Internert Explorer is currently the only browser capable of using custom cursors. There are multiple ways how to specify cursor for your web page or for a section of a web page:
The html code contains a link to the library and it must be left intact. The link text may be modified to better suit the nature of your web, but it must not be hidden (do not try to trick the system, it'll only make things worse). If this rule is broken, your web site will be banned from using the cursors. If your custom cursor is not working, check the list of currently banned sites.
martins-school-of-motoring.piczo.com portaldosul.blogspot.com runecraftworld.piczo.com puc1968.blogspot.com thebloodshadow.blogspot.com powerscape.ipbfree.com inmetrofu.blogspot.com stamp-zaa.hi5.com supreme-entity.forumfree.net mylittlediva.com rand-um.info hogwartsmito.forumcommunity.net kingandqueenco.com trulyknowingyou.blogspot.com tokiohotelofficial.ning.com massachusetts.mc-templarknights.com scapel3.smfforfree4.com matnauchandai.vnweblogs.com helpabit.co.cc lorganizzazioneoscura.forumcommunity.net flotaargentina.activoforo.com myelectricdrug.multiply.com alicantina.mforos.com cantinhodoblogger.blogspot.com sophiex3.multiply.com blogs.mail.ru/mail/well1508 blogs.mail.ru/mail/angel24ru blogs.mail.ru/mail/evdokya_k satriogame.blogspot.com discohirephilippines.blogspot.com elizapazza.splinder.com livresarrajou.blogspot.com livebythecreed.forumfree.it thomasthetankenginefriends.blogspot.com pkerscape1.darkbb.com alijram.ace.st ndshgss.forumcommunity.net clan-the-lxd.forumactif.com crazyhackworld.forumfree.it rsclient1.piczo.com shediaclobsterfestival.ca op7ix.com inolvidablecandy.foros-activos.es nexonhacked.forum-free.ca serendipitousworld.multiply.com pokemonadventure.forumcommunity.net esnarutoworld.esforos.com daily-dinkal.com satriogame.blogspot.com summerscape.forumotion.com sha-as.blogspot.com clanepsilon.info macro44.blog25.fc2.com ameblo.jp hermidastours.foroactivo.net surferdude182.tumblr.com s3.amazonaws.com soderolas.blogspot.com brky.6te.net roludosegostosos.blogspot.com coowool.com es.gearsofwar.wikia.com xtremefusionfall.forumotion.com rockehumor.tumblr.com deus-ex-machina.eklablog.com kumoame8018.tumblr.com anivide.com/user/xFadedKnightx pvzcc.wikia.com
If you want to unban a site, make sure it follows the rules, then create one new original and high quality cursor and add it to the library and send a polite email to info@rw-designer.com asking to unban your web site url and mentioning the added cursor. Why do you need to add a cursor? Because it takes time to ban or unban a site. If you do not get a response and your site is not unbanned, you are still breaking the rules or your cursor was not worth the time to check your site again.
If you are using external .css file, you can specify cursor from there. Add the following
line to the element that you want to use the custom cursor. If you want to set cursor
of the entire page, add the line to the BODY
cursor:url("<url of your cursor>");
If you cannot or do not want to modify your .css file, put the following code to the header of your page:
<style type="text/css">
BODY { cursor:url("<url of your cursor>"); }
Alternatively, you can directly modify the style of an element on your page like this:
...<body style="cursor:url(<url of your cursor>)" >...
You should upload a cursor file to your web server in the same way as you upload images, audio or video files. Once you have uploaded your cursor, replace the <url of your cursor> placeholder with the actual url of your cursor (for example /MyCursor.ani).
If you are not in full control of your web server or simply cannot upload the cursors, you are permitted to use the cursors directly from this server. Follow these guidelines:
Locate the cursor in the library - the first cell in the table shows a preview of the cursor, its name, number of frames and the last information is the ID of the cursor - look for a number after ID:. Write this number down.
You already know how to modify your page to display custom cursors, the only thing left is to specify the <url of your cursor> field. Use the following text: http://www.rw-designer.com/cursor-extern.php?id=XXXX. The XXXX should of course be replaced by the identifier of the cursor.
If you are using this method, also place a link to this library or to the cursor set on your the page, where you are using the cursor.
Do not use the download url (cursor-download.php) directly. The downloads are counted and external links are disabled.
<style type="text/css">
body {cursor: url(http://www.rw-designer.com/cursor-extern.php?id=cursor_ID); }
<br />
<a href="http://www.rw-designer.com/cursor-library">RWG Open Cursor Archive</a>
<br />
! l0v3 th!5 w3b
what the hell is going on here <script>alret(1)</script>
Any one like one piece?
nummber 2 e
nice cursors
i love coding so much
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