Unknown author (2014-12-25 10:50:55):
These are crazy looking, I love them! cdl (2014-12-26 09:20:04 / 5 stars):
LazarheaD (2014-12-27 00:13:29 / 4.5 stars):
I'd rather use the busy one for normal, it's quality stuff. cursor_carys (2015-01-02 11:45:13 / 5 stars):
Unknown author (2015-01-13 11:12:45):
Xillor (2015-01-16 04:21:36):
WOOOW GOOD JOB :D!!!!!! cuv (2015-01-20 02:21:06 / 5 stars):
Amazing! Smooth, creative, and fun animations. I have no complaints. Unknown author (2015-02-12 20:42:34):
alguien sabe caSTELLANO O español Unknown author (2015-04-23 03:31:31):
I'm having trouble keeping my cursor set saved when I apply them. Any tips? J (2015-05-17 15:52:27 / 5 stars):
awesome and smooth animations Jazz (2015-06-17 13:02:06 / 5 stars):
This is awesome. the animations look beautiful!!tho u shoulda named it crosshair cursors tho. mighta sounded better lol. still, awesome. MapleLeaf68 (2015-09-08 04:41:06):
Thanks everyone! Yeah, the name could probably use some work... hypernovakirby999 (2015-11-22 15:54:16 / 5 stars):
AMAZING!! AJaxx (2015-12-10 17:11:21 / 4.5 stars):
You did a great job with the cursors. I like the centered pointer on the normal select. It's different & fun. As well, it's good to see so many cursor/icon aficionados! Regards, samgibbo (2015-12-15 12:33:52):
This is highly banterous!! I love it Unknown author (2016-01-07 05:30:42):
I doesn't work on mac ;( ;( Unknown author (2016-08-25 06:50:40):
help cursor same as normal? Unknown author (2020-11-28 06:53:03):
This site is amazing, I'm just picking mouse icons of my choosing as I go Unknown author (2022-03-27 18:01:42):
ddddddd ddddddd dddddd ddddddddd dddddd Unknown author (2024-06-11 12:41:29):
coooool |