NEOC (2012-03-18 16:46:43 / 5 stars):
¿Pero si no son sprites de GBA Rayman 2? Matias0211 (2012-03-18 16:52:32):
De hecho, los conseguí como emoticones, los sprites me salían demasiados chicos jajajaja. Nintendo (2012-03-19 04:25:25 / 5 stars):
i don't mean to be a hater but these look like there copied from icons sorry that's why 3 stars oh well i cant resist to give a good friend 5 stars Matias0211 (2012-03-19 14:37:09):
Jajajaja, thanks you! Unknown author (2012-03-19 15:10:39):
sosnh (2012-03-28 03:41:32 / 5 stars):
I absolutouly adore these Rayman cursors. They look so good, and the animations made me laugh. Good Job. 5/5 I could really use these cursors to make a professional Windows 7/XP theme. I think your work is fantastic from what I have seen. CARNAGE_1066 (2012-04-04 15:47:39 / 5 stars):
Estos cursores estan genial,me encanto el de ajuste horizontal. Recuerdo que jugaba rayman 2 en el gba,5 estrellas matias! Virum64 (2012-04-11 15:19:00 / 5 stars):
Bon boulot, mec ! SoaringEagle789 (2012-06-28 18:52:04):
MAD on cartoon network made a spoof of rayman and everybody loves raymond. they call it "everybody loves rayman" cdl (2013-01-23 04:24:26 / 4 stars):
he looks something like Rayman, maybe a cross between Rayman and woody woodpecker.. he looks like he is doing what Rayman does but he is so tiny it is difficult to see for sure.. i still like the concept and appreciate the effort. Unknown author (2013-04-12 01:59:48):
q geniales estan vos Rigby5001 (2013-04-12 23:45:11):
jajaja que buenos estan jjajaja Unknown author (2013-04-23 04:39:43):
[español] corre corre corre corazon que se icnifica ese cursors ni me sirve yo quiero cursors buenos y capos thekittyperson (2014-02-09 18:50:20 / 5 stars):
Awesome! Unknown author (2021-08-27 17:49:34):
rayman é o meu jogo favorito, um dos melhores jogos de plataforma! Unknown author (2021-10-30 01:24:21):
rayman gf hot Unknown author (2024-01-25 01:15:18):
Unknown author (2025-01-26 07:30:22):
im literally from the future |