Cursor Set - Mario Star

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Mario Star Cursors

Mario Star
  • Published on June 6th 2012 by .
  • Released under the NonCommercial Usage Only (CC nc) license.
1.8 out of 5 stars. (2 reviews) Log-in to add your review.

This image was taken off Google images and I used it as the basis for my set.
All rights are given to the original artist.


by Lost Girl

See also

Gradient TeaserGradient Cursors
by Lost Girl1199This is my first cursor set that actually uses gradient colours. Enjoy!
Gradient Clock TeaserGradient Clock Cursors
by Lost Girl606This is a floow-up of my gradient cursors. Enjoy!
My Very Non-Cohesive TeaserMy Very Non-Cohesive Cursors
by Neelix251This is just all of my cursors. =3
Bunch'o'Guitars TeaserBunch'o'Guitars Cursors
by Knackers1431its my 2nd group and its 3 guitars

Recent reviews and comments

user icon Anonymous on June 8th 2012

The stars look great and all, but the first thing I noticed was that the active point thing, the part of the cursor that clicks, is constantly moving. That sort of makes the cursor difficult to use.

Well, so, yeah... Good Luck :-)

user icon SYNTHCRѺ contributing user on September 19th 2012

When you use the cursor the hot spot (not active point) will not move the image just moves around it. So, it will look better when being used.


user icon oriolego registered user on September 21st 2012

3 out of 5 stars.

I like where youre going with this, but its only 3 so far and you said yourself the images were from google. |-)

user icon cdl contributing user on October 15th 2012

0.5 out of 5 stars.

i agree with oriolego..
Google images...
a star is an easy item to make, why not make your own?

user icon cdl contributing user on January 29th 2013

0.5 out of 5 stars.

Okay, I waited for you to do something else with the set for months. I am still waiting but since you don't seem to be willing to do anything else I will submit my rating now...
Then there is the issue of not knowing if the image was protected under a copy right.. being as you just grabbed it from google search... icon-image/8383-24x24x32.png image

user icon Anonymous on January 23rd

yeah i think everyone agrees that this just sucks. |-) big letdown.

user icon Anonymous