I need new cursor set suggestions! - RealWorld forums

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I need new cursor set suggestions!

Lost Girl
on April 3rd 2011

To the general public,
I'm out of ideas for a cursor set. :-( Any crew help would be highly apreciated. :-D
Cheers crew, <3
Danny Rivetti :-)

on April 3rd 2011

How about Mario or some other video game guy?
I'm currently working on a Kirby set.. Look for it soon! :-D

Lost Girl
on April 3rd 2011

Thanks, but I'll have to draw it by hand :-). Will love heart ones do?
Btw, they'll be a little low on quality because I'm using the web-creator.

on April 3rd 2011

Anything would do, but why do you use the web creator if you have an account? Are you not allowed to download it?

Lost Girl
on April 8th 2011

I'm not allowed to dowload it. icon-image/4583-16x16x32.png image. You see, the Technical Support Officer at school set the computers up so that only he could install programs on it. icon-image/4583-16x16x32.png image . It really sucks because I can only use the online cursor editor. icon-image/4587-16x16x32.png image . I'm pretty pleased with my work, but others aren't judging from the lack of downloads of my cursors. icon-image/4583-16x16x32.png image .
I really wish I COULD download the proper version.icon-image/4575-16x16x32.png image

on April 8th 2011

Just download the portable version at home and use it on your flash drive.

Lost Girl
on April 10th 2011

I don't have one. Sides, I doubt it would work.

on July 5th 2011

It would would actually.

I've done things like that before where I have downloaded portable versions of things on my flash-drive and used them on school's computers (although your school's network may be different...)
And then there is the problem about not having a flash-drive...
I'm just saying that if you got one, it would probably work.

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