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jojois74 (2011-11-07 00:07:06 / 4 stars):

Nice. I like the busy one. Nice glow effect. How did you make it. Change the neon to green or somthin?

Cameron (2011-11-07 10:06:30 / 4 stars):

i like these they have a nice glowing effect and altogether are inventive :-)

Ricon (2011-11-08 02:57:05):

You are always the first two people!
Make your own!
Use the line tool to make an arrow-pointing shape.
Then you go to the "drop shadow" and make the density 300.
After you do that you can set it to green.
After you finish the shadow dropping it looks like it is glowing.
Next go to bevel effect. Select the amount of 15 and direction
in the upper-right perspective.
Now you've got your own!

Tails the fox (2011-11-09 18:27:11 / 5 stars):

i love this kind of stuff

Unknown author (2011-11-09 23:06:34):

:-) pretty cool dude :-)

clarkey_96 (2011-11-15 10:32:52 / 2.5 stars):

they r uneven and wonky

Unknown author (2011-11-22 22:11:55):


stripeycat100 (2012-02-03 15:22:55 / 0.5 stars):


Unknown author (2012-04-23 14:54:26):

nicely done but it needs more animations. lolz-anthony

SYNTHCRѺ (2012-08-03 18:10:44 / 2.5 stars):

they are all uneven and the hot spot in the text select cursor is in the wrong place.


Ricon (2012-08-08 02:25:20):

haven't been here in a long time

Jason (2013-03-07 23:23:06 / 2.5 stars):

I like the cool green glow effect but I think you could make some of them a little better drawn.

OMCE (2014-01-05 22:52:41 / 3 stars):

Yeah, kinda uneven.

AJaxx (2016-04-06 19:01:40 / 0.5 stars):

This set could use some tlc. Someone described them as 'wonky' and it's true. You have the right idea, just needed to execute it better. People still downloaded them, though...

AJaxx (2016-05-29 17:18:35):

I gotta take back the two stars dude, these cursors are trash! Sorry.

Unknown author (2018-10-14 05:07:53):

Some detail may of been needed but never the less was not bad, not great but good

Unknown author (2022-04-05 10:21:34):

like shit

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