeaserBlack Recycle Bins Icons
by ZeloZelos3255The name says it all. It was made with Windows 7 in mind not sure how...
Glowin Green Trash Cans TeaserGlowin Green Trash Cans Icons
by ZeloZelos228Trash cans I made for a Docky (Cairo Dock) theme. I have been using t...
Purple Code TeaserPurple Code Cursors
by ZeloZelos3620The Purple Code cursor set. This set started out with a blinking curs...
Bio Green Hazard TeaserBio Green Hazard Cursors
by ZeloZelos12kThis set is inspired by my new tattoo- Its a black light glowing gree...
Hearts TeaserHearts Cursors
by ZeloZelos4045Its a set of hearts and a rainbow for fun, and a request from my wife.

Show all icon and cursor sets.

Forum topics, where ZeloZelos participated

Recent comments

user icon Anonymous on October 25th 2015

your bio green hazard cursors inspired me to pursue graphics! keep cranking out great content zelos! i'm always patiently waiting for your under-appreciated masterpieces

user icon RIDDLER registered user on January 19th 2020

I like your nickname. It stands out like a sore thumb. Great ZZ name.

user icon Anonymous on October 11th 2020


user icon Anonymous on May 23rd 2022

Gold Galoo II cursors are very nice

user icon Anonymous on November 23rd




user icon Anonymous on November 29th



user icon Anonymous
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Vista & Win 7 icons
I wish there were...
What about ICL files?