Shortynio (2016-01-17 11:22:14):
Not bad, son MarwanZEZR1992 (2016-01-17 16:22:39 / 1.5 stars):
Not bad Unknown author (2016-04-01 18:31:13):
^^dude, one and a half stars is bad. AJaxx (2016-04-01 22:45:48):
This is one of the first sets that I converted. I should have modified some canvas sizes and tweaked a few hot spots, frame counts and animations. There are some tricks to converting cursorFX sets that I know, now. Soon I will go back and trick 'em out. That being said, the set is definitely a 4 star, as is. JaGoFfAtE (2016-08-01 04:29:02 / 4 stars):
This set is really nice. Looks nice, animations are done well. AJaxx (2016-08-02 00:37:49):
This was one of the first ones that I ported, part of the learning curve. I haven't went back and tightened it up, YET... Enjoy. BlockCabin (2016-08-17 01:27:49 / 5 stars):
LOVE IT AJaxx (2016-08-18 19:58:42):
Indeed! j. alentorn is a skinner from way back. This set is almost 13 yrs. old and it is great design. Eventually, I'll go back and trick it out some, though it don't need much. Glad to see people use & enjoy them, as is their intention. Thanks for the rating! Unknown author (2016-10-03 15:47:20):
u r Unknown author (2016-10-05 12:01:47):
Amazing. I love the colours soooo much, they really stand out highmystica (2017-05-03 13:48:38 / 5 stars):
cool, just cool Melissa517 (2017-05-23 08:54:17 / 5 stars):
These are stunning! Great job! Nikentomolog (2018-07-28 14:47:11 / 4.5 stars):
Resizes are small, but the set is pretty! Ewookie1 (2018-10-30 07:12:47 / 5 stars):
Such creative stuff in here! It's great! snickerdoodle (2019-11-14 03:28:55 / 5 stars):
gosh gameofthrones (2020-01-10 21:04:16):
Sweet set LOLER (2020-03-14 13:33:23 / 5 stars):
SWEET! pls make more (I have seen your other ones and they r AWESOME!!!) Unknown author (2021-01-31 19:03:18):
Unknown author (2024-07-20 00:00:30):
i very anjoy!!!!!