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sixλxis (2009-06-28 02:40:45):

i dont really care what type of cursor i use.
i almost always select animated cursors even when they arent at all.

im just lazy like that, i guess...

sixλxis (2009-08-02 01:35:37):

btw TrackMania is a great game

porygon7 (2010-01-22 20:46:28 / 5 stars):


lu9 (2011-08-16 03:34:59):

make the DS loading one!

Unknown author (2011-11-12 05:27:21):


Noah Bear (2014-06-19 16:52:14):

cool :-)

make the 3ds loading one

can you make the wii icons

deviantart does not have the wii icons make am now

i don't download the cursor set i just download some cursors from it

Noah Bear (2014-06-21 16:48:47):

a lefty cursor it's cool :-)

Unknown author (2014-12-18 19:16:11):

Why is lt called part i never used

Unknown author (2015-08-22 02:25:43):

read the discription about those cursors, then you'll kmow!

nibbler (2016-04-19 16:49:40 / 2.5 stars):

Yes, I don't know why it's called Parts i never used Cursors. Maybe that you don't use them.

snickerdoodle (2019-11-18 21:36:26 / 4.5 stars):

great, the name is kinda weird. bar red fade cursor has the hot spot in the wrong place. i love the turquoise-ish cursor named document0002 because of the color.

C0$M!C G0D (2019-11-22 18:09:37 / 4 stars):

bar fade cursor hot spot must be fixed. these are pretty random. some nice animations here.

Unknown author (2022-08-18 18:38:57):

I could find many uses (sorry I wont) but if you could entire packs with these I'd download in a heart beat

Unknown author (2024-12-31 15:43:34):

it's pretty fun

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