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R0mKa's profile

View R0mKa's timeline, last visit on March 20th 2022

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Hello! I do cursors and review them. Nothing much going on! Oh and if you ask me why do i have this Flushed emoji, thats because i like it, and my account is literally this emoji, add me if you want! Flush. | Flush Gang#9790
I have a mini market now, selling only gray sprays, for 2 buttons!

Featured art


Materialism Cursors (18 cursors)

Released on December 4th 2020 by R0mKa

Hello! Here's the link where i found these cursors: https://7themes.su/stuff/kursory_windows/material_x_v_x/7-1-0-1122 (it's Russian)
Thanks to Yoon_0117 for finding the author! The author himself: https://7themes.su/index/8-0-alex1
I also hope you realise you can translate the site with Google Translator ;))
Hope you like these cursors, because they are material, and contain a bonus cursor. :-)

Latest art

Volantes Mini Dark and White TeaserVolantes Mini Dark and White Cursors
by R0mKa6365All of my cursor sets (as of now) aren't mine. The person who made th...
Please, ignore TeaserPlease, ignore Cursors
by R0mKa553please ignore, this is for my next set.
VS TeaserVS Cursors
by R0mKa6628Hello! As once again, a new cursor set from internet! :D Here is the ...
Random TeaserRandom Cursors
by R0mKa1769I am creating an another cursor set right now, and these cursors were...
Ignore TeaserIgnore Cursors
by R0mKa399Ignore.
ok Teaserok Icons
by R0mKa16ok
Materialism TeaserMaterialism Cursors
by R0mKa2191Hello! Here's the link where i found these cursors: https://7themes.s...
Breeze Hacked Green TeaserBreeze Hacked Green Cursors
by R0mKa9137The sequel at least 1 person has been waiting for... Breeze Hacked GR...
Crystal Clear (Mini) TeaserCrystal Clear (Mini) Cursors
by R0mKa5845Hello! Again, these are not my cursors. They are made by BlooGuy on D...
CakeOS TeaserCakeOS Cursors
by R0mKa2041Hello! Here is a new cursor set from internet! It's called "CakeOS". ...

Show all icon and cursor sets.

Forum topics, where R0mKa participated

Recent comments

user icon .cur_guy/maker registered user on January 21st 2021

YO this is NICE

user icon R0mKa registered user on January 24th 2021

Thanks! :-D

user icon lzwg888 registered user on March 7th 2021

where are you from,why you know 360 :-D

user icon Anonymous on April 6th 2021

make a new macbook CURSOR plsss :-D

user icon Anonymous on March 28th


user icon Anonymous on May 7th

gay nigga

user icon Anonymous
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