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Noah Bear's profile

View Noah Bear's timeline, last visit on July 29th 2015

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Nice Cursors (11 cursors)

Released on December 27th 2014 by Noah Bear

very nice

You are allowed to USE this for:
Any purporse
Stealing (using 1 or more cursors from this cursor set in your cursor set)

Latest art

Nice TeaserNice Cursors
by Noah Bear306very nice You are allowed to USE this for: Any purporse Stealing (usi...
arrow Teaserarrow Cursors
by Noah Bear135
by Noah Bear107
Blue TeaserBlue Cursors
by Noah Bear1092NOTE: If you are using these cursors on Windows Vista Beta 2 turn off...
Basic TeaserBasic Icons
by Noah Bear198Icons can be used on Windows 8/8.1
3d Teaser3d Cursors
by Noah Bear871
96 Teaser96 Cursors
by Noah Bear1051
arrows Teaserarrows Cursors
by Noah Bear380

Forum topics, where Noah Bear participated

Recent comments

user icon cdl contributing user on January 17th 2015

Even though you are not new to RW you may find these links helpful.

icon-image/10436-128x128x32.png image
Welcome to Real World Graphics!
We all hope you will have tons of fun here and create many wonderful works of art!

Please check out our monthly Theme of the Month contest with Mysterious Prizes!

This blog entry has a few useful links for information in RW:

icon-image/8301-32x32x32.png image

user icon Noah Bear registered user on January 29th 2015


user icon cdl contributing user on April 29th 2015

Join the fun, win prizes in the TOTM contest!

The themes for April are Easter and yellow!
The themes for May are Fire and orange!

Hope to see an entry from you! icon-image/8424-32x32x32.png image

user icon snickerdoodle registered user on December 15th 2019

i do not know why Mr. X and Ninjaski11z are putting bad and unfair reviews on your cursor sets |-)
you deserve better reviews

user icon snickerdoodle registered user on December 20th 2019

or possibly not because some of your reviews are rude too

user icon Anonymous
What about ICL files?
I wish there were...
Vista & Win 7 icons
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