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jojois74 (2011-10-19 22:05:47 / 5 stars):

These are really really really good. I like it how you have a lot of them. It is good that you have two of some of them.

Teddy (2011-10-22 10:45:47 / 3 stars):

they are awesome because theyre gears of war cursors, but there are alot of things that could have been made better, and a few frameholes and stuff
so 3 of 5

Unknown author (2011-10-26 19:04:30):

WORD!!!!! :-D

Ricon (2011-10-30 01:57:12 / 3 stars):

These are ok.

Tails the fox (2011-11-02 18:22:48):

i love red skulls man good job dude! icon-image/4631-16x16x32.png image

Unknown author (2011-11-02 22:31:15):

Damn yo! This shit's tight! Ur a genius! :-)

47crayons (2011-11-05 22:05:56 / 5 stars):

These cursors are pretty sick.

Rinfo (2011-11-12 15:02:48 / 1.5 stars):

I think you should soften the animated cursors because
they look dorky, not dissing your work, but it sucks.

Applefan (2011-12-02 23:34:56 / 4 stars):

Good job, but you could make a non dissapearing text cursor.That would make more comfortable the use of the cursor.

Nintendo (2012-03-19 04:28:58 / 4.5 stars):

i gave you 4.5 stars because the game is really fun but im not sure if they are made out of pixels so until i find out 4.5 stars

SYNTHCRѺ (2012-07-23 03:55:14 / 3.5 stars):

I agree with Rinfo that you should soften the animated cursors, but i will still give you 3.5 stars for all your hard work.


SYNTHCRѺ (2012-08-31 02:43:46):

Why did you tag this a culture?

Richard (2012-10-14 03:04:54 / 5 stars):

this is so good that if i could i would give you ten out of five but unfortunately i cant so i will only give you five.


Unknown author (2013-04-13 22:39:09):

Dude, this rocks :-D

hunter17p (2014-10-21 20:41:25 / 4.5 stars):

I live gears of war tis so awesome sadly carmine dies

Farhan (2014-11-09 12:51:44 / 5 stars):

I Like Gears Of War Cursor too, because it's look very Cooooollll 8-)

Unknown author (2017-01-11 16:15:21):


Paradise Murderer (2018-07-09 15:50:48 / 5 stars):

omgurd amazing! imma just download now.....

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