Applefan's Art - sets #1-20

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Icon and cursor sets by Applefan

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Pacman & Blinky TeaserPacman & Blinky Cursors
by Applefan3633A set of cursors from the classic game pacman
Wii Pointers TeaserWii Pointers Cursors
by Applefan12kA set of cursors of the pointer in the wii menu. I just upoad this se...
Megaman TeaserMegaman Cursors
by Applefan3805A set of cursors of the classic game Megaman for NES. Edited: Dr. Wil...
Excitebike TeaserExcitebike Cursors
by Applefan701A Little set of cursors from the very classic game for NES Excitebike.
Multicolor Kirbys TeaserMulticolor Kirbys Cursors
by Applefan4980In a boring day i have the idea to paint kirby cursors in four differ...
Paper Mario TeaserPaper Mario Cursors
by Applefan5148A set with the characters of super paper mario for wii.
Super Mario Kart TeaserSuper Mario Kart Cursors
by Applefan4735A Mario Kart cursors set.
Super Mario RPG TeaserSuper Mario RPG Cursors
by Applefan4612After a few weeks without doing any cursors. Now i present to you my ...
Megaman 7 TeaserMegaman 7 Cursors
by Applefan962Now the blue bomber is in 16-bits only for you.
Megaman X TeaserMegaman X Cursors
by Applefan8163I have done the classic megaman cursors, but why not do the X series?...
Super Mario World TeaserSuper Mario World Cursors
by Applefan8083The Italian plumber now is back in his great 16-bits. Extra cursors s...
Super Metroid TeaserSuper Metroid Cursors
by Applefan2789In honor of the new metroid game i gave to you a set of cursors of on...
Megaman Robots Masters (1 to 6) TeaserMegaman Robots Masters (1 to 6) Cursors
by Applefan1433As you may know, i love megaman,so i have taken my time to create eve...
Mushroom Kingdom Fusion Link (Link-Fierce Deity-Zero-Cloud) TeaserMushroom Kingdom Fusion Link (Link-Fierce Deity-Zero-Cloud) Cursors
by Applefan4505Have you played MKFusion? That game is great!!higly recomended. i hav...
"New Old Super Mario Bros." Teaser"New Old Super Mario Bros." Cursors
by Applefan11ki was able to continue my work and finish the mario cursors in a frie...
Bass(Mega Man) TeaserBass(Mega Man) Cursors
by Applefan1733A new set that i was working in. Bass the eternal rival from Mega Man...
ProtoMan(Mega Man Series) TeaserProtoMan(Mega Man Series) Cursors
by Applefan1677One more set of Mega Man themed cursors, this time i have created a P...
Tales Of Symphonia TeaserTales Of Symphonia Icons
by Applefan567This icons are a request for Tails the Fox. I really don't know anyth...
Bomberman TeaserBomberman Cursors
by Applefan1380After a long time of inactivity, clarkey_96 sent me a request for doi...
B&W Pokéballs TeaserB&W Pokéballs Cursors
by Applefan5334After a REALLY long time trying to recover my work from my dead compu...
Vista & Win 7 icons
I wish there were...
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