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Matias0211 (2012-04-06 22:42:34 / 5 stars):

:yao ming: :-D jajajaja good!! :-D troll face no salio tan igual, pero increible como los hiciste!! muy buenos te felicito :-D -... espero que los hayas hecho vos jajajaja :-) pero muy buenos! :-D

Unknown author (2012-04-06 23:25:14):

Hehe, I've been waiting for cursors like this :-D They are genius, but the troll face and "Bitch please" look a little herpderp xD

CARNAGE_1066 (2012-04-07 02:29:35 / 5 stars):

Hey , this set is very cool and cool i liked the faces , but some faces didnt have the feeling..of the normal memes. troll face and serious dont look very like the normal ones,the other ones are better.

juanello (2012-04-07 06:50:59 / 3 stars):

nice |-)

Unknown author (2012-04-07 18:41:36):

these are stupid

NEOC (2012-04-07 19:00:21 / 5 stars):

No need to explain why 5 stars.

Virum64 (2012-04-07 21:45:22):

If you want, I can convert them into icons so that you can use them as emoticons.
cursor-37896 LoL

JDDellGuy (2012-04-09 20:31:23):

That would be a cool idea Virum 64. Maybe make them into large icons. Icons tend to work better for images such as these.

Virum64 (2012-04-09 20:36:45):

OK, I'll do that. cursor-37891

Virum64 (2012-04-10 21:47:07):

icon-image/7111-32x32x32.png image Icon set is finished.
Link in the description icon-image/7112-32x32x32.png image

Vlasta (2012-04-10 22:01:32):

just a quick note - no url on rw-designer ends with /

Teddy (2012-04-16 09:07:13 / 4 stars):

this made my day.
awesomeness, but not perfect ^^

Unknown author (2012-04-23 03:49:28):

awesome :-D

Unknown author (2012-04-26 23:01:08):

finally a decent meme cursor set! hell yeah!!! :-D :-D :-D

Unknown author (2012-04-28 21:07:16):


Virum64 (2012-05-19 13:44:12):

May 19th 2012, 13:40 GMT +1:

3rd: LOL with 226 downloads icon-image/7111-32x32x32.png image Lol

2nd: Me Gusta with 239 downloads icon-image/7112-32x32x32.png image Me Gusta

1st: Troll Face with 477 downloads !!! icon-image/7116-32x32x32.png image Problem ?

And the last one with only 37 downloads: icon-image/7113-32x32x32.png image Okay...

Unknown author (2012-07-05 05:25:35):


Unknown author (2012-08-04 20:45:06):

comment on telechargé trollface svp

Virum64 (2012-08-04 20:51:36):

Clique dessus puis clique sur "Download" (=télécharger).

Unknown author (2012-10-21 02:07:22):

el mejor mejor fue es y sera "me gusta"

Unknown author (2012-11-09 22:08:02):



Unknown author (2012-11-13 13:13:45):

(=te'le'charger=) ;-) :-D

thekittyperson (2012-11-19 16:45:13 / 5 stars):

What is (=te'le'charger=) ?

Virum64 (2012-11-19 16:48:02):

Télécharger = Download (in french)

MaxiGamer™ (2012-11-20 01:21:45 / 4.5 stars):

Tes curseurs sont magnifiques. Bravo!
Mais j'aurais bien apprécié si tu aurais mis quelques jeux d'ombres et de lumières. Mais ce n'est qu'une suggestion, libre à toi de décider de leur apparence. :-D

Bubblez (2012-11-28 02:23:23 / 5 stars):

I like how you have an icon set and a cursor set good job! :-D

oriolego (2012-11-29 01:33:56):


Unknown author (2013-02-01 23:01:29):

:-D great

Unknown author (2013-02-17 14:38:51):

cursor-37889 :-D

Unknown author (2013-03-10 11:30:54):

how do u aply the cursour?

wait nvm to what i just said b4

Unknown author (2013-05-10 18:27:50):

you go 2 the starter button and click control pannel then click sounds and devices then u click mouse then pointers then brows and it will bring you to the folders area where u can pick what 1 u want ;-) does that help a little?

Unknown author (2013-05-12 20:47:10):

How to remove the courser ? O.O

juanello (2013-09-09 17:54:27):

yess my friend,jejeje. :-D

Unknown author (2013-09-28 23:18:06):

niiiiiiiiice :-D :-D :-D

thekittyperson (2013-10-17 01:03:44):

icon-image/7105-16x16x32.png image

Unknown author (2013-10-24 22:18:41):

hahahaha so nice :-D

Unknown author (2013-11-28 02:49:11):

hahahaha so funny

Unknown author (2014-01-11 00:08:57):

How do you chnage it!?

Unknown author (2014-02-20 16:56:05):

this is the coolest!!! :-D

Unknown author (2014-04-07 17:55:02):

epic ! :-D

Unknown author (2014-06-03 22:40:15):

You can only change cursors on windows 7,well that's all i know how to do these cursors are the best I am so into memes right now :-) and for sure this is the best cursor pack ever!!!!!!!! :-D

LOL Yet I don't have any downloaded...

Unknown author (2014-12-18 13:40:57):

you got no friends you want some

Unknown author (2015-06-05 02:32:26):

8-) 8-)

:-) funny

JacK (2015-07-21 04:51:44 / 4.5 stars):

Cool awesome work, make some more cursors with different 'meme' type things. :-D

Unknown author (2015-08-14 12:45:47):


Unknown author (2015-10-30 01:49:51):

Legal bem LOKO! :-D :-) :-D

Unknown author (2015-11-13 15:26:59):

love it make more your the best

Unknown author (2016-04-22 00:13:24):

Its just like jumbo :-D :-D

Unknown author (2016-05-01 17:40:32):

need epic face meme then amazing

Unknown author (2016-06-01 01:48:32):



Unknown author (2016-08-17 19:48:22):

i cant get it

Unknown author (2016-09-03 02:25:36):

I like troll

Unknown author (2016-09-29 19:10:53):

hehe balls

acedude36 (2016-10-02 20:03:34 / 3 stars):

good, but keeps on glitching when i use it

Unknown author (2016-10-24 03:39:08):

omg this is the greatest!!!!! (o-0)

Unknown author (2016-12-10 22:17:02):

I like it, but i cant use it. I already did this once and it says my mouse is corrupted, please help.

rhayhangamerz03 (2017-01-17 08:37:10 / 5 stars):


Unknown author (2017-02-02 13:04:06):


Unknown author (2017-05-12 13:31:41):

I love these cursors! 8-)

Unknown author (2017-07-02 09:09:21):

i am like kontol memmek aku suka ewean setiap pagi

Unknown author (2017-07-12 06:47:11):


Unknown author (2017-07-15 18:22:02):

awesome! nice work!

Unknown author (2017-07-31 09:49:01):

( ° ʖ °)

Unknown author (2017-09-05 14:38:47):

I literally died cuz every time I see the poker face I fall on the floor crying ( ^ω^ )

Unknown author (2018-01-08 00:43:38):

guys its 2017 please stop

Unknown author (2018-02-16 01:08:30):

yaaaaassss!!!! miss these old memes!!!!1111 :3 ^_^

Unknown author (2018-02-16 01:09:04):

omg is there a minecraft cursor xd

Unknown author (2018-10-15 18:05:02):

boi dis be pretty cool and good

Unknown author (2018-10-26 05:20:35):


Unknown author (2018-10-30 21:48:10):

finally a good cursor site

Unknown author (2018-11-23 14:33:35):

epic cruisor !! 8-)

Unknown author (2018-12-09 23:13:26):


Unknown author (2019-01-12 18:16:38):

guys its 2019 please stop

Unknown author (2019-02-22 21:21:51):

yo dis co coo it be da coolest boi

Unknown author (2019-03-18 22:14:34):

i love it thx y

Unknown author (2019-05-23 15:28:15):


hello gamers back from 2012 coming back for some memes

Unknown author (2019-06-20 01:50:23):

meu pau ta durassob :-)
eun to comendo uma mina

Unknown author (2019-07-31 20:43:47):

it's time to fucking stop it's 2019

Unknown author (2019-09-12 01:02:27):

it was posted in 2012 so.. |-)

Unknown author (2019-10-30 20:24:40):

no u kid your adopted.

Unknown author (2019-11-21 21:18:53):

Im using the cursor right now lol.

So time to do a table for the classification of this cursor.


Dont tell to me this is not the table you all want to see ;-)

Unknown author (2019-11-22 01:24:56):

Hi, this is a connection test

click this link to reset the page if Troll Face doesnt load or doesnt appear.

icon-7116 If Troll Face appear or loaded then that means you have connection! :D

Congratulations! Your not poor!! :DD

If Troll Face doesnt appear that means your poor and you dont have money to buy a rooter, you poor player ;-)

=== Extra: If you dont have money to buy a rooter, dont worry! Click this link to instantly go to view about the rooter :DDD ==

This is a gamer test

Just to probe if your very gamer or not

GAMER TESTAlwaysEvery dayOftenSometimesNever
How many times do you play????????????????
How many times do you losed????????????????

Just tell to me and i will know instantly if your VERY GAMER or not ;)

=== Extra: If you want to be more gamer, play more times games xD ==

=== Second Extra: In the part of How many times do you losed? im saying that how many times are you losing. ==

Unknown author (2019-11-22 13:34:35):


GAMER TESTAlwaysEvery DayOftenSometimesNever
How many times do you play?...????????????
How many times do you losed???????...??????

Oh, and when i clicked the link for the routers it appears WE COULDNT FIND THAT PAGE.

That mean that i dont have connection so the page doesnt load? ;(

Unknown author (2019-11-22 14:08:19):

icon-4259 icon-4255 icon-4269
icon-4247 icon-4258 icon-4257 icon-4263
icon-4254 icon-4252 icon-4255 icon-4255
icon-4256 icon-4248






Unknown author (2019-11-24 00:46:52):

Anoymous, ur very gamer but no more than a medium-expert gamer xD

Oh, and stop the spam plz.

If the rooter page doesnt appear that means your poor and you dont have money to buy one or have one :)

This text is an image, if you dont trust me then drag this text, move it to a new window and look the URL in the part that says "this is an image lol".

Answer to me if the text-image appeared xd

Unknown author (2020-02-21 17:55:42):

plz stop spammin d:

Unknown author (2020-05-13 16:30:27):


Unknown author (2020-12-21 03:26:15):

usin a chromebook so it dont work

follow jaysac.reyes on tiktok! comment "epic chungus" for a shoutout on tiktok!

BAZZI (2021-02-24 05:16:56):


Unknown author (2021-03-20 23:34:27):

f to pay respects

Unknown author (2021-05-29 16:48:05):

i have a bad feeling about this :-(

Unknown author (2021-06-11 09:03:33):


Unknown author (2021-06-21 16:29:12):
-) 8-) :-o :-( :-( :-D :-) ;-)
Unknown author (2021-07-22 12:05:35):


Unknown author (2021-12-02 21:34:42):


Unknown author (2021-12-31 23:50:59):


Unknown author (2022-08-29 08:04:30):


Unknown author (2022-09-25 18:38:40):


Unknown author (2023-02-26 03:46:13):

I like it

Unknown author (2023-09-18 18:39:15):

thats just lol

Unknown author (2023-10-04 18:57:33):


Unknown author (2023-11-09 13:23:49):

hehe 8-) 8-) 8-)

Unknown author (2024-02-12 21:57:17):


Who thinks memes should be a tradition 8-)

Unknown author (2024-03-07 21:14:39):

:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

Unknown author (2024-09-10 23:34:45):

w cursors lmao

Unknown author (2024-10-11 00:33:11):

--- ___
0 0


Unknown author (2024-11-01 18:03:11):

awesome as fuclkkkkkkkkkkk :-D :-D :-D :-D

Unknown author (2024-11-04 01:14:06):

i fcking love these

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