cdl (2014-12-26 10:31:10 / 4 stars):
Nice work! RK (2014-12-26 21:55:42):
thanks! I will HusenPo (2014-12-30 07:18:41 / 5 stars):
Whoa I love love love this !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Unknown author (2015-01-10 00:34:50):
Unknown author (2015-01-13 19:41:24):
Unknown author (2015-01-14 03:49:25):
Bravo! You did a great job! I love this one~~ Unknown author (2015-01-14 21:33:17):
I absolutely love it do a new one with a colt 1911 please RK (2015-01-16 02:03:57):
thanks everyone! I'll make more... someday Unknown author (2015-01-17 22:36:06):
good to know keep the good work Unknown author (2015-03-03 09:59:31):
this is a awesome mouse set but ide like to see some cooler gins Unknown author (2015-03-05 11:01:02):
JUST PLAIN AWESOME. Unknown author (2015-03-06 20:20:36):
Thats so sick keep up the work Unknown author (2015-03-09 15:16:12):
sick make a animated ak47 Unknown author (2015-03-16 08:58:02):
This is such an awesome cursor pack thanks! Unknown author (2015-03-20 17:47:56):
i love this cursor so much! however, every time i log into my computer, the normal cursor disappears/is invisible. i can temporarily fix it by going into my control panel, mouse pointers, and then change something change it back, hit apply, and when i move my mouse, it appears. that only lasts as long as my computer stays awake, next time i wake it up, its gone again, and i have to go through the same process all over again. it's annoying, but i love the cursor pack too much to chose another one! plz fix! RK (2015-03-22 00:36:41):
I'm sorry to hear that :[ I don't know what operating system you have, but here's an article I found for Win8: I'm sure you can find the fix for the problem if you search enough Thank you for liking the set though! Unknown author (2015-03-25 09:48:35):
holy fucking shit this is amazing you are a true genious RK (2015-04-01 06:28:16):
thanks dude .u. Geonix (2016-04-07 19:24:30 / 5 stars):
Unknown author (2016-04-17 02:11:41):
BEST CURSOR SET EVER!!!! Unknown author (2016-06-14 03:07:24):
11/10 -IGN Unknown author (2016-06-15 22:01:16):
looks like you're in doom Unknown author (2016-07-10 03:55:24):
How do i install it? I need help Unknown author (2016-08-28 23:09:27):
I cant install someone can tell me how?? Fukin90s (2016-08-29 00:09:52):
im gona help you Unknown author (2017-06-08 02:33:39):
this is f**king amazing always liked medal of honor so I like these Unknown author (2017-10-11 21:27:12):
Damn impressive, maybe also adding a non aimed gun shooting for link select? Unknown author (2017-11-10 22:38:48):
Dang this is good Raider1 (2018-01-27 20:06:28 / 5 stars):
Pew pew. Unknown author (2018-03-20 14:53:45):
Dude, it takes a lot of skill to make it look this good and clean, nice fuckin job! Unknown author (2018-07-08 14:50:09):
bang bang bang bang bang bang bang babg Unknown author (2018-08-14 06:04:00):
amazing Unknown author (2018-08-16 05:38:44):
how do i download this thing without win rar? it is really good tho Unknown author (2019-11-05 21:05:06):
nice Unknown author (2020-05-14 07:59:49):
its so good Unknown author (2020-05-19 12:40:17):
noice Unknown author (2020-08-02 15:16:58):
can u update the move i rlly dont like it thanks Unknown author (2020-08-11 19:55:35):
these are so good nice ༼ つ■_■ ༽つnewscapepro (2020-08-17 08:10:58):
nice Unknown author (2020-09-30 18:39:23):
Thanks I Unknown author (2020-10-06 19:56:07):
Epic Unknown author (2020-10-28 04:50:03):
Now I can shoot my friends online Unknown author (2021-02-24 15:23:06):
This is really good Thanks for putting your hard work and effort into this and making a cursor pack for the community Unknown author (2021-03-21 20:36:30):
Unknown author (2021-04-20 14:16:50):
DIS IS AMASING BRUH Unknown author (2021-11-24 09:34:07):
epic Unknown author (2021-12-01 13:19:41):
It is great Unknown author (2022-01-04 17:16:47):
you're goat Unknown author (2022-01-17 11:09:05):
I will start war and use this Unknown author (2022-04-03 04:20:49):
I love this shit, you did a great job man!! <3 Unknown author (2022-04-18 21:36:33):
Unknown author (2022-05-18 06:26:06):
I will start war and use this I will start war and use this I will start war and use this Unknown author (2022-06-10 21:05:01):
thank you Unknown author (2022-09-19 17:59:09):
thnx this is awesome Unknown author (2022-12-15 17:27:39):
THIS IS AWASOME OMGGGGヾ(≧▽≦*)o Unknown author (2023-02-05 14:19:25):
like my balls Unknown author (2023-02-15 19:30:37):
aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Ystervark (2023-02-20 14:41:52 / 5 stars):
The best custom cursor in my opinion, especially the animation, which can boost my mood. And the good thing about the animation is that as I was watching the Task Manager, the animation itself does not consume tons of perfomance compared to the size of the file. You deserve straight 5 stars Unknown author (2023-03-24 16:44:12):
gun plus a screech=greech I meant gcreech Unknown author (2023-05-10 16:08:22):
5 Stars! Unknown author (2023-08-02 03:55:02):
perfection Unknown author (2023-12-13 16:54:51):
eat a ballsack Unknown author (2024-02-10 01:57:58):
so ebic one time i used this in my school computer lab and they didnt kick me out bc they thought it was a real guyn >:DD Unknown author (2024-03-15 19:03:25):
^^ lies Unknown author (2024-04-03 17:17:57):
good Unknown author (2024-05-02 14:10:06):
ahh uwu hello everybody I have sex with my crush It's very good ahhhhhh Unknown author (2024-08-21 06:50:44):
perfection Unknown author (2025-01-28 06:32:44):
boy there are sure are weird people here ^ Unknown author (2025-01-31 02:58:39):
it's gonna get weirder once i pull your pants down and we start sword fighting luhl brah |