How Do You Format on this Website? - RealWorld forums

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How Do You Format on this Website?

How do you do underlines, strike-throughs, bold, italics, headings and so on?
Lost Girl
on April 12th 2012

I want to pretty up my forums and blogs on this website. The question is this:

Anyone that can help me with this should. I've been itching to find out how to do this for ages now!

on April 12th 2012

all formatting options that can be used on pages, blog posts, forum posts or comments are described here

Lost Girl
on April 12th 2012

Thank you, you're a huge help Vlasta. Of course, that's what you're here for, isn't it? :-D

Lost Girl
on April 12th 2012


I've got it, haven't I?

Lost Girl
on April 12th 2012

Got it!

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