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View Applefan's timeline, last visit on August 25th 2013

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I'm a veteran game lover.So if you want i can do a set of classic games cursors for you.My birthday is in January 3.

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Super Mario World Cursors (28 cursors)

Released on August 21st 2010 by Applefan

The Italian plumber now is back in his great 16-bits.
Extra cursors shinning stars with and without arrow.

Edited: Luigi Cursors Added.

Latest art

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user icon Applefan registered user on March 11th 2012

I dont like CoD really much, but the first ones were really cool

user icon Applefan registered user on March 12th 2012

i noticed pal :-D

user icon Anonymous on March 21st 2012

hey dude wats up :-) :) :-D lol

user icon Applefan registered user on March 24th 2012

I just finished all the pokémon cursors yesterday(every character and their animations), AND MY COMPUTER DIES!! Now i have to do everything from the beginning... :-(

user icon Anonymous on April 10th 2012

Could you possibly do an Elec man cursor set?

user icon Nightlasher registered user on January 11th 2013

Loved your Kirby set! Do you think you could do a Metaknight set? If not that's fine (since there aren't many Metaknight sprites)

user icon ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ contributing user on March 16th 2013

love ur cursors

user icon Anonymous on November 22nd 2013

Try Elecman, Megaman and Shadowman :-)

user icon ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ contributing user on February 11th 2016


user icon Anonymous on June 27th 2018

used the metroid ones for almost 2 years now, couldn't be happier with them

user icon Anonymous
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