Daniel W. (2012-04-10 18:40:11 / 4.5 stars):
Not bad at all for a first set! You made all 15 roles, which is really good, and you kept a consistent design, which is also a good practice. If it were me, I think I would use the same animation for working and busy. The two you have are really similar but still to different things. Good job on making the lighting always come from the same direction too! Matias0211 (2012-04-10 20:48:31 / 4 stars):
Wow! very good! a good image quality congratulations!. If they are animated, I can not see because at the moment I'm using Safari... but really good. I guess I must be the busy turning jajajaja sixλxis (2012-04-11 12:06:17 / 4 stars):
A decent set right off the bat. Good work. Try using the shape tools to make perfect circles. Nintendo (2012-04-12 04:07:48):
cool , nice set. Lost Girl (2012-04-12 11:10:17 / 5 stars):
I like these. The 3-D(i think I have a flea in my keyborad) effect is good. I like the quality of this set as well. If you don't mind me saying this, and I mean it very nicely, they could do with a bit of patching up. Unknown author (2012-04-14 21:27:58):
brilliant cursors i mean oh dear chrisi9912 (2012-04-14 23:53:42):
.........cool............ JDDellGuy (2012-04-25 07:42:58 / 3 stars):
It's actually not too bad. Not my style, simple, but it's definitely functional- something that's a big deal to me. The blue color helps keep the theme consistent. The only one that isn't really blue is the alternate cursor. I would recommend trying to find a different way to specify it's role other than the color. It makes it not match as well. It would be really nice as well, if you would specify the role of each cursor. Vlasta makes a tool that's really handy for applying many cursors at once, but that function of it doesn't work unless you specify the roles of your cursors. Keep up the good work, keep trying, and I'm sure you'll get even better! Unknown author (2012-04-26 22:00:45):
cdl (2013-05-29 09:23:12 / 3 stars):
JDDellGuy makes some valid points. Come back and show us another set. Unknown author (2014-02-03 13:20:10):
met nay frozen daitalos (2016-01-05 00:26:13 / 4 stars):
MinecraftGirl1227 (2016-02-15 16:22:59 / 5 stars):
I like it, and here are some tips to make better cursors. Unknown author (2022-06-20 00:50:28):
idk how to get it bc im a school |