Lost Girl's profile

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Lost Girl's profile

View Lost Girl's timeline, last visit on June 7th 2012

Contact card

Lost Girl's picture
Alternate email:tonirumbel9@gmail.com
Alternate email:flygirl_145@hotmail.com

Hey everyone! My name's Toni Rumbel and I'm 17 years old. I love to read, write stories, pull things apart, bushwalk and write poetry. My favourite books to read at the moment are historical war books (preferably from the 19th century onwards.). The stories I usually write are war ones, but I do write romance novels, action and adventrue novels and novels about racisim and prejudice. You can see the books I write at the following website:

  I'm a secondary school student and a history enthusiast. I love everything to do with military history from the 20th century and on and when I finish school, I want to either work with special education people or be in the naval forces.

Feel free to send me a PM regarding cursor/ software design.
Toni Rumbel

Featured art


Gradient Cursors (5 cursors)

Released on June 6th 2012 by Lost Girl

This is my first cursor set that actually uses gradient colours.

Latest art

Gradient Clock TeaserGradient Clock Cursors
by Lost Girl608This is a floow-up of my gradient cursors. Enjoy!
Gradient TeaserGradient Cursors
by Lost Girl1208This is my first cursor set that actually uses gradient colours. Enjoy!
Mario Star TeaserMario Star Cursors
by Lost Girl1164This image was taken off Google images and I used it as the basis for...
Brown and Green TeaserBrown and Green Cursors
by Lost Girl152This is my first cursor set. Please tell me what you think.
Multi Stripes TeaserMulti Stripes Cursors
by Lost Girl284This is a set I've just thought up, using the RW Designer cursor as a...
Racing Flag TeaserRacing Flag Cursors
by Lost Girl77This is a set I'm currenlty working on. It may be a while before it's...
Bicoloured Stripes TeaserBicoloured Stripes Cursors
by Lost Girl805This is a set that I'm going to be working on during the next few wee...
Arrows TeaserArrows Cursors
by Lost Girl288This i different cursor arrows.
Diamond TeaserDiamond Cursors
by Lost Girl217This is a diamond set that I\'ve made because I have nothing to do. P...
Love Hearts TeaserLove Hearts Cursors
by Lost Girl1520Love heart cursors for all those love-doves out there!

Show all icon and cursor sets.

Forum topics, where Lost Girl participated

Recent comments

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user icon Lost Girl registered user on May 2nd 2012


user icon Anonymous registered user on May 5th 2012

I Like Pulling Things Apart Too. I Have PC That Is In Pieces. But I'm Sorry I Did It Now :-(

user icon Lost Girl registered user on May 6th 2012

You're stupid for doing that. Is there any chance of fixing it?

user icon absterninja registered user on May 14th 2012

I finally finished your icon set. I hope you like them!

user icon cdl contributing user on September 4th 2012

my fav in the blog is "old tuna sandwich"..
from yesterday even! OMG! def eew!, double EEW!!

makes me lol though.. hope you didn't eat it!
icon-image/6385-32x32x32.png image

user icon hunter17p registered user on October 28th 2014

racism is freaking my old friend(no longer friends with)called a black guy on the bus n****r then got beat up 2 days later

user icon SoaringEagle789 registered user on June 24th 2015

Hey, Lost Girl. It's me, that guy who used to be SoaringEagle. I decided to change my username. What do you think of my new icon?

user icon Anonymous on January 19th

damn your're like 30 years old now bruh.

user icon Corben registered user on January 30th


user icon Mr. X registered user on March 4th

Shes 30 now...

Dang, 13 years ago, its crazy...

user icon Anonymous
I wish there were...
Vista & Win 7 icons
Select background
What about ICL files?