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Matias0211 (2012-04-09 01:16:56 / 4 stars):

Mi hermano se compró la 3DS en alemania ... y se compro el zelda de 3DS ... no sabés como me paso HORAS jugandolo jajajaja muy buenos cursores :-) los únicos que no rescato ... son las diagonales y el de selección de link , pero los demás me gustan !! :-) asi que te dejo 4 estrellas!

Nintendo (2012-04-09 06:38:04 / 5 stars):

These are really nice and great graphic i knew you could draw but i never knew you could do all this :-)

NEOC (2012-04-09 23:00:16):

Thanks a lot for the very good rating ;-)

sixλxis (2012-04-11 12:08:18 / 4 stars):

The precision cursor blurs during its animation, you can avoid this by individually rotating only the first frame with higher increments each time.

NEOC (2012-04-11 23:20:26):

Yes, I know, but I realized too late. Note that those cursors were made two years ago, when I had less experience.

SoaringEagle789 (2012-05-06 01:54:20 / 3 stars):

i rate 3 stars for the effort.

i've never played the game before tho. what i would advise is to make the normal select cursor have an arrow so that my mom doesn't get confused, she gets confused over where hotspots are on cursors with no arrows

NEOC (2012-05-06 21:13:46):

The normal select is Navi, because in the game, when you point the Wii Remote Control at the screen, Navi represents the pointer…

And, yes, my mom also gets confused with no-arrow shaped cursors.

Jason (2013-03-06 07:13:39 / 4.5 stars):

I put the zelda-busy as mine and every time it comes on I watch how far it gets before it gos back to normal. good job

ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2013-03-19 11:03:18 / 5 stars):

Me encantan!!!
Espero ver más de tu trabajo
No te pierdas

Saludos desde Puerto Rico

Unknown author (2014-08-19 00:31:16):

bacana, mas poderia dar uma melhorada nas direçoes e no selecionar link...(não confundir com o personagem) ;-)

Bear (2014-10-09 05:10:57 / 3.5 stars):


Unknown author (2014-10-30 10:07:17):

Thanks, will try it out.

Unknown author (2015-05-05 09:55:56):

I love it! its one of the few legend of Zelda group cursors that I actually love! I enjor the animations and with the working one i'm tempted to overwork my computer so that it takes forever just to watch those hearts go up ;-)
call me a noob though(even though ive been playing legend of Zelda for years) I cant figure out the typing one, off the top of my head I don't know what it is.

Unknown author (2015-05-05 10:28:33):

I love it,i was wondering though if you could make a non-animated set of these though, it drains my battery if their animated. I understand if you don't want to.

Unknown author (2015-12-07 21:32:17):

cool 8-)

Unknown author (2022-10-19 17:39:16):

que trucho


xTikans (2024-05-14 21:07:53 / 4 stars):

not really a fan of zelda but i am of the wii and other sh but this is cool too

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