Yea it does open on windows... if your copy of windows didn't come with a program that opens these by default just download 7zip or winzip or any of a dozen other free programs that open zip files
Doctor Who cursor set includes extra cursors to swap around in the set. Included are Tardis, DW Logo, Sonic Screwdriver, Bow Tie, Dalek, and pix of 9th, 10th, and 11th Doctors.
Tags: ■ Blue TV series Sci-fi Doctor Who
Yea it does open on windows... if your copy of windows didn't come with a program that opens these by default just download 7zip or winzip or any of a dozen other free programs that open zip files
Good job. Beautiful ones
DR! to the tardis!
i freaking love it! i now have the 'DW' logo as my pointer. thank you
do no buy1000.000.00 free mouse
tnx guys
pretty cooelll know i have a moving tardis and btw im a bigger dr who fan than you and im also not a robot nah jk of course ima robot
im a cyber man robot
8-)sooper cool
Amazing bunch of pointers. Just the nerdy touch my work computer needed!
wont work
really like the dalek cursors
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