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NEOC (2012-03-18 16:46:43 / 5 stars):

¿Pero si no son sprites de GBA Rayman 2?
¡Es un muy buen trabajo, el tamaño no importa, la calidad es apreciable!
¡Y de nuevo has sido creativo! Qué quieres que te diga, el de Ajuste Horizontal es muy genial… Sigue así.

Matias0211 (2012-03-18 16:52:32):

De hecho, los conseguí como emoticones, los sprites me salían demasiados chicos jajajaja.
Muchas gracias! :-)

Nintendo (2012-03-19 04:25:25 / 5 stars):

i don't mean to be a hater but these look like there copied from icons sorry that's why 3 stars

oh well i cant resist to give a good friend 5 stars :-)

Matias0211 (2012-03-19 14:37:09):

Jajajaja, thanks you! :-)

Unknown author (2012-03-19 15:10:39):


sosnh (2012-03-28 03:41:32 / 5 stars):

I absolutouly adore these Rayman cursors. They look so good, and the animations made me laugh. Good Job. 5/5 8-)

I could really use these cursors to make a professional Windows 7/XP theme. I think your work is fantastic from what I have seen. ;-)

CARNAGE_1066 (2012-04-04 15:47:39 / 5 stars):

Estos cursores estan genial,me encanto el de ajuste horizontal. Recuerdo que jugaba rayman 2 en el gba,5 estrellas matias! :-D

Virum64 (2012-04-11 15:19:00 / 5 stars):

icon-image/7112-32x32x32.png image Me gustan !
Estos punteros me encantan !

Bon boulot, mec ! icon-image/7106-32x32x32.png image

SoaringEagle789 (2012-06-28 18:52:04):

MAD on cartoon network made a spoof of rayman and everybody loves raymond. they call it "everybody loves rayman"

cdl (2013-01-23 04:24:26 / 4 stars):

he looks something like Rayman, maybe a cross between Rayman and woody woodpecker.. he looks like he is doing what Rayman does but he is so tiny it is difficult to see for sure.. i still like the concept and appreciate the effort.
good job! animations are great!

Unknown author (2013-04-12 01:59:48):

q geniales estan vos 8-)

Rigby5001 (2013-04-12 23:45:11):

jajaja que buenos estan jjajaja 8-)

Unknown author (2013-04-23 04:39:43):

[español] corre corre corre corazon que se icnifica ese cursors ni me sirve yo quiero cursors buenos y capos 8-) eso es |-) malditos cursores ;-)

thekittyperson (2014-02-09 18:50:20 / 5 stars):

Awesome! icon-image/7105-16x16x32.png image icon-image/7105-16x16x32.png image icon-image/7105-16x16x32.png image

Unknown author (2021-08-27 17:49:34):

rayman é o meu jogo favorito, um dos melhores jogos de plataforma!

Unknown author (2021-10-30 01:24:21):

rayman gf hot

Unknown author (2024-01-25 01:15:18):


Unknown author (2025-01-26 07:30:22):

im literally from the future :-( :-( :3

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