༼ つ■_■ ༽つnewscapepro's profile

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༼ つ■_■ ༽つnewscapepro's profile

View ༼ つ■_■ ༽つnewscapepro's timeline, last visit on August 17th 2020

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user icon ༼ つ■_■ ༽つnewscapepro registered user on August 17th 2020

guys my dad brought a seagule(baby)
it seems he has no mom so i have to take care of it :-(
but maybe it might be ez ;-)

or maybe not


user icon eeveelover64 registered user on August 17th 2020

Bruh, do u REALLY think it's gunna be easy? It's hot

user icon R0mKa registered user on August 22nd 2020

seagull? well that would be hard i think... cuz i never owned a seagull
anyways i send you a bag with 1 button as a gift, so enjoy :-D

user icon Anonymous on August 25th 2020


user icon Anonymous
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I wish there were...
Vista & Win 7 icons
What about ICL files?