Unknown author (2012-09-15 17:51:18):
this is EPIC cdl (2013-01-23 05:17:34 / 1.5 stars):
Why are the busy and the working so refined and nearly perfect? I really like those two tardises! It is a shame that the rest of the set does not match. Unknown author (2013-03-22 01:49:28):
i love dr who Unknown author (2013-03-31 00:58:43):
Woop! xD Unknown author (2013-05-01 07:01:04):
EPIC Unknown author (2013-10-20 07:40:10):
dr who is the best and this is so sick i want all of them! Unknown author (2013-11-15 07:15:34):
I Love the tenth doctor David Tennant!he is awsome Unknown author (2013-11-18 19:21:28):
These things are BADASSSSSS!!! Whovians RULE!!!! Unknown author (2013-12-26 22:16:08):
anybody get bugs? if not then will download Unknown author (2014-01-20 19:03:43):
Lol Unknown author (2014-03-16 02:11:31):
Awesome. Unknown author (2014-06-12 00:08:09):
THANK YOU! THIS SET ROCKS! gizmofish (2014-06-24 06:01:11 / 5 stars):
First rate! Great job! Unknown author (2014-09-08 08:51:43):
Unknown author (2015-04-17 02:58:00):
lololololololo Unknown author (2015-11-09 22:03:16):
Awesome!!!!!!! Unknown author (2015-12-05 02:58:39):
Works great! Some of the animations, like the Dalek text editor animation, can get a bit dull after a while, but all in all I'm quite happy! Unknown author (2015-12-09 02:11:42):
awesome Unknown author (2015-12-29 14:55:07):
I like this so much !!! Unknown author (2016-01-15 23:48:54):
i like very nice Unknown author (2016-02-02 14:34:02):
eit wont oped on windows bummer Unknown author (2016-03-19 09:17:13):
Yea it does open on windows... if your copy of windows didn't come with a program that opens these by default just download 7zip or winzip or any of a dozen other free programs that open zip files Unknown author (2016-03-19 18:48:55):
Good job. Beautiful ones Unknown author (2016-04-16 01:34:12):
DR! to the tardis! Unknown author (2017-01-08 07:01:26):
i freaking love it! i now have the 'DW' logo as my pointer. thank you Unknown author (2017-10-06 18:07:50):
do no buy1000.000.00 free mouse Unknown author (2020-04-24 12:01:55):
pretty cooelll know i have a moving tardis and btw im a bigger dr who fan than you and im also not a robot nah jk of course ima robot im a cyber man robot Unknown author (2021-10-07 22:46:11):
Unknown author (2022-11-16 17:23:04):
Amazing bunch of pointers. Just the nerdy touch my work computer needed! Unknown author (2023-02-16 01:30:43):
wont work Unknown author (2024-04-30 00:41:51):
really like the dalek cursors |