joeioe (2012-05-21 02:10:27 / 5 stars):
I just simply love the Comix cursors and this fulfilled my hunger. Lizzzard01 (2012-05-23 02:10:30 / 4.5 stars):
Excellent work. I like how smoothly they flow with eachother. Keep up the good work. Unknown author (2012-06-17 01:56:36):
I really like this, but one thing that's really pissing me off about it is the fact that there is no "Move" cursor!!! Jason (2012-07-04 00:37:58):
nice color. Unknown author (2012-07-28 12:58:13):
Could you make a set in black and blue? That'd be awesome, thanks! JalexB (2012-09-16 15:11:44 / 4.5 stars):
You have been talking to Igor, Very good Waston AmberZen (2012-09-25 00:03:02 / 5 stars):
looking them over I like the red and black, I love the "wait" animation, I love them! So many ways these could be sooo cool with the right background wallpaper and without any! Did you know you made such a good set? Or were you like, "ah, wtheck I guess they are alright"? lol Unknown author (2012-12-05 14:20:20):
very nice! cdl (2013-01-10 19:42:15 / 4 stars):
These are small but the red and black rock on a black screen! Unknown author (2013-03-05 19:38:10):
very easy..thank you HNMunchey (2013-03-07 16:29:33 / 4.5 stars):
Nice job! Unknown author (2013-03-16 10:35:16):
how i can set all ?@!@ Unknown author (2013-05-25 18:12:42):
Very cool Unknown author (2014-01-20 10:09:32): do not work and alternate do not work please help Imagine (2014-10-23 18:48:07 / 4.5 stars):
not bad Unknown author (2015-05-03 05:32:51):
AWESOME!!!! Make more! daitalos (2016-01-04 12:33:20 / 4.5 stars):
All set comics is good..all colors AJaxx (2016-01-10 17:36:38 / 4 stars):
Yes, these cursors have been around for awhile. "Oldies but goldies." firstfooter ported the original set by jlue in 2006. teft & balaurul converted the sets from cursorfx to windows in 2008, in all the colors. jacksmafia did the same in 2010. People really like these cursors. Glad to see they migrated to real world. Unknown author (2016-06-21 04:38:39):
oh i love you Unknown author (2017-04-13 04:47:06):
muinto massa, mas só o botão de link que não está bom Unknown author (2017-06-05 18:59:28):
Best Cursor of the World Unknown author (2020-01-25 01:15:06):
really good Unknown author (2020-03-21 00:39:58):
its cool! Unknown author (2020-04-19 01:52:27):
the left move one dont work Unknown author (2020-09-21 12:40:55):
these cursors are sooooo awesome! Unknown author (2020-10-18 03:13:29):
perfect Unknown author (2020-12-05 14:02:48):
WOW Unknown author (2021-01-07 22:02:50):
cool Unknown author (2021-01-26 00:51:12):
Hello World! Unknown author (2021-02-06 20:41:40):
FUCK YEAH BOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Unknown author (2021-03-11 14:35:43):
Bom Unknown author (2021-03-29 14:52:39):
cute Unknown author (2021-10-22 05:57:25):
luv it Unknown author (2022-04-16 12:03:23):
EPIC Unknown author (2022-05-04 19:57:51):
soooooo good Unknown author (2023-03-11 13:31:53):
Unknown author (2023-07-29 10:54:39):
coool Unknown author (2025-01-02 13:17:26):
why to uparrow |