Jazz's profile

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Jazz's profile

View Jazz's timeline, last visit on November 20th 2015

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"The better you get, the less worse you will get"- Jazz... LOL. "The harder the conflict, the more pleasure the victory.- Jazz. "A book isn't something boring, for it's journey is new, and you will be in it"- Jazz

Featured art


Adventure Time Cursors (12 cursors)

Released on May 20th 2015 by Jazz

Latest art

Marvels Avengers: Age of Ultron TeaserMarvels Avengers: Age of Ultron Cursors
by Jazz1937"PewDiePie has approved dearly for these cursors"- Barark Obama. "Tan...
Minecraft Diamond (Deluxe) TeaserMinecraft Diamond (Deluxe) Cursors
by Jazz6266This is minecraft specially made for minecraft experts. Hope you enjo...
Pokemon TeaserPokemon Cursors
by Jazz1524Only the best!
Halo animated TeaserHalo animated Cursors
by Jazz904Halo animated cursors. Thx.
colour Teasercolour Cursors
by Jazz1667shiny!!!
Shiny TeaserShiny Cursors
by Jazz317

Show all icon and cursor sets.

Forum topics, where Jazz participated

Recent comments

user icon 007walrus registered user on May 21st 2015

:-o 8-)

user icon BB21 registered user on June 17th 2015


user icon cdl contributing user on June 21st 2015

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Welcome to Real World Graphics!
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user icon Anonymous on October 22nd 2015

:-D :-D :-D hello

user icon Anonymous
I wish there were...
Vista & Win 7 icons
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What about ICL files?