Unknown author (2009-07-08 02:47:39):
Can you do Anthony In Black Please? Unknown author (2009-07-18 20:38:35):
could ya do martyn in blue plz Unknown author (2009-07-28 02:49:06):
plz do steve (in orange) and cher (in purple) Unknown author (2009-08-03 15:01:54):
Can you PLEASE do "OMGshNicholas" in yellow? Daniel W. (2009-08-06 05:55:31):
I only put Nicholas. I'm afriad if I added any more it would be kind of difficult to read. Hope you don't mind. Unknown author (2009-08-17 05:15:35):
make a Brian lol Unknown author (2009-08-25 20:11:14):
do Jaron in blue Unknown author (2009-09-01 08:04:15):
can you do josh & april please Unknown author (2009-09-09 18:59:52):
Michael in green Unknown author (2009-09-14 19:42:13):
Could you do Bethany in Bright Pink and Ryan in Mint Green I'd be greatful Unknown author (2009-09-17 19:50:41):
mike in orange Unknown author (2009-09-30 05:03:16):
jayne in blue please Unknown author (2009-09-30 21:50:10):
can you do Jordan in lime green? thanks Unknown author (2009-10-01 08:07:21):
jocem in green Unknown author (2009-10-02 21:53:24):
hey could you make a Jordan in blue and a McKenzie in hot pink? Unknown author (2009-10-02 21:55:52):
hey sorry could u make the Jordan in aqua blue Unknown author (2009-10-03 19:30:44):
could you please make Jonathon with the J red, O black, N red, A black, T red, H black, O red, and the N black? please Unknown author (2009-10-05 21:59:38):
could you please make a khadjah in yellow? thanks Unknown author (2009-10-08 21:47:04):
could you please make one with Jordan in white Unknown author (2009-10-10 14:46:04):
Those are cool, I'd like a cursor that says Circulus in alternating Blue and Gold/Yellow colours. Thanks! sixλxis (2009-10-22 19:28:39):
(Do Vlastimil in PLATINUM)Vlasta will be happy to see it lol Daniel W. (2009-10-25 23:45:33):
lol Unknown author (2009-10-29 17:58:55):
Lisa in red and one in black oh plz plz plz Unknown author (2009-10-30 22:00:52):
Can you do miles in purple please? Unknown author (2009-11-01 01:53:20):
Could you do one for me that says uɐıqɐɟ if not then just do it normal. Colors alternating in normal blue and the blue you used for Jayne. jacob (2009-11-02 20:40:42 / 5 stars):
Jacob in Black Please =] Unknown author (2009-11-02 22:43:45):
can you do Fran in pink please Unknown author (2009-11-03 03:00:22):
thanks from fabian. i really liked it =] Daniel W. (2009-11-03 17:28:24):
No problem. Glad you liked it. jacob (2009-11-03 19:02:56):
Jacob is amazing anyway you could do one in red or blue? jacob (2009-11-05 03:47:36):
thanks man, your amazing Daniel W. (2009-11-08 18:24:05):
My pleasure Unknown author (2009-11-11 10:31:50):
Alex in redd and black Unknown author (2009-11-17 23:06:04):
thanks so much for fran in pink i love it xxxxx Unknown author (2009-11-25 23:01:29):
Thanks for the miles cursor (: Unknown author (2009-11-27 02:30:18):
Drake in blue please! its my bday Unknown author (2009-11-28 12:49:04):
wheres the sophie 1 Unknown author (2009-12-01 01:28:29):
Ulloa in blue and black Unknown author (2009-12-01 01:30:07):
Ulloa in blue and black its my birthday Unknown author (2009-12-04 23:33:35):
I love Alley in black please? Unknown author (2009-12-11 09:50:50):
can u make a casey in blue and red please Unknown author (2009-12-11 09:50:50):
can u make a casey in blue and red please Unknown author (2009-12-11 09:50:50):
can u make a casey in blue and red please Unknown author (2009-12-11 09:50:50):
can u make a casey in blue and red please Unknown author (2009-12-12 17:32:38):
can you please make a bisma in rainbow color or any color please i know it's not a common name... Unknown author (2009-12-13 19:19:58):
please make charlotte in pink or purple Unknown author (2009-12-16 15:58:37):
can please make daryl in baby blue and lime green please Unknown author (2009-12-21 03:39:05):
make Ambre in pink and black please Unknown author (2010-01-05 15:24:00):
Rahath in black Unknown author (2010-01-08 10:18:35):
Y DOT IN BLUE Unknown author (2010-01-12 14:33:22):
Dorukhan in dark purple Unknown author (2010-01-12 14:34:52):
Tsetsen in black and red Unknown author (2010-01-12 14:36:21):
Berk in Black and Dark Red please Unknown author (2010-01-18 15:09:47):
y dot in blue Unknown author (2010-01-22 09:50:16):
yusef blue Unknown author (2010-01-22 11:18:05):
Tuineti - make it pink with hearts.. TERRI (2010-01-25 22:31:04):
TERRI IN RED Unknown author (2010-01-27 11:24:20):
Manso_07 in Silver please Unknown author (2010-01-28 10:13:57):
Tamboos in purple Unknown author (2010-02-01 15:20:49):
Ydot in blue Unknown author (2010-02-01 15:24:08):
sajid in black Unknown author (2010-02-04 10:40:25):
yusef in orange with stars Unknown author (2010-02-04 17:16:22):
PaigeSophie in pink pleaseee (: Unknown author (2010-02-06 03:32:41):
Robert done in black Unknown author (2010-02-10 11:31:32):
Chris in Red Unknown author (2010-02-15 04:34:00):
Timothy in black Unknown author (2010-02-15 13:02:15):
Chacha Chobits is pink please Unknown author (2010-02-16 18:45:32):
hey thanks! (chacha chobits) Unknown author (2010-02-23 14:44:23):
Rahath in black with red stars Unknown author (2010-02-26 14:58:05):
princeRZ in blue with black stars Unknown author (2010-02-26 15:07:20):
J in hearts red Unknown author (2010-03-02 11:23:07):
Rahath in yellow with green stars Unknown author (2010-03-02 11:48:55):
Drilon4Ahlam blue with red hearts Unknown author (2010-03-02 11:51:40):
I with red hearts sparkyallen1 (2010-03-03 21:39:16):
SPARKY Red and in all caps...as large as you can get it. Thank! sparkyallen1 (2010-03-03 21:44:56):
Can you use the "shadowed" arrow....like in the one you did for Chris Unknown author (2010-03-05 04:29:48):
Cody in black please? ur cursors are amazing :P Unknown author (2010-03-24 12:28:05):
bayley in green please Unknown author (2010-03-28 14:55:35):
Can you do one please called Graham in blue thank you Unknown author (2010-04-09 18:59:50):
Thank you for the Graham one :o) Unknown author (2010-04-23 10:24:04):
can you please make a megan one Unknown author (2010-05-04 13:51:54):
make a strats one in blue Unknown author (2010-05-11 12:08:17):
R J in orange with black stars Unknown author (2010-05-13 17:18:53):
can you do me a 'Mongolian flag' with a writing it says 'MGL' in blue and red Unknown author (2010-05-13 17:42:00):
can u please make one with "Doruq & peLin" with purple hearts. Doruq is in black and peLin is in pink please Unknown author (2010-05-13 18:09:05):
can u please make one with turkish flag Daniel W. (2010-05-13 19:16:20):
This set is for "Names." There is a seperate area on the website for various requests. sulu51 (2010-05-15 02:09:55 / 5 stars):
can u make one with "Matthew" in red then outline the words in black Unknown author (2010-05-17 14:41:45):
R2J in purple and black with stars and hearts Unknown author (2010-05-18 15:32:16):
can u please make one says peLin with hearts, the writing in pink and hearts in black please. Unknown author (2010-05-19 13:01:04):
can u please make one with sLayeR with fire background. dinosaur_rawr (2010-06-05 21:14:12):
can you make Ashley like so: Unknown author (2010-06-29 05:27:08):
Can You Please make one with "Patrice" in black and red Unknown author (2010-06-29 05:30:50):
can u pleaase make one "PNER" Dark Blue TY Unknown author (2010-06-29 22:46:38):
Can you please have "Karthik" in emerald with a turquoise outline Unknown author (2010-06-30 09:31:23):
Hi can you do one with "Patrice Loves Willie" in black and green....TY. Unknown author (2010-06-30 09:39:02):
Can u do "Patrice with Hearts All around it" Patrice Dark Gray hearts red ty. Unknown author (2010-06-30 12:50:32):
Is it possible to do "JamaicanfireS" the pointer black and JamaicanfireS in Dark green and dark yellow,and red stars around it.... I would really appreciate it. Unknown author (2010-07-02 21:12:26):
can you pleas make one with morgan in blue with a yugioh mellenia simbole Unknown author (2010-07-06 11:47:13):
can you please make me a zoe one like so Unknown author (2010-07-06 14:06:40):
Noah is gay in pink elaine (2010-07-10 17:42:45):
please could you do Laura in red with pink heart, thanks Unknown author (2010-07-13 09:29:28):
NoahIsGay in purple Unknown author (2010-07-13 11:45:09):
plz cam you make a zoe one like so <3ZOEE<3 IN RAINBOW THANK YOU Daniel W. (2010-07-13 17:13:04):
Already made it. Look near the top. Unknown author (2010-07-14 15:53:41):
Georgia Chelsea Unknown author (2010-08-06 01:44:59):
can you please make two one Omar in neon green and the other Gabriel in blue thanks Unknown author (2010-08-09 01:51:20):
Could you make a Jessica in dark red with pink hearts around it Unknown author (2010-08-10 10:30:56):
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR MAKIND THE omar AND gabriel CRUZORS Unknown author (2010-08-24 06:58:21):
miranda in black and blue Unknown author (2010-09-19 12:22:38):
rebecca in blue and pink plz Unknown author (2010-09-20 20:05:45):
Cengiz in Black please. Unknown author (2010-09-21 21:54:19):
can you make Darin in black and dark blue, please... Unknown author (2010-10-20 03:29:44):
Can u make JAMAICANFIRE in Yellow, black, and green Unknown author (2010-10-22 02:37:39):
can i have a request of a cursor that shows. jake <3 erika . thanks ! Unknown author (2010-10-23 08:00:49):
Hi can u do PattiR in Red with black stars around it ...TY Unknown author (2010-10-24 03:26:37):
can u please make Patrice & Willie in royal blue and black cursor....Thank You Daniel W. (2010-10-24 17:56:31):
One with "Patrice & Willie" or one with "Patrice" and one with "Willie"? Unknown author (2010-11-01 20:04:40):
Can You Make Safia With One Letter Pink And One Black And Keep Repeating It
Unknown author (2010-11-04 05:46:53):
Sorry it took so long to answer back Daniel one with Patrice & Willie TY Unknown author (2010-11-13 05:16:37):
Ty u Daniel itz perfect Anonymous (2010-11-19 07:19:38):
Thank You! Unknown author (2010-11-27 22:00:33):
please could I have Poppy and Louise in pink and blue with red hearts round it please! THANK YOU Unknown author (2010-11-27 22:05:04):
could i have it now plz i am in a ruch Anonymous (2010-11-28 22:30:44):
thank you it does not matter if you could not fit the w you did your hardest 5/5 stars Anonymous (2010-12-01 03:09:04):
it is fine Anonymous (2010-12-01 03:17:30):
Can i please have angus in red green navy? with it animated red dash through green dash through navy dash through? Unknown author (2010-12-08 10:03:17):
hello. I wanted one with the name ANDRES. Greetings. Unknown author (2010-12-11 19:18:03):
please create Fire N Godz or Amon Amarth!! Unknown author (2010-12-25 08:22:43):
Plz the name "Anpa" plz!! JDDellGuy (2011-01-04 11:08:20):
How about Josiah? Black and green. Animated with a green glow the traces it all. See GreenTrim cursors on my profile for inspiration.
Unknown author (2011-01-07 19:06:12):
could you plz add Harriet + Rosie + Nikki with pink hearts around it plz JDDellGuy (2011-01-10 19:41:20):
Thanks a lot! Unknown author (2011-01-18 11:20:54):
Can I please have Jamie in Sparkly Glitter Purple Unknown author (2011-01-18 11:27:29):
Can I please have Emma Sparkly Glitter Green Unknown author (2011-01-27 21:17:13):
can you make one called HARRY in pink please thankyou Unknown author (2011-01-27 21:17:52):
Heyy could you please do the name Kenneth ? With some nice effects Thx Unknown author (2011-02-02 14:14:11):
can i have DAN glowing green then blue please Unknown author (2011-02-03 10:10:58):
cn we have craig please in red Unknown author (2011-02-03 10:18:03):
can you make me a Daninski that goes different colours please and with fire in the background. Unknown author (2011-02-03 13:58:42):
can i have a cursor saying oh yes Mrs Bubb please going red then blue Unknown author (2011-02-03 13:59:54):
Can i also have Mr Macintyre you sexy beast please Daniel W. (2011-02-04 01:50:01):
Names only please. No words, team names, company names, etc. If you'd like me to make your name, I will, but, please... only names. Thanks Unknown author (2011-02-04 13:40:54):
mrs bubbilicious please glowing red and green Unknown author (2011-02-07 13:51:51):
can i have MARSHALL in red white and blue flashing Unknown author (2011-02-07 13:56:40):
can i have JORDAN in blue with a pigeon in the background please- flapping its wings Unknown author (2011-02-07 13:56:46):
can i have matt.r with a mexico 68 background Unknown author (2011-02-07 13:57:41):
can i have mrs BUBB please changing to fit then back again please Unknown author (2011-02-07 13:59:26):
can i have elliot please with a pig in the background joda64329 (2011-02-16 01:38:47):
can i have joe in blue? joda64329 (2011-02-17 00:15:23):
thanks for putting joe in blue Unknown author (2011-02-17 20:55:33):
Hollie x Unknown author (2011-02-17 20:56:42):
Could i have Hollie In Purple Please Unknown author (2011-02-23 01:14:50):
can I please have Jared in blue Unknown author (2011-02-27 07:15:34):
Can I have Maddy in red? Unknown author (2011-02-28 21:43:38):
can i have MAX in red and orange Unknown author (2011-02-28 23:54:15):
Jerry Unknown author (2011-03-01 10:53:33):
Monica? Unknown author (2011-03-01 10:53:52):
Victor Unknown author (2011-03-01 12:31:33):
amit Unknown author (2011-03-01 23:48:38):
can you please make cameron in a blue Unknown author (2011-03-02 17:17:35):
can you please make robbie in rainbow Unknown author (2011-03-02 17:17:41):
can you please put Richie in green Unknown author (2011-03-02 17:18:04):
thanx for making cameron in blue Unknown author (2011-03-02 17:20:05):
can you please make robbie in a flame job thanks Unknown author (2011-03-02 17:21:16):
Can you make a Payne in purple Unknown author (2011-03-02 17:30:30):
Can you make a John in Random colors mixed Unknown author (2011-03-02 17:39:32):
Can you make a Moo - Moo in purple Unknown author (2011-03-02 21:25:28):
can you make a Matt in green Unknown author (2011-03-03 03:07:04):
can you make a Sheniqua in rainbow colors with sparkles Unknown author (2011-03-03 03:09:56):
Can you make an Ashley with a dancing hippo Unknown author (2011-03-03 14:58:43):
can you make a Stephen in purple Unknown author (2011-03-06 04:32:55):
can u make HAILEY spelled right, in ranbow with hearts<333 thanks!!<333 Unknown author (2011-03-07 16:42:09):
please make "JH" cursor for me in romantic theme Unknown author (2011-03-15 20:22:35):
could you please make a daniel in red with an m - 16 behind it with SPARKS, not sparkles Unknown author (2011-03-17 05:22:00):
hey, can you please make Jaffas in black and purlpe? thankyou Unknown author (2011-03-21 05:07:40):
hey can you please make one that says James and the colours the same way as josiah, thanx heaps Unknown author (2011-03-22 00:22:28):
can u make one that say Caleb in blue and red, thnx mate Unknown author (2011-03-22 02:22:56):
Can you please make an Erin with pink and love hearts and stars Unknown author (2011-03-22 20:20:49):
can you make Amelia with hearts on it Unknown author (2011-03-23 01:09:41):
hi, can u plz make one that says tnt in blue with a black outline, thankyou Unknown author (2011-03-23 01:11:05):
can you please make Ashy in pink, thnx Unknown author (2011-03-23 01:47:25):
Hello could you please make one that says Abby with a horse, if not purple and black please Unknown author (2011-03-23 11:03:49):
heyy please make a kessia one in colourfull theme Unknown author (2011-03-23 20:54:18):
MAKE A STEWIE ONE PLS THNKS IN BLACK Unknown author (2011-03-24 00:11:30):
Thankyou!! absterninja (2011-03-27 18:19:50 / 4 stars):
Thanks for making an Abby one!!!!!! These must have taken you a long time. GOOD JOB!!!!! Could you make one that is aqua blue and lime green? Thanks in advanced!!! Unknown author (2011-03-28 22:49:40):
do u mind making daniel with black hearts in the backround Unknown author (2011-03-28 22:50:43):
thanx for making amelia with hearts on it Unknown author (2011-03-29 15:57:30):
can you make my name? my name is rianty . thanks before Unknown author (2011-03-29 23:48:40):
PLS MAKE A BLACK OPS ONE WITH A FLAME IN THE BACK Savour The Good Times Of Life (2011-03-30 12:01:26 / 5 stars):
Can you please make a Nikki in orange with orange hearts in the background. A Moment To Smile (2011-03-30 15:49:53):
Would love to have (Mike-n-Tyra)Red & Blue With hearts...Of not that Just (Tyra) Red & Black With same color hearts Savour The Good Times Of Life (2011-03-31 08:57:50):
Can you please make a Jenna in purple with stars around it. Thanks Savour The Good Times Of Life (2011-03-31 09:11:16):
Could you please make a Steph in pink for me with love hearts around it. Savour The Good Times Of Life (2011-03-31 09:12:42):
Can I please have Christy + Max in blue and purple. Thanks Savour The Good Times Of Life (2011-03-31 09:14:20):
Can i please have a Christy + Max in blue and purple. Thnx Savour The Good Times Of Life (2011-03-31 09:17:49):
Can i please have a Phoebe in light blue with stars. Thnx Unknown author (2011-04-01 05:54:46):
Could you plz make my name Shelley, in purple with butterflies. Thnx Savour The Good Times Of Life (2011-04-01 11:50:19):
Thank you sooooooo much. You rock my world!!!!!!!!!!!!! Unknown author (2011-04-01 14:00:59):
can you please put shannon on here in pink with blue stars thnxs Savour The Good Times Of Life (2011-04-01 23:57:31):
Can you please make a N in orange please. Thanx Savour The Good Times Of Life (2011-04-01 23:58:00):
Can you please make a Katie in red please. thanx Savour The Good Times Of Life (2011-04-02 01:51:57):
Can i please have a Nikki in orange please. Thanx Savour The Good Times Of Life (2011-04-02 02:11:31):
Can i please have Nikki in dark pink. Thanks Savour The Good Times Of Life (2011-04-02 03:37:54):
Thank you sooooooooo much. Love you forever!!!!!!! Savour The Good Times Of Life (2011-04-02 03:38:24):
You really rock my world!!!!!!!!!!! Savour The Good Times Of Life (2011-04-02 03:39:16):
Could i please have a Christy in dark purple. Thanx Unknown author (2011-04-03 08:15:43):
can you make one with the name: Jesper? Unknown author (2011-04-03 17:38:10):
mateo black Unknown author (2011-04-04 01:34:19):
Hey could you make my name Shelley in purple with pink stars and love hearts. Thnx Savour The Good Times Of Life (2011-04-04 05:26:00):
Can you please make a Katie in orange please. Thanx Savour The Good Times Of Life (2011-04-04 05:26:46):
Can you please make a Katie with stars around it in orange. Thanx Savour The Good Times Of Life (2011-04-04 05:27:50):
Can you please make a JG in purple with hearts around. Thanx heaps. Savour The Good Times Of Life (2011-04-04 12:34:54):
Can Vlasta (2011-04-04 12:53:09):
Laughter Like... please place your requests in a single comment. Also, this is a free service provided by Daniel for interested individuals, so please do not overload him with unending series of requests. If your friends want cursors with their names, I believe they are able to leave a comment themselves. If you want to be the one, who delivers the cursors to them, consider learning to do that yourself for example in the online cursor editor. Unknown author (2011-04-05 03:57:45):
can i please have one saying steph and peter 4ever in multicouloured with love hearts and stars Unknown author (2011-04-05 04:00:19):
i would like on saying JG Rox in multicouloured with smiley faces love hearts and stars and can i please have it really bold and really really big Daniel W. (2011-04-05 04:46:10):
Not that I really mind, I wouldn't have made a big deal about it, but aren't these last two yours Laughter? Just signed out? Unknown author (2011-04-05 05:26:46):
i would like one that says OMG in multicoloured with hearts around it Unknown author (2011-04-05 05:28:10):
i would like one that says Yianna in purple with stars around it thanks Savour The Good Times Of Life (2011-04-05 12:15:10):
Im really sorry. I'll stop posting for a while. It is just sooo amazing, how Daniel can do this. Thanx Daniel, you rock my world!!!!! Savour The Good Times Of Life (2011-04-05 12:20:02):
Im really sorry for causing trouble. I'll stop posting. Its just i love these cursors sooo much. Daniel W. (2011-04-05 17:09:15):
It's no trouble. If you would like to make them yourself, it's very easy. You can download the cursor editor or use the online version at the link Vlasta posted. You'd be surprised how easy it is. Unknown author (2011-04-06 20:25:47):
Yo! Could u please make an EMINEM cursor and with a flame behind it? THNKS! IM A HUGE EMINEM FAN! Unknown author (2011-04-07 06:21:24):
heyyy can you make one for me saying MY BEST FRIENDs ARE NICOLE AND YIANNA in orange pink purple green light blue in that order for each letter with a one big black heart behind it and the arrow pointer black as well thanks man Unknown author (2011-04-07 22:01:18):
Thnks 4 the EMINEM CURSOR DUDE! U RULE!!! Unknown author (2011-04-07 22:33:38):
can youh make me one with autumn with love hearts around it please xx Unknown author (2011-04-10 12:59:04):
thanks for everything. you seriously rule. Unknown author (2011-04-10 12:59:32):
DUDE YOU ROCK!!! THESE CURSORS R PRO!!! Unknown author (2011-04-11 23:21:10):
Could you please make a SLIM SHADY cursor? thank you! Unknown author (2011-04-11 23:22:16):
Oh and also a Jose cursor in BLUE Unknown author (2011-04-13 06:16:32):
i want a cursor name Kat and its color is green please! Unknown author (2011-04-13 06:19:31):
i want a cursor name Lucia and it color is rainbow please! thx! Unknown author (2011-04-13 07:52:23):
heyyy could i plz have 1 in light blue saying Daniel W. (2011-04-13 17:30:12):
Sorry, that wouldn't fit. Please remember that cursors are small. Can you shorten that? Unknown author (2011-04-14 00:30:17):
SK8 please in black Unknown author (2011-04-14 00:49:23):
ok then could i plz have 1 that says i luv nikki & yianna and if that doesnt ft can i one saying i wuv u in multicoloured Unknown author (2011-04-14 06:32:44):
a lime green cursor that say Quinn katherina (2011-04-14 06:45:44):
hi!! can u make for me a cursor that is teal(green) and its says kat? Savour The Good Times Of Life (2011-04-14 13:07:50):
hi, its me again! i said i wouldn't post anymore comments but i can't get the editor on my laptop. Unknown author (2011-04-19 07:46:43):
hi i really wanted a cursor name emmy and its yellow or orange. can you please make one for me? Unknown author (2011-04-21 12:10:29):
hi! can you makes for me a cursor that say Sam and it green or lime green. Unknown author (2011-04-22 06:41:43):
thomas cursor yellow Unknown author (2011-04-22 06:58:44):
I want a cursor that have electricty light , spaceship than name peter. aND THE MAINCOLOR IS BLUE Unknown author (2011-04-24 23:20:22):
can i have one the say 1D in purple with love hearts around it please Samantha Sam (2011-04-27 12:19:14):
can i have a cursor that have the word BEST FRIEND and the color are yellow and green Unknown author (2011-04-27 15:25:14):
good morning, emilytruong42 (2011-04-28 07:44:31):
can I have a cursor that's yellow and green say BFF emilytruong42 (2011-04-28 07:49:13):
hi! It's me again! Can I have a cursor that said Always Science that's in yellow! Unknown author (2011-04-29 12:54:21):
hey could i have on that says "steph" in pink with purple heart please Unknown author (2011-05-03 18:01:47):
hi, this is booger. could i have one that says, I LOVE KOLTON. i and kolton in blue and love in red? Unknown author (2011-05-05 16:08:07):
could i have one that flashes rainbow and Unknown author (2011-05-05 16:09:51):
could i have one that says "jenna + jordan 4eva" thanks Unknown author (2011-05-06 11:02:44):
could i please have one that says 'Nikki' in flashing colours. thanks and i luv u Unknown author (2011-05-06 11:05:48):
could i please have one that says 'Katie + James = LUV'. thanks and im doin this cos my BFF has just got her first boyfriend! Unknown author (2011-05-07 02:35:59):
its 'laughter' back again! i forgot my password to my account so yeah. i posted the one about 'katie and james'. he is gorgeus. luv u for ding this Savour The Good Times Of Life (2011-05-07 02:37:23):
hey this is 'laughter's new name. its awesome! luv u Unknown author (2011-05-07 23:32:45):
hey this booger again. kolton was spelled wrong. could you try again? i love kolton. i and kolton in blue and love in red. thanks Daniel W. (2011-05-08 22:17:13):
Sorry. My bad. Savour The Good Times Of Life (2011-05-09 01:33:04):
can i please have a 'Alex' in flashing all colours. thanks Unknown author (2011-05-09 04:27:23):
can i have barbie+ken with hearts around it flashing rainbow colors Unknown author (2011-05-10 09:16:12):
can i have one that says courtney in pink with black hearts and another the same but changes colours Unknown author (2011-05-12 15:54:55):
hi could i have jade plz it would be great thx in blue and pink flashing Unknown author (2011-05-12 15:56:38):
hi thanks xx ;D Unknown author (2011-05-13 04:03:44):
can yu make a COURTNEY in green with pink love hearts in the back and COURTNEY that changes colours Unknown author (2011-05-17 04:52:02):
plz make a Jennie Unknown author (2011-05-18 08:48:21):
make nathan in blue please Unknown author (2011-05-18 08:51:46):
can u also make it flashing please Unknown author (2011-05-19 03:44:38):
can u make geoff red Unknown author (2011-05-19 06:03:12):
can u make Brad black and red flashing Unknown author (2011-05-19 11:51:00):
make luke in red glowing plz Jasu (2011-05-19 13:43:02):
can u make Jasu in black with the red flames at the back plz. Thanks Unknown author (2011-05-22 09:56:32):
can u make lemuel in black with the red flames at the back plz. Thanks Unknown author (2011-05-23 09:06:49):
can u make them spin around? Unknown author (2011-05-23 15:57:34):
hey! can you make one that says bella boo thats rainbowy and have hearts! THX Unknown author (2011-05-26 16:09:28):
boomboom in black Unknown author (2011-05-27 20:17:47):
can u make one that says Liz and can u make it animated and rainbowy with hearts? ♥♥♥ thx! Unknown author (2011-05-28 02:09:49):
make 1 that that's animated and says Elizabeth and hearts that are sparkly pink! Unknown author (2011-05-28 13:43:27):
can you make a victoria one? Unknown author (2011-05-30 02:25:22):
Make one that say's rob please!! Unknown author (2011-05-30 05:22:02):
can you make one that says "maddieLovesBen" pleaaaase Unknown author (2011-05-30 18:32:09):
MAKE one that say Mady<3'sFranklin Unknown author (2011-06-01 11:08:17):
HURRY UP AND MAKE THEM !!! Daniel W. (2011-06-01 17:36:46):
Demanding sort aren't we? Swim Ninja (2011-06-02 17:44:18):
Hi can you make me one that says Alexa and graham 4ever with hearts? thanks Unknown author (2011-06-04 11:04:24):
can you make one that says liam please mikaela.s (2011-06-04 17:54:31):
can youh make one that says, mikaela<3 Unknown author (2011-06-07 10:27:12):
can u make my name its tania :P Unknown author (2011-06-07 10:29:46):
please Unknown author (2011-06-07 10:58:25):
pls make one for maye and make it blue thanks Unknown author (2011-06-07 11:00:32):
pls make me one that says willow and maye for ever with a love heart in the back ground that is purple thanks Unknown author (2011-06-07 11:01:51):
hi same person could u also make me one that says maye and matthew 4 ever with a love heart in the back ground and flashes different colours thanks a million Unknown author (2011-06-07 12:09:34):
can you please do one that says S.R.M <3 C.L.P.B with a love heart background and flashing in diff colours please thanks Unknown author (2011-06-07 12:10:16):
can you please make one that has a heart with the initials L.D please? Many thanks Unknown author (2011-06-07 12:11:03):
hey can you pleasedo one that says shannon 4 chris with love hearts please thanks Unknown author (2011-06-07 12:14:59):
hey can u make me one with the name Josh anf the name in flashing colouers but can u but a fire background many thanks Unknown author (2011-06-07 19:40:30):
Haay do me one pleaase ma name isaskia i would like it light bluee Unknown author (2011-06-08 09:37:57):
hi its me the one who ordered 3 its just that i wanted one of me and one of willow my horse and me and one of matthew my bofriend and me thanks a million Unknown author (2011-06-08 10:48:45):
cursor name:ciaran cursor colour:black background:flames pllzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Unknown author (2011-06-08 11:46:59):
can you make one with Ethan plz in rainbow Unknown author (2011-06-08 15:20:36):
Can u do mine please my namee is sassy i would like it in love hearts xx Unknown author (2011-06-08 18:43:48):
can u make my name josh make me somethink of ur own head suprise me thanks Unknown author (2011-06-08 19:51:13):
off ur own head i meent this Unknown author (2011-06-09 04:05:39):
Monique,pink,love hearts Unknown author (2011-06-09 10:17:32):
can you please make one that says shannon + chris forever Unknown author (2011-06-09 10:32:10):
Hey can you make one that says ILY with flashing love hearts around it please? Thanks Unknown author (2011-06-09 10:33:18):
THE one that says shannon + chris forever you can decide on the backgroound thanks Unknown author (2011-06-09 10:34:51):
Can you make one that has Beth in sparkling colours and flowers please? Thank yhoo Unknown author (2011-06-11 13:12:10):
can u make one that has Monique in sparkling colours and smily faces or hearts if u cant do smily face, thx monique Unknown author (2011-06-11 13:17:35):
Monique ROCKS with big heart behind and it changes colour like the Maye and Matthew 4 ever cursor thx so much Monique Unknown author (2011-06-13 10:23:07):
Hi can you make a smiley face ( Unknown author (2011-06-14 10:15:31):
can you make one that says Kim with flashing multi-colour hearts on it please?? It's for my bezzie mate Unknown author (2011-06-14 10:27:22):
can you make one that says C.W FOR M.H with loads of flashing multi-colour hearts on it plz x Unknown author (2011-06-14 10:29:28):
can you make on that says ILY with a big glittery love heart on it plz x Unknown author (2011-06-14 10:30:33):
please can u make one that says charlie on it with multi coloured love hearts and stars x thanks Unknown author (2011-06-15 12:53:19):
thank youu!!! I love it xx ;D Unknown author (2011-06-15 15:19:25):
could u do the name tani babie with a space and colud u do it with it flashing with the colours blue and purple please xxxxxx Unknown author (2011-06-16 16:24:23):
Hi can you make one that says Chloe with flashing heats for my other bezzie mate please?? Thanks Unknown author (2011-06-17 12:11:26):
can you make a cursor that says B.S with a love heart on it please?? thanks Unknown author (2011-06-18 13:23:53):
echa with a love heart on it??thanks..:) Unknown author (2011-06-19 01:09:36):
can you make on saying lottie loves george pls and thnx x Unknown author (2011-06-19 10:47:56):
can u make one that has Monique in black and then rainbow(or normal) smily faces in it Unknown author (2011-06-20 13:09:36):
Hello, Can You Make Me One Please? I Want Kayley Hearts In The Back+ Flashing Rainbow;) Thank You;)<3<3<3 Swim Ninja (2011-06-20 15:50:01):
can you make me one that says alexa with flashing hearts and changing colors? thanks Unknown author (2011-06-20 15:56:57):
could u make one the name shannon pleasee and i want it flashing noww ... Unknown author (2011-06-21 10:23:56):
hey Unknown author (2011-06-21 11:09:00):
hey peoples can you make one that says bang tidy with multicoulerd love hearts in the back ground xxxx thanks xx Unknown author (2011-06-21 13:31:14):
could u do tghe name chloe flashing blue aned purple :0 thnxxx Unknown author (2011-06-21 14:07:01):
Tina flashing purple and black with stars aswell please Unknown author (2011-06-21 14:07:48):
N-dubz please flashing pink and yellow with music notes thank youu x Unknown author (2011-06-21 15:09:17):
could u do ily pleaee with hearts around it flashing pink blue purple ily please Unknown author (2011-06-22 13:08:28):
Please can u do danny in yellow with a big bright pink heart behind thanks x Unknown author (2011-06-22 14:09:05):
Hello can you make me one my names emily i would like stars around it xx Thaanks and please do it <3 Unknown author (2011-06-23 01:59:25):
ok so i want it to say Elizabeth in sparkly black with black music notes in the background that are also sparkly! Unknown author (2011-06-23 02:05:27):
make one that's neon green with neon green music notes and make it say dubstep please! Unknown author (2011-06-25 02:09:03):
make one that says gonzalez and is purple and pink. please. Unknown author (2011-06-27 11:19:26):
n-dubz please pink and yellow with music notes thanx this website is sooooooooo coool :)lol Unknown author (2011-06-27 13:42:32):
kya with gold stars Unknown author (2011-06-27 19:58:23):
pink and says angel. please Unknown author (2011-06-28 10:27:28):
black and says WTF Unknown author (2011-06-29 00:38:18):
thanks! Unknown author (2011-06-29 12:34:28):
toni Unknown author (2011-06-29 12:41:36):
please can i have princess kya Unknown author (2011-06-29 13:34:32):
Please can I have Erin with red flashing devil horns. Thanx Unknown author (2011-06-29 15:11:44):
please can i have chantelle-louise with a purple butterfly and my name pink thankyou!:) Unknown author (2011-07-02 02:29:08):
can u make it blue with my name kristen and horses if u can plz Unknown author (2011-07-04 03:59:03):
can i please have it say Nat in blue with a monkey behind it if you can please Unknown author (2011-07-04 15:14:31):
Can you please do Brittany the same colour as April, but make it so and glows and glitters? (: Unknown author (2011-07-05 15:17:31):
can you do me one that says chloe thena love heart in the middle then connor blue and purple flashing Unknown author (2011-07-05 22:30:27):
Amanda - Dark blue dark purple plz Unknown author (2011-07-06 14:02:09):
hiya can i have plz my name as don-don colour blue and stars thax xxx Unknown author (2011-07-06 14:06:03):
heya plz can u mke me a mouse saying D+R is bmfl fashing light green and yellow. Unknown author (2011-07-07 10:23:22):
hi please can you make a puple one with dulcie on it pleasexxxxx Unknown author (2011-07-07 10:25:52):
can you make one with purple writing saying phoebe with flashing yellow stars please xxxxxxxx Unknown author (2011-07-07 10:26:47):
please can nyou make a light blue one with alex on it and pink flashing hearts please Unknown author (2011-07-07 10:29:21):
can you make in pink with charlie white flashing stars please Unknown author (2011-07-08 06:33:45):
can u plzz make it say kaitie in a light purple with black hearts Unknown author (2011-07-08 11:00:10):
hi can u make a josh one but make it wierd so supprise me a think up somthing many thanks Unknown author (2011-07-11 11:26:20):
hi Unknown author (2011-07-12 02:59:16):
Can you please do one that says RARA in flashing colours and lovehearts round it ? Unknown author (2011-07-12 15:50:34):
please can you do one with i heart(thesymbol please) lily in purple with flashing pink hearts please xxxxx Unknown author (2011-07-12 15:57:18):
can you do one with alex rosie harriet please in pink. one on top of the other please .can it have flashing pink hearts please xxxxxx Unknown author (2011-07-12 19:07:26):
hello mate could you do tanya luv jimmy xx please with jimmy in blue and tanya in pink please and could you do another one that says T.J.B please flashing black and pink and coulde you do it so its sparkling please thanks mate luv yar matie wise xxx Unknown author (2011-07-13 09:39:48):
hey dude can i please have one saying NAT in multicoloured with flashing hearts please!!! thanks! Unknown author (2011-07-13 09:47:22):
hiiii how you doin i love your work. it is the best ever i wish i could do it. listen i was wondering if you could make me one that says 'the person that made this is very hot' thank you Unknown author (2011-07-13 11:28:45):
hiyaa i love yuor work i was wondering if u could make me one with prinsess with a pink flashing crowns on it please xxxxxxx Unknown author (2011-07-13 12:39:09):
hi can make a mouse with toni and kya bffl with flashing stars Unknown author (2011-07-13 12:40:18):
i want my name in purple and with multi rainbow thankyou your AMAZING!<3 luke98 (2011-07-13 15:12:31):
can you make one that says luke98 flashing please mate thanks! Unknown author (2011-07-13 15:37:23):
heya plz can i have Raine in flashing blue and black then in the back ground bell from twilight in the back ground plz? thank you ur awesome! Swim Ninja (2011-07-14 00:23:53):
Can you make me 1 that says Alexa and Blake like the 1 u made for maye and Matthew plz? thx in advance Unknown author (2011-07-16 02:43:03):
CHEESE!!! Please can u right one that says cheese in yellow! That would be soooooooooooooooooooooo awesome! thanks soo much! i love ur work it is amazing! Unknown author (2011-07-18 12:21:46):
hey... thank u for making the one that i asked u too.x could u please one that says hariet hearts brody.thanks.xxx Unknown author (2011-07-18 12:42:04):
Daniel W. (2011-07-18 17:32:46):
Nice! What breed? Unknown author (2011-07-19 12:49:25):
can you plz do Laurena with a pink kiss and black writing Unknown author (2011-07-19 12:51:07):
Can you plz make one with 'L.Neverson' with a red kiss and the writing in black Unknown author (2011-07-21 13:37:26):
can u please write jade with flashing pink stars and a black backgroudn and the jade in pink thanks Unknown author (2011-07-21 13:39:23):
could u please make one saying i love shadow with purple writing and purple flashing stars thanks and a heart in the background Unknown author (2011-07-25 23:12:48):
Name- Jamey Unknown author (2011-07-25 23:14:38):
hi can you have the name be Roxi in flashing black and blue and little bunnies in the background? Roxi is my pet bunny Unknown author (2011-07-25 23:15:43):
the same as above only it says dust and its tan Unknown author (2011-08-03 15:51:54):
Can u please make one with red hearts around Patrice (Black) and Willie (Blue)...TY. Unknown author (2011-08-04 07:02:38):
can u please make me a yellow one that said Sophie Veda Anne? Thanks a lot! Unknown author (2011-08-09 12:15:56):
Caelyn Unknown author (2011-08-11 03:46:48):
abbey pink and black can u make it move?? Unknown author (2011-08-12 02:24:32):
Moni+Gabb 4 eva muilty coloured heart in back round Unknown author (2011-08-12 22:38:58):
Unknown author (2011-08-16 00:49:15):
Can you make a yellow and black one that says Nanakuli on it? Unknown author (2011-08-16 00:54:40):
Can you make a purple moving one with hearts that says Nohe on it? Unknown author (2011-08-16 21:18:57):
Can you make me a purple J the heart shape K? Unknown author (2011-08-16 23:49:50):
Can you make one that says hawks in black and gold hearts around it moving? Unknown author (2011-08-17 01:10:11):
can you make me one that says krisha in rainbow with stars twinkling around it? Unknown author (2011-08-17 21:08:03):
Can you make me one that says mary heart shape marc... mary in pink marc in purple with purple and pink heart shapes floating around it? Unknown author (2011-08-17 21:31:57):
Can you make me one that says Zayne in pink and purple hearts and star shapes floating around it? Unknown author (2011-08-17 23:41:44):
can you make one that says sexy wit hearts and stars in pink if not thanx Unknown author (2011-08-19 00:56:51):
Can you make me one that says Angelica in pink with dark pink hearts blinking around it? Unknown author (2011-08-22 03:49:29):
can you make one with m+m 4 eva muilty coloured heart in back round Unknown author (2011-08-22 22:31:39):
can you make me one with a broken red heart shape in the bak of the work broken in black? thank you Unknown author (2011-08-23 01:00:59):
Can you make one that's purple and white that says Emma heart shape Naliko.....Naliko in purple and Emma in white with purple and white hearts floating around it? koby_elian2000 (2011-08-23 01:13:59 / 5 stars):
Koby that is rainbow colored with stars in the back that is colored white, red and blue, and make it animated!!! Unknown author (2011-08-23 12:13:33):
can you make me one that has "lily and Eric 4ever" and its in a love heart and that you can see the writting clearly. and if its possible i would like to have love hearts streaming from the back. please try and make the writting stand out. try to make it look as cute as possible. thank-you sooooo much!! Unknown author (2011-08-23 12:15:43):
can you pease make me one that says " lily" and has flowers all aound it and has flowers streaming from the backk. i would like the flowers to be purple and the writting to be a nice colour that stands out, you can chose for me. thank you soooo much!!!
koby_elian2000 (2011-08-23 21:17:07):
Elian that is colored red, blue, yellow, and green and has small flames behind. The color of the top-right cursor is black. Make the flame animated. I am the same person who requested you for the two "Kobys". Make the name animated this way. koby_elian2000 (2011-08-23 21:58:54):
How about two rows: "Elian" on 1st, "Koby" on 2nd, make the "Elian" silver, and then the "Koby" gold. make the top-left cursor multicolored (red orange yellow green aqua blue purple) and animate it. Animate the name so that it shines. Sorry if this is too much for you to do... At least there's no background... Unknown author (2011-08-25 07:30:44):
could u please make a multicolored one which says Gabby with all these flowers in the background which are multicolored too. Thax your a rockstar Unknown author (2011-08-25 11:30:00):
Can u please make one that says gab, lil, faith and liz 4 eva in black writing with little red love hearts flashing in the background!!! Unknown author (2011-08-25 11:30:58):
Can u please make one with love is 4 eva in a red heart Unknown author (2011-08-25 11:33:03):
Can u please make one which says Gabby(love heart)? with a flashing red love heart in between Gabby and ? thax yr a superstar!!! Unknown author (2011-08-25 11:40:49):
Can u please make one that says Gabby in a nice color which u can chose. and has a beach in the background with water and sand with a multicolored umbrella. with a beach ball bouncing along the beach if possible please!!!!! thax!!! yr a superstar!!!! Unknown author (2011-08-26 09:51:40):
Can u please make one with the word "Gabby" in Blue just above a yellow smiley face. Thax,!!!!! your a rockstar!!!! Unknown author (2011-08-26 23:56:58):
can u please make me one that says "L+E 4ever" and make love hearts flashin around and make it animated!! thank you soo much ur wicked!! Unknown author (2011-08-26 23:58:15):
can u please make me one that says "Jack Rocks" please put a touch ball or soccer ball in the backround and make it animated!! thanks ur wicked!! Unknown author (2011-08-26 23:59:34):
can u please make me one that says "Lily" and put some animated lovehearts and flowers around it and make sure that its animated!! thanks ur wicked Unknown author (2011-08-27 00:00:41):
can u please make me one that says "I Love You" and put some animated ove hearts around it please!! thanks ur wickked Unknown author (2011-08-27 00:01:44):
can u please make me one that says " Faith" and it has flowers animated around it Unknown author (2011-08-28 01:23:39):
can u please make me one that says "L+E 4ever" and make it animated. can u try and make it as romantic as possible!! please!! thanks ur wicked!! Unknown author (2011-08-28 06:28:00):
can u make one that says nathan thats like the ethan one plz thank you Unknown author (2011-08-28 12:09:43):
can u please make me one that says " s+s4ever" thanks ur wicked!! Unknown author (2011-08-28 23:40:24):
can u please make me one that says " guinea pigs!!" and has pictures of cute little animated guinea pigs aroung it!! thanks ur a rockstar Unknown author (2011-08-29 23:45:22):
can you make me one that says D and C in black n purple? koby_elian2000 (2011-09-01 01:12:12):
Can you make me one that says Cursor on the first row, Freak on the second. Make the cursor animated moving up and down alternatively. I like it when someone makes a cursor for me. Then make the Freak animated so that the "COLORS" of freak (which is red, blue, green, yellow, and purple) would look like there alternating colors to the right. Then, make the background sparkling. The sparkles are colored red, blue, and green. They have to be almost everywhere in the cursor. The sparkle HAS to be animated. Thanks in advance!!! Unknown author (2011-09-01 02:27:36):
can u please make me one that says "Eric loves Lily" with love hearts around it Unknown author (2011-09-01 03:23:55):
can you make one that says Frankie Unknown author (2011-09-01 21:09:17):
can you make one that says Derek in purple and a black heart in the background? thank you Unknown author (2011-09-02 02:00:12):
Hey could you please make me one that says fuck life in purple with a skelton in the background Unknown author (2011-09-03 06:57:14):
can u please make me one that says L+E4ever and can u make it as romantic and animated as possible!! thanks can u please make me one that says Lily in a nice colour which u can chose. and in the backround have beach and water with a multicooured umbrella. and can u put a little beach bll bouncing across. thanks Unknown author (2011-09-05 02:29:36):
can u plz do the nathan one Unknown author (2011-09-07 00:27:33):
Can you make one that says tough b!tch! in purple with stars blinking around it blue can you make one that says baby girl loves Marc.with hot pink and black stars. May I please have a blue and white one that says "ICONic Boyz" on it with stars flashing around? It's okay if you can't do it, you're getting a lot of requests, thank you Unknown author (2011-09-07 20:25:28):
Can you make a cookie with an B in it, THANKS Unknown author (2011-09-08 00:40:56):
Can you make Derek in Black and tiny pink and black hearts around it. Thank you ! Savour The Good Times Of Life (2011-09-08 01:41:00):
Can you please make a N with orange flowers around it Unknown author (2011-09-09 22:38:25):
Can you please make one that say Keanu that is black and with purple and black tiny hearts around it. Thank you Unknown author (2011-09-09 23:18:06):
Can you make one that says Tay Tay in black with Purple and black hearts and stars around it. Thank You ! Unknown author (2011-09-10 01:58:22):
Can you please make a gun & have it say.... SHOOT ME! thank you. I love you too. Unknown author (2011-09-12 12:15:52):
can u please make me one saying "shaela [and then a love heart] Paris" thanks Unknown author (2011-09-13 22:24:41):
Can you make me one that says K heart shape B purple and green and have a big heart in the back blinking purple? thanks u da best Unknown author (2011-09-14 01:25:10):
can you make me one that says elizabeth can you make me one that says Lizzie!! can u make me one that says " faith rocks" and put flashing love hearts around it!! and make it animated!! thanks in advanced!! Unknown author (2011-09-14 03:01:50):
can you please make one that says saige that is rainbow? if you can make the rainbow animated that would be sweet Unknown author (2011-09-14 03:08:57):
heyy could you make one that says jade (in an aqua blue - not too bright) with peach coloured starfish around it? if the satrfish were flashing at different times that would be good Unknown author (2011-09-15 10:48:38):
can you please make me one that says Emma and has got the eiffel tower and something to do with Paris Unknown author (2011-09-15 12:21:10):
can u please make me one that says frilly [and then it flashes] to pilly in pink purple and blue and put some girly stufff in the back ground!! thanks in advanced Unknown author (2011-09-15 22:18:46):
Can you please make me one that says Lizzie with the Eiffel tower Thanks in advance Can you please make me one with the London bridge with my name Lizzie on it somewhere Can you please make me one that says Lizzie or Elizabeth on a fancy sign Unknown author (2011-09-16 08:55:43):
can you please make me one that says Lizzie in colourful writing can you please make me one that says Emma with the eiffel tower can you please make me one that says Lizzie with a beach background can you please make me one that says Lizzie with a really fancy of your choice background can you please make me one with just the eiffel tower can you please make me one with just the london bridge Unknown author (2011-09-17 01:39:59):
CAN U PLEASE MAKE ME ONE THAT SAYS SHAELA LOVES PARIS!!! accept the loves is a love heart and it flashes between the words and the eifel tower!! thaks can u please make me one that says "Eric Rules" thanks!!!;-) Unknown author (2011-09-17 08:01:26):
can you please make me one that says Everyone is gifted-but some people never open their package Daniel W. (2011-09-17 21:08:25):
That really isn't a name so I am not going to include it in this set. However I have made and posted it as a stand alone cursor here: Unknown author (2011-09-17 22:18:18):
can you please make me one that says The best angle from which to approach something is the try-angle. Unknown author (2011-09-18 05:23:32):
can you please make me one that says The White Family!! and can you please make it colourful. Daniel W. (2011-09-18 05:48:51):
OK same deal here on the last two. I've added them as stand alone cursors. Best angle of approach here: http://www.rw-designer.com/cursor-detail/28431 Hereafter please remember that this set is really designed for names. There is a place on the forums for other requests where I or one of the other authors will see it. Here's a link to that http://www.rw-designer.com/forum/requests Unknown author (2011-09-19 07:12:12):
can u make me a cursor that says "Biology Rocks" in lots of different colours! and put some test tubes or glasses in the background and make it look sciencey! thanks in advanced!! Unknown author (2011-09-19 22:54:52):
Hi. Can you make a cursor that says BORICUA and the Puerto Rican Flag behind it flashing THNKS Oh also can u make one that says Blue_Ninja_83 in navy blue? its my PS3 account Unknown author (2011-09-20 00:10:35):
can u please make me one that says "Teehee" and put smiley faces around it please! thanks in advanced Unknown author (2011-09-20 10:23:18):
can u please make me one that says " Jesse rocks" and make it boyish please!! Unknown author (2011-09-20 22:12:44):
can u make me one that says i heart shape cookiez in purple and a big cookie in the background?? Thamk you so much<3<3<3 Unknown author (2011-09-21 14:14:09):
can u make one that says "EVRY DAY I'M SHUFFLING" with the shuffling stick figure in the background flashing thnx Unknown author (2011-09-22 23:17:13):
can you please make me one that says Lizzie on front of a fancy sign can you please make me one that says Elizabeth on front of a fancy sign can you please make the two fancy signed names colourful can yo pease make me one that says Elizabeth and make it colourful please can you also put a picture of music notes around the word Elizabeth. can you please make me one that flashes between Elizabeth and a picture of the eiffel tower. can you please amke me one that flashes between Elizabeth and a picture of the London Bridge.
Unknown author (2011-09-23 15:54:28):
Hey, could you do me a cursor thing saying Evie! with a pink arrow and my name flashing rainbow thanks Unknown author (2011-09-25 21:06:34):
i dont see my blue_ninja_83, boricua, or my evry day im shuffling cursors WTF Unknown author (2011-09-26 20:47:25):
May you please make me one that says destiney with a blinky lights around it Unknown author (2011-09-26 23:34:20):
can u make one that says MARC ANTHONY flashing in black all caps? thnx my mom luvs marc anthony Unknown author (2011-09-27 17:22:35):
kaleb jordan just kaleb though can you make a one that is rainbow and says kaleb Unknown author (2011-09-29 01:43:48):
make a lil wayne one and make it beast Unknown author (2011-09-30 03:44:15):
Make a one Saying Fiona theres not one website that has it its mty mums name Unknown author (2011-09-30 11:09:02):
can u make called kathryn in blu Unknown author (2011-10-01 07:26:11):
etinfarhana Unknown author (2011-10-02 05:16:02):
can u please make me one that says "come at me bro" and have something underneth or around it that represents the words! make it funny please!!! thanks soooo much!!!!!!!!!! Unknown author (2011-10-02 13:54:54):
can u do me one that says Luke in blue cheers m8 can you do one that says Scott in blue Unknown author (2011-10-03 13:30:36):
can u do jade with a eiffel tower behind it please Unknown author (2011-10-04 06:29:15):
Monique with animated smily face below it and multi coloured stars in the back round Unknown author (2011-10-04 10:31:43):
could u please make one which says "If love was easy it wouldn't be special" with a big redd heart in the back grond that looks like a firework if possible oh and can u please choose a nice colour to make the writing in thax, yr a rocksta could u please make one saying " It's better to be hated for what you are to be loved for what you are not" andcan u make the writing very clear. i would like a nice background some thing indicating love and please make it animated thax dude, yr a rocksta Unknown author (2011-10-04 18:03:32):
can you do one that says luke and do it in anyway that you like cheers m8 nice one Unknown author (2011-10-04 21:24:44):
Can i have emma with pink and green writting and also can i have red love hearts flashing around it thanks:O Unknown author (2011-10-04 22:13:45):
KC and sabrina with pink writing and a green heart Unknown author (2011-10-04 23:37:13):
Kerigan with rainbow letters(: THANKS <3 Kerigan in purple and blue letters (: <33 Unknown author (2011-10-04 23:41:20):
says Lizzie and has picture of eiffel tower and another one that says Elizabeth and the london bridge Unknown author (2011-10-05 00:23:34):
can you make one that says victoria and is rainbow i see somebody asked for victoria in rainbow well can i have it in rainbow and with flames Unknown author (2011-10-05 12:34:30):
hey hey, Unknown author (2011-10-05 17:30:34):
could you do one that says luke and have a uk flag behind plz cheers Unknown author (2011-10-06 10:43:02):
can you please make a declan one flashing blue, red, green and yellow of possible please Unknown author (2011-10-06 13:56:45):
also could you make the flashing multi-colour one have dark blue in it not bright thanks Unknown author (2011-10-06 15:42:41):
one that says madde would be awesome madde with pink and purple that changes Unknown author (2011-10-07 00:39:32):
can you pleas emake me oe that says Lizzie and it has a beach background Unknown author (2011-10-07 16:11:17):
Steph(Green) and Alex(Red) with hearts both colores Unknown author (2011-10-07 19:03:20):
Ingrid (black with music notes) DjDinoice (black with music notes) Unknown author (2011-10-11 04:24:37):
i want a red cursor with bright flashing rainbow colours james a bright red cursor with flashing rainbow colours Unknown author (2011-10-11 17:01:03):
Hey cann i have one that says Jhoneel with green letters and try to find a cool flame for the background thanks!!!! :P Unknown author (2011-10-11 19:05:28):
can u make one that says daryl can u make one that says daryl in rainbow Unknown author (2011-10-12 11:45:01):
Hi I love your work on the name cursors could you please make one that says: Unknown author (2011-10-12 14:13:39):
Can you make one that says Alex & Steph but make Alex in red and steph in lime gree with hearts around them that change colors from red to green thanks Unknown author (2011-10-12 18:09:14):
Can you make one that says Alex & Steph but make Alex in red and steph in pink with hearts around them that change colors from red to green thanks Can you please redo the Alex and Steph with just make the letters a little bigger please and thank you Alex in red Steph in lime green with hearts that chang color from red to gree... Thanks sorry for bugging you so much i just love your work Unknown author (2011-10-12 21:48:20):
can you please make one that says Lizzie with a paris/eiffel tower background Unknown author (2011-10-12 22:29:07):
can you do one that says Madde with changing hearts in the background plez!?? thx that would be amazing Unknown author (2011-10-13 02:08:03):
Can you make one that says: EzZiE_KaNaKz in Red and Black with flashing stars and hearts around it that is silver. Thank You very much!!! Unknown author (2011-10-13 12:52:42):
Hi could you do : Unknown author (2011-10-14 10:44:11):
hi, can i have declan flashing rainbow please Unknown author (2011-10-15 17:29:18):
hi nice cursors but could u make 1 that says; Unknown author (2011-10-15 21:08:42):
daryl and in flames daryl in rainbow kaleb in flashing flames NEOC (2011-10-15 22:07:19 / 5 stars):
Another job well done. I give you congratulations on your efforts. But the reason for the 5 stars is the enormous quantity of uploaded cursors. I really don't have words to describe your job, but stars means more than a thousand words Note: I didn't see my name, either... (and no one shall never know my name)
Unknown author (2011-10-18 18:12:47):
Tyler In orange and blue Unknown author (2011-10-19 00:10:54):
can you please make me one that says Christmas and has a picture of a christmas tree!! Unknown author (2011-10-19 10:18:33):
can you make me one saying saskia please;')with a rainbow around it thankyou could you do the nme tanya pleas blacck and hot pink with a heart at the end fo the name Unknown author (2011-10-19 15:50:23):
Destinni Purple and Black D + J 4 Eva can you make one tht says D + J 4 eva in purple text with heart changing colors. thnk you Can you make one that says J + D 4 ever in purple text with a heart that changes colors Unknown author (2011-10-19 16:23:05):
Can you make one that says Alex and Steph 4ever in green letters inside a red heart with little green and red hearts flashing around it thanks Unknown author (2011-10-20 15:01:49):
can you make Abby + Kwesi with a pink heart can you make a + s with a baby blue heart can you make a D + J 4 eva in purple text with a heart changing colors and around that little hearts in lime green can you make a a + k with a happy face Unknown author (2011-10-20 17:14:54):
can you make shannon in lime green text with a smiley face Unknown author (2011-10-21 10:33:42):
could u please make one that says " its better to be hated for who you are to be loved for what you are not" can you please make one that says " if love was easy it wouldn't be special" Daniel W. (2011-10-21 18:48:23):
I have added these here: pokemondawg2 (2011-10-21 20:28:06):
Can you make one saying Justin + Tessa 4Evr with Tessa in Purple and Justin in Orange with little red & yellow hearts and the text jumping around? thanks a ton Unknown author (2011-10-22 22:53:50):
can you please give me the name of the website that you request for saying cursors!! Daniel W. (2011-10-23 03:08:07):
Daniel W. (2011-10-26 19:13:39):
Name requests go here. All other requests go to the link above. Unknown author (2011-10-27 21:50:51):
Annika (: i don't really care how you do it ... :P Annika (: pinkkkk (: and i love sparkless lol Unknown author (2011-10-28 00:32:34):
Can you make a Daniel and have the same exact thing as the Josh3 thing Unknown author (2011-10-28 23:15:38):
Christmas please Unknown author (2011-10-29 07:02:55):
i love it! thanks!! (: Arrington. with flames thx man. Unknown author (2011-11-01 03:28:53):
Arrington with flames please! Unknown author (2011-11-02 03:35:05):
thank youuu! it looks awesome! Unknown author (2011-11-02 20:53:08):
Jezze with a tennis ball please jezze with stars Unknown author (2011-11-02 22:02:53):
make an austin one Unknown author (2011-11-02 22:16:06):
jordan with a tennis racket and tennis ball Cameron (2011-11-04 16:08:20 / 5 stars):
no Cameron :O Unknown author (2011-11-04 20:00:11):
Melissa Unknown author (2011-11-04 22:29:58):
Joey in neon please max in neon and black and luke with minecraft under luke please Unknown author (2011-11-05 00:53:41):
Sydney in purple or black (or both) idont care haha i jsut want my name on a cursor! i thought out of all the unique names thered b a sydney somewhere Unknown author (2011-11-07 20:51:39):
Can you please make one that says Paige in black with tiny purple hearts and black stars around it. It make it sparkley Unknown author (2011-11-08 14:39:03):
Bryce in red Unknown author (2011-11-08 16:19:24):
Chris and Cice with blinking hearts Unknown author (2011-11-08 19:04:26):
Can you make AUZIA with hearts and crowns. Can you make auzia in the color green and with crowns and hearts. kyndal (2011-11-08 19:48:52):
Kyndal and Edgar Unknown author (2011-11-09 12:55:15):
Can you make - Karrar Al-Zubaidy - in big block black text with glowing neon blue around the edges. Please make the cursor layout like this- Karrar
Karrar but center the text Unknown author (2011-11-09 19:13:51):
Hi can you make me one that says that I heart shape cookiez and have a big cookie in the back. thank you Unknown author (2011-11-09 20:40:30):
ummm can you make mines that says PUMEHANA in caps and a blue heart with an arrow threw it in the back of my name Unknown author (2011-11-10 10:49:48):
can u make one that says luke in bold black writting and has a smiley face with glasses on plz can u make one that says Miss March on it with a big play boy sign in the back ground plz thanks Unknown author (2011-11-10 16:34:16):
can u make one with "Anthony" and with the assassin's creed symbol in the back Unknown author (2011-11-10 19:59:12):
can you make one that says Mitzuku and with stars Unknown author (2011-11-10 20:49:59):
can you make one with "Nathan" and a pot plant in the back Unknown author (2011-11-11 16:00:55):
Hi can you make - Karrar - being shot from a gun animation please thanks Unknown author (2011-11-11 17:20:39):
Cam you make tyanna with pink and blue crowns and hearts please!! Unknown author (2011-11-12 08:00:09):
hello, can u please make one which says"Cooper love heart Gabby" with a big fire work love heart in the back ground all differne colours and please make it animated!! thax, ur a rockstar can u please do Cooper+Gabby="love heart" with the eiffel tower in the back ground flashing thax dude, ur a supersta Unknown author (2011-11-14 20:40:00):
make one that says Amna Unknown author (2011-11-15 18:58:36):
can you make one with "Anthony" coming out of a sniper Unknown author (2011-11-16 03:06:52):
can you make one with maria with a cross in the back please Unknown author (2011-11-16 22:23:52):
christmas with chrisdtmas tree please Unknown author (2011-11-17 01:03:14):
bekah with music and hearts and jasmine rebekah + joshua with hearts how to love plez flashing with hearts Unknown author (2011-11-17 18:41:36):
Hi, your work is great!! Hope it doesnt stop! Hello I would like a cursor saying: 'LIKE A BOSS!' Unknown author (2011-11-17 23:22:33):
like that outher person said how to love Unknown author (2011-11-18 02:28:58):
Hello can I get Patrice animated with art brushes Hi can I get a butterfly scrolling JamaicanfireS Unknown author (2011-11-18 23:47:45):
Can I have a Amanda heart Carl like the one with the Eiffel tower . The same as this one-> Emma 2.ani. But if you can put a statue of liberty instead of Eiffel tower that would be great since we are from NY! THanks Unknown author (2011-11-21 17:55:25):
THX for my cursers (: ur the bomb! Unknown author (2011-11-21 22:11:29):
skyrim charachter with a sword skyrim khajit with a sword and shield Unknown author (2011-11-25 13:54:45):
can u make one that says im the babe with a hot pink backgound that has glitter in it plz thanks x Unknown author (2011-11-27 15:49:18):
SPONGEBOB in yellow letters and black outline and his face flashing behind it Unknown author (2011-11-30 01:45:59):
Can You Make One That Says Unknown author (2011-12-02 15:28:49):
can you make one that says daemarie in pink with hearts? Unknown author (2011-12-02 15:41:09):
Can you make one thats says Andre with red hearts pleaseee !! kyndal (2011-12-02 17:52:49):
hi, can you make Marissa & Gerardo blue with hearts Unknown author (2011-12-02 20:12:11):
spongebob in red letters!!! Unknown author (2011-12-03 17:28:15):
Could you please make one that says Sarah and it is blue. Its okay if its not blue but it would be preffered. Thanks Unknown author (2011-12-04 00:28:33):
I want mine to say david and be in red flashing with a sword through it. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Unknown author (2011-12-05 19:17:25):
Can you PLEASE make one that say's HCMS CHEERLEADER??? in blue and gre Unknown author (2011-12-06 17:02:34):
PLEASE CAN YOU MAKE "KARINA N LUIS <3" Unknown author (2011-12-06 18:55:30):
can you please make one that says "SUSHI<3JOSHUA" in sparkley blue letters Unknown author (2011-12-07 15:04:57):
can you please make one that says Mitchell + Charlotte 4evr Unknown author (2011-12-07 17:19:40):
Could you make one that says Poseidon and is blue with waves please. I would really like it if you did. Unknown author (2011-12-08 01:12:26):
can you make one that says Jared and binks in Blue, Red, and Black? Unknown author (2011-12-09 04:52:30):
Can ou please make one that says "Thy Thy" and then flashes into "Rocks" Unknown author (2011-12-12 22:19:07):
i like dis but i want my name in something can u put breanna in one and i want blue and pink and purple flashes thank u can u plzz make dis one for me Unknown author (2011-12-13 17:29:02):
can you put Marissa & Gerardo in blue with hearts please Unknown author (2011-12-13 21:51:39):
can i plez have skittlez with hearts and music notes flashing thx A BUNCH! Unknown author (2011-12-16 10:36:59):
Hi can i please have an animation of a fist moving and then saying 'LIKE A BOSS'--- Unknown author (2011-12-16 12:39:19):
Hi can you please make one for me that say Jade Grant & Alyssa Milano that flashes different colour please because it is her birthday and my birthday soon and we would love it for a birthday presant please love Jade xoxo Unknown author (2011-12-16 21:38:35):
can i have DANCE EDUCATION CENTER with red black and silver somehow in there? Unknown author (2011-12-17 06:26:37):
Can u please put Jane'a JadeAlyssaMilano (2011-12-21 11:47:03):
Hey sorry i meant for you to put Jade Grant and Alyssa Milano as one not sepete like This Jade Grant & Alyssa Milano Bffls as one whole cusor please I was the one that said Love Jade xoxo i meant so its like some other ones you have done like J&B but of our whole name Thanks and i hope you have a Merry Christmas Unknown author (2011-12-21 20:06:35):
hey can i plese have skilltes <3 thT is what im called cuz of my joy lol so skittlez thx and merry christmas <3! likr rainbow plez and thx JadeAlyssaMilano (2011-12-22 10:24:40):
Thanks Daniel we love it how about another one for Jade&Gwen just for some fun JadeAlyssaMilano (2011-12-23 02:02:00):
with anything you want Unknown author (2011-12-26 08:37:33):
uh can u make for me a cursor "Andy" with the color "light blue" Unknown author (2011-12-28 15:08:52):
Can you make my cursor say Emily that is purple or rainbow colored Unknown author (2011-12-28 16:53:48):
Can u make my cursor say Charlotte and is rainbow coloured thanks This is charlotte (see above) ps I like stars Unknown author (2011-12-30 05:07:52):
I ♥ U Unknown author (2012-01-02 07:35:38):
can you make for me a cursor say I ♥ U please! thanks! Unknown author (2012-01-03 13:58:58):
Ringgo Unknown author (2012-01-04 20:22:44):
i have had the curser u have mede for me for like ever secince u make it and i have had it all year.... (: Unknown author (2012-01-05 00:32:22):
could u do 1 4 john and hallie? Unknown author (2012-01-05 15:20:46):
can you please please do one that says "JOSUE CORONA" flashing in dierent colors..and black sparkly stars.. please thanks:) Unknown author (2012-01-06 13:29:24):
can you please do Bella and Edward please with it all giltter Unknown author (2012-01-09 05:39:55):
can you please do alyssia and cole please with glitter Mr Lloyd (2012-01-10 09:32:23):
Unknown author (2012-01-10 16:43:04):
can u plz make one that says "leo" in flashing rainbow colors wit glittary black stars.. pleasee thank you kyndal (2012-01-10 21:19:31):
can you please make one that says kynal and edgar with hearts. BLUE.. thank you:) Unknown author (2012-01-13 22:16:57):
Can you PLEASE make an Abigail in lime green and sky blue because you have an Abby like that but thats not my name...THANXS!!!!! Unknown author (2012-01-13 22:36:48):
can u make a just HALLIE in glitter and rainbow if possible!! Unknown author (2012-01-17 00:32:31):
Hey can u make 1 with Claire in lime green Unknown author (2012-01-17 19:38:16):
Can you make a Liza in purple spakly abby2012 (2012-01-17 21:08:13):
hey can you please make a blinking red and blue Ryan for my friend? THANKS!!! if you could also make a lime green Emily cursor that would ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Unknown author (2012-01-18 01:06:26):
hey can you make a phoebe in lime green and sky blue with sparkles? THANKS!!! Mythology Maniac (2012-01-18 14:22:41):
Can you please make one that says disney in red with a mickey head in the background. Thank you. Unknown author (2012-01-18 15:50:43):
Can you please make one that says "wiza wubs hawwie, mk, and cheese!!" abby2012 (2012-01-18 21:04:09):
hey can you make a hot pink and red abigail with ssparkles? THANKS!!! kyndal (2012-01-19 14:53:35):
Can you make edgar with flashing colors sparkly with stars ? PLEASE Mythology Maniac (2012-01-20 00:33:20):
Could you please make one that says stitch and is blue with a picture of stitch in the background. Thank You. Mythology Maniac (2012-01-20 03:14:59):
Can you plaease make one that says chip and dale in green with a picture of chip and dale in the background. Thank you. Mythology Maniac (2012-01-20 04:10:14):
I am going to give you a challenge. I want you to make a cursor for each disney character you can think of. You don't have to do it but I want to see if you can. Unknown author (2012-01-20 15:10:17):
Can u make me a breanna with bule and pink sparkles. Thanks Mythology Maniac (2012-01-22 19:04:53):
Can you please make one that says tangled in yellow with the tangled sun in the background. Not by itself but the sun has to be on the purple cloth it was on in the movie. Thank you. Unknown author (2012-01-23 19:14:07):
could u make one with the name michael? Unknown author (2012-01-23 22:06:45):
can u plez do a Madde + ChrisC. = <3 with hearts and that would be amazing!!!!!!!!!!! Mythology Maniac (2012-01-24 03:09:50):
Could you please make one that says Jumba in purple with Jumba's picture in the background? And could you make one that says Pleakley that is light green and has a picture of pleakley in the background? Thank you. Mythology Maniac (2012-01-24 20:14:15):
Could you please make one that says gaston in red with a picture of gaston in the background. Thank you very much. Unknown author (2012-01-26 02:12:40):
Hi !! Can you make one that says Omnia plz ! cuz i have a very unique one and i looked everywhere but then i saw ur website and i waz like AWESOME so y not ask and i want it to be with green and blu sparkles THANK YOU GUYS!! Unknown author (2012-01-27 15:14:21):
make one that says isis with blue sparkels. Unknown author (2012-01-30 18:51:04):
Jade with the colours Blue , pink or purple Unknown author (2012-01-31 16:06:52):
Can you make one that says Gabe & Kendall<3 And have it in blue glitter with hearts in rainbow flashing?? thank you Unknown author (2012-01-31 19:01:39):
Can you make one that says Kendall in rainbow glitter with sparkles all around it? thanks (: Unknown author (2012-01-31 19:06:43):
Chris & Hannah Unknown author (2012-02-02 18:44:30):
Chris & Hannah Unknown author (2012-02-02 20:23:34):
can you make one that says Kelsey in purple with glitter and hearts? please and thank you Unknown author (2012-02-05 22:19:20):
Hey man, could u make 1 that says J + H 4 Eva that flashes in as many colors as u can do? Trying to make her happy. Know what I mean? Thanks Unknown author (2012-02-06 05:11:19):
can you make one that says Ryan and Julie like the alex and steph 2.ani Can you make one that says Julie like paige2.cur with black and baby blue or can you make it like pumehana.ani with the blue heart with an arrow through it, but can you make the letters bigger. Unknown author (2012-02-08 02:59:00):
Romeo & Yelena Unknown author (2012-02-12 21:11:33):
^^ aw he has the same name a my b'f i forgot to say thankss Unknown author (2012-02-14 18:38:14):
name:S!D Flameusera (2012-02-15 08:18:21):
Can you make an awesome one that says Johan Unknown author (2012-02-15 15:21:49):
Jordan pink zebra print Unknown author (2012-02-15 17:32:25):
chloe in fire Unknown author (2012-02-17 05:33:12):
Max But flashing like the green one but green and orange and red and blue kenzie (2012-02-23 23:28:18):
can you please make me one that says megan and mackenzie = bffs and make it in pink and turquoise zebra print Daniel W. (2012-02-24 02:35:51):
Sorry kenzie, if I try to put that much into a cursor you won't be able to read it. Should I shorten it to Megan and Kenzie? Or M and M? kenzie (2012-02-24 15:18:54):
megan and mackenzie in the turquiose and pink zebra print please if you can sorry megan and kenzie i meant and can you please make another one that says sweetpea 11/27/11 because my dog died on that date and can you make it in pink sparkles kenzie (2012-02-24 22:55:37):
thank you your so nice Unknown author (2012-02-25 03:06:39):
can u make a amazing one named BRIANNA Unknown author (2012-02-29 00:30:41):
Can you make Emily & Drew? Bri (2012-03-02 01:18:51 / 5 stars):
sex Unknown author (2012-03-02 16:57:28):
Heyy Can you make One that says kyndal flasing colors and with sparkles and stars pleaase and thank you Nintendo (2012-03-05 22:50:26):
theres so many my computer screen is blinking and i can see what i typwing Unknown author (2012-03-09 09:44:55):
Can u make me me a cursor with the name JeTT with the name movieing around Unknown author (2012-03-12 16:26:34):
can you make one that says lexi plus diggy simmons with, a heart and the heart changes color like pink red and that it thank yoiu Unknown author (2012-03-13 09:10:53):
can you please make one which says Jazze and its and turquiose, aqua blue kind of colour thank you! Unknown author (2012-03-14 15:13:44):
Can you make one that says C.J. and moving different colors Unknown author (2012-03-20 10:12:15):
could you please make one that says Tami that's purple and sparkly? thank you Unknown author (2012-03-21 00:53:48):
can you make one that says Kathy, that moves, has hearts and, a rainbow color. Maybe similar to the Liz one. Thank you! Also if you can't do that, can you do a pretty A + K? Unknown author (2012-03-21 04:10:03):
can you please make one that says robbie, but isnt realy girly like the other ones? thankyoo Unknown author (2012-03-23 01:08:37):
Hi! I'm the one who requested the Kathy one. I just wanted to say Thank You. I think someone needs to appreciate your kindness here. Overall Thank You sooooooo much!!!!! Unknown author (2012-03-23 16:16:31):
i want one that says Rena and i like the color turqouise... I like it with something special... Thnx.. Unknown author (2012-03-23 16:29:22):
can u do juniorr n kyndal n flashing colors with hearts Unknown author (2012-03-24 15:42:22):
can you make one that says K + A BFF that is purple, sparkly, and flashes? Thank you! Unknown author (2012-03-28 18:00:09):
Stacy & Andres please Unknown author (2012-03-29 09:42:03):
can you please make a cursor name NEXANDRA, GUILLEN, NYX can you please combine the color pink and violet for NEXANDRA, and i want it to be in tribal form Unknown author (2012-03-30 03:48:15):
Hannah Unknown author (2012-03-30 16:49:09):
Andres&StacyLOVE<3 please:-) Saxja<<333 Saxja&Bivian=BFFL's Unknown author (2012-03-31 10:14:56):
Amal-ali lurnea-high-school shiapride iraqipride Amal Unknown author (2012-04-02 10:48:36):
Amal Amal+Sara Unknown author (2012-04-03 15:55:09):
thnx for the rena one.. could u make one more for rena with a tropical backgorund Unknown author (2012-04-07 01:42:40):
Justin Bieber with hearts, sparkles, rainbow colors plz J+D hearts, rainbow colors sparkles Unknown author (2012-04-09 14:43:10):
shiapride امال amoola love heart shia iraqi4ever please Unknown author (2012-04-09 15:28:09):
shia4ever Dr:Amalali Unknown author (2012-04-10 10:54:44):
amoola-habibty la ilah illa allah Unknown author (2012-04-10 12:26:21):
put lincoln in put lincoln with green lightning Unknown author (2012-04-10 13:57:58):
kickboxer lurnea high school Unknown author (2012-04-10 17:05:58):
name:Gilbert Unknown author (2012-04-15 13:16:14):
can u do shia4life in red plzzzzzzzzzz Unknown author (2012-04-19 03:31:13):
could u make like this : Willy W with fire and the fire it's not in background but in the name plzzzzzzz Unknown author (2012-04-23 04:47:58):
Thank u so much Sir... would u like to teach me how to do that Sir... hi hi hi... Thanks before Unknown author (2012-04-24 22:19:53):
Can i have my name (Makayla) in rainbow colors shaking or bouncing and I would like the words 1 direction in any colorz!!! and I would like to have the words what u lookin at Unknown author (2012-04-30 10:54:06):
Elliot5 in red with blue fire. Rhys in green and fire Dabest in green with fire Unknown author (2012-05-01 09:17:43):
please elliot5 in red with blue fire do it now please Unknown author (2012-05-04 12:23:06):
can you do one with jordan on it that flashes in pink with purple and blue love hearts around it please? xx Unknown author (2012-05-07 01:02:10):
can you do Jon and Shayla with a heart.. make it special please:) Unknown author (2012-05-10 05:30:37):
Can u make one saying Sammii in glitter flahing please Unknown author (2012-05-10 23:32:26):
Name : Aijaz Unknown author (2012-05-11 08:24:23):
could you pretty please do Kiarn <3 Jed and make it change colour? please Unknown author (2012-05-12 13:37:33):
can u do one saying Sam In glitter flashing and changes colour from purple, blue, pink, green, yellow pretty please Unknown author (2012-05-12 20:23:21):
pinaki Unknown author (2012-05-14 16:42:23):
make one that says angel n kyndal<3 Unknown author (2012-05-19 20:46:55):
Hi Sir... u ever make my name : Willy W with fire in the name... everything is great but could u make my name bigger so i can see it clearly. Thanks... Unknown author (2012-05-27 12:26:27):
can you make me one saying "saskia & jordan<3" make it purple and sparkley please!! Sam (2012-05-27 17:15:53):
Do for me SAM with fire animation ..tnx Unknown author (2012-05-28 03:38:45):
Hi Sir... u ever make my name : Willy W with fire in the name... everything is great but could u make my name bigger so i can see it clearly. Thanks... Unknown author (2012-05-30 19:32:22):
cann you make Takaila In Pink Please Thankss Dudee Unknown author (2012-06-01 12:16:20):
can you make me one with toni on it in pink plz wid hearts :):) can you make me one with Nikki in blue :):) ArksWife (2012-06-10 20:17:37):
hi, could you make one with Mike and Brenna, animated for both Unknown author (2012-06-12 03:39:48):
Can you make my name bigger than before (Willy W in fire) Heather (2012-06-12 09:12:23):
Can you make me one with my name Its Heather and could you make my name where you can read it. I want it glitter like with hearts and stars with my name blinking different colors Unknown author (2012-06-19 12:22:51):
Can u write 'Shannon is Awesome' in flurow colors plz! Unknown author (2012-06-24 11:30:38):
hi ..gud day,name by cursor was so impressive...could pls. do for me a names of princess & eric.. princess in red color and eric in blue color..thanks Unknown author (2012-07-13 18:05:44):
Can you please do my name Francily in red Thank you Unknown author (2012-07-19 04:45:46):
cn u please do 4me "shasha" in pink + wf glitter Unknown author (2012-07-19 19:04:49):
Unknown author (2012-07-29 09:37:40):
can you make a name Arlene and orange big cursor Unknown author (2012-08-08 08:39:23):
você pode fazer com o nome Galvão na com verde Unknown author (2012-08-10 16:59:54):
Alan Unknown author (2012-08-14 07:56:38):
Can you make my name bigger than before (Willy W in fire). Thanks... Unknown author (2012-08-16 00:30:40):
Naveed Qadri Unknown author (2012-08-21 05:48:32):
lourdes please make it cute Unknown author (2012-08-29 09:01:54):
JARRYD Unknown author (2012-09-04 20:35:53):
por favor você pode fazer o nomo ANDERSON com contorno em preto e várias cores piscando. Unknown author (2012-09-05 11:13:37):
ichaq Unknown author (2012-09-15 14:34:09):
samination Unknown author (2012-09-17 18:27:56):
Isabelle Red And Black Nick Mara black and blue Unknown author (2012-09-18 15:15:55):
Hari Sandhya with hearts around.......please make it fast as i want to gift it on their anniversary with pretty more gifts obviously .........please take it as a req.... Unknown author (2012-09-25 04:48:39):
Mehul&Mansi Unknown author (2012-09-25 17:29:20):
Can u please make "Patrice 100% Jamaican" in green, black, and yellow....Thanx. Unknown author (2012-10-01 15:59:25):
Asyraf , in rainbow & with stars around , please make it fast Unknown author (2012-10-05 20:14:16):
Diana Unknown author (2012-10-08 03:18:47):
myckayla-lee. purple SYNTHCRѺ (2012-10-08 04:25:41 / 5 stars):
good idea, just way too many cursors for one set. C@$$!E (2012-10-10 02:04:09):
Cassie in orange Unknown author (2012-10-11 19:51:06):
1+ FOR ANTHONY!!! Unknown author (2012-10-11 23:56:27):
Maddie in purple with sparkles please. Thanks so much! Unknown author (2012-10-13 22:51:55):
i took 4 names!!! Unknown author (2012-10-16 01:52:12):
Ashley in rainbow with sparkles Unknown author (2012-10-17 11:17:47):
alma in lavender, baby pink, or powder blue color with animated butterflies.. thanks so much.. :)) Unknown author (2012-10-25 15:22:45):
mon Unknown author (2012-11-01 15:04:28):
Rizka ; pink Unknown author (2012-11-04 04:21:37):
AULIA ; Grey Unknown author (2012-11-07 08:26:51):
Peaty; fluro green Unknown author (2012-11-21 10:19:48):
RHON;EDGAR.ANI Unknown author (2012-11-25 14:03:57):
TANN ( hot pink; with animated hearts) Also T <3 M (hot pink; animated) Thanks in advance Unknown author (2012-11-27 00:37:13):
Could you make 'jack' in black and yllow pattern? Omfg i would love that sooooo much Please. Thank you. i ment black and *yellow* ya thx Unknown author (2012-11-30 17:41:00):
priyakshi favourite colour pink( plz do it with glitter n animation) priyakshi in pink with sparkles, hearts, teddy, glitter and some animation plz Unknown author (2012-11-30 21:18:28):
Patrice Reid in black with red hearts...Thank You. flogger (2012-12-02 20:51:05 / 5 stars):
mia in pink Unknown author (2012-12-03 03:15:21):
caitlyn in glitter rainbow Caitlyn in a pink and purple zebra Unknown author (2012-12-04 21:49:46):
Patrice Loves Willie in green and black with red animation hearts....thank u. Unknown author (2012-12-07 21:18:13):
Rosey in blue with pink hearts around it....TY Unknown author (2012-12-08 01:01:35):
Chantel changing colors Tuckahoe middle school in red and blue Unknown author (2012-12-15 01:40:28):
Poohbear Loves Teddybear 4Ever red animation hearts, colors black and green Unknown author (2012-12-17 03:56:39):
PT. KANAKA with Black color (It's my office's name) Unknown author (2012-12-23 03:02:47):
Stormy Weather Glitter Animation Green And Red Unknown author (2013-01-10 01:54:04):
lexi+timmy with hearts all around it that flash pink and red plz make it QUICK Unknown author (2013-01-12 01:45:59):
my name is diamond Unknown author (2013-01-14 09:22:54):
Kristin Unknown author (2013-01-15 11:14:16):
Gabrielle Union Unknown author (2013-01-17 22:17:31):
Nicki changing colors with hearts around it sparkling with a smiley face beside Nicki ;-):-) flashing hot pink, blue, red and purple
and glitter animation hot pink hearts Nicki is in hot pink Unknown author (2013-01-19 14:06:04):
kayla with the hearts Unknown author (2013-01-21 10:44:06):
Shiva with animation Unknown author (2013-01-23 14:49:30):
Lexi+princeton in a big heart and it changes colors 2 pink 2 green and make the heart super big and me lexi+princeton a pretty font Unknown author (2013-01-25 20:21:31):
Nathan and Amanda with Nathan made pink and Amanda in purple. And hearts around the names Unknown author (2013-01-27 17:31:14):
MANAR My fav color is Neon orange aint nobody got time for that Unknown author (2013-02-06 11:01:34):
Sharika Unknown author (2013-02-08 15:30:27):
devi Unknown author (2013-02-09 06:49:56):
kenneth color blue Unknown author (2013-02-10 02:02:51):
kakai Unknown author (2013-02-14 10:04:03):
Nithya (need a arrow with my name in the tail end in sky blue color....) Unknown author (2013-02-15 00:39:56):
Micah blue Unknown author (2013-02-17 23:12:04):
Ciara, purple Unknown author (2013-02-18 22:34:50):
Can you do a Joey rainbow? jumpyjess275 (2013-02-22 20:48:43):
jella (purple and moving plz) Unknown author (2013-02-28 16:34:34):
tatyana(pink and moving plz) thank you Unknown author (2013-02-28 16:46:11):
Luis Hernandez moving and blue please Unknown author (2013-03-03 10:14:01):
Connor color red please ;D Unknown author (2013-03-04 00:19:58):
Hi Can you Do My Name Only With Chinese Characters Which Would Be Pink and Blue My Name Is Angie If you need the Characters Here: 安吉 Unknown author (2013-03-05 03:27:59):
Natasha pink sparkle Thankyou Unknown author (2013-03-05 16:53:06):
Hi, can you do Jessica in purple? Thank you Unknown author (2013-03-05 23:54:27):
SmoothSkin Jamaican black green and yellow....TY Unknown author (2013-03-06 08:17:18):
Hello. May I please have Natasha in pink, sparkling with love hearts around, with an animation please... Thank You!! Love your creation!! Unknown author (2013-03-12 10:37:42):
NESSA in purple n blue..... thnx Unknown author (2013-03-13 04:49:19):
hello. May I have Mykal in purple turning into black with bats flying around it. Make it into a animation ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2013-03-17 04:26:21 / 5 stars):
U can make Mailym babyblue turn to purple and animation thanks and i love ur creations Unknown author (2013-03-18 17:15:20):
Hi, can you do Matthew with flashing red. Unknown author (2013-03-21 06:31:29):
could u do alphalice in red going from dark blue to red back and forth? Unknown author (2013-03-23 01:20:11):
Can u please do Emily in (slow)flashing rainbow colours (including purple) oh and sparkling Unknown author (2013-03-23 12:02:54):
i need one which says Leia! Unknown author (2013-03-31 16:05:40):
Animated one which says Lauren in rainbow and black stars around please oh and sparkling please diamond (2013-04-15 18:58:54):
make one that say "Tre with hearts deadly bro (2013-04-18 12:56:50 / 5 stars):
Holy crap all of those i can't believe it IMPOSSIBLE UNBELIEVABLE INSANITY Unknown author (2013-04-23 23:12:49):
can i have lexi + princeton in a pink neon and green neon heart and the words be in black and make it a pretty font plz Unknown author (2013-05-05 09:05:53):
Lili pink and pretty plese Unknown author (2013-05-05 19:51:22):
"daemon" and "patch" names please Unknown author (2013-05-14 02:46:29):
can i have Lauryn+Jamie ^oh and can it be animated with the word BFFL in a heart in the background? Unknown author (2013-05-17 13:25:26):
MelissaBaby<3 Unknown author (2013-05-21 16:47:30):
animated 'J&L' please Unknown author (2013-05-25 08:09:35):
Can you make up the cursor with the name "EKA FM" and "Love Adhit EKA" letter pink color and give a moving animation using images of butterflies, stars and love the pretty colors Unknown author (2013-05-25 10:35:57):
Janna Unknown author (2013-05-25 10:54:49):
Can I please have one that says "Kelly" In Black with red sparkling hearts around it! Unknown author (2013-05-27 20:14:04):
Aspyn with green and blue, Please. Unknown author (2013-05-29 04:54:12):
can you do one with the greek letter Π ? Unknown author (2013-06-06 14:50:23):
Lauran <3 L&D <3 Please red I WUV U Red please Unknown author (2013-06-20 04:06:53):
each word different colour please Unknown author (2013-06-20 04:07:58):
LOL+ELLA Each word either blue or purple shades please Unknown author (2013-06-21 20:13:05):
Jenny My favorite colors r purple, pink, light blue, light mint green, and orange Unknown author (2013-06-29 17:26:39):
Lucie I want some music notes around it if that's possible? Unknown author (2013-07-01 05:13:33):
Selena Unknown author (2013-07-05 07:20:13):
Ava Unknown author (2013-07-06 22:32:50):
me-ann Unknown author (2013-07-16 02:11:23):
Roz Unknown author (2013-07-24 20:47:49):
Marta Unknown author (2013-07-25 03:56:10):
Lorenzo Unknown author (2013-07-26 09:34:43):
Muzza Unknown author (2013-07-29 23:13:34):
Can I please have Patrice with music notes around it...Thanx Unknown author (2013-08-01 21:58:36):
Dionne Unknown author (2013-08-02 06:19:16):
Roland Unknown author (2013-08-06 13:48:33):
BROOKE ! christie78 (2013-08-20 19:33:32):
Christie (in Red Please) Unknown author (2013-08-29 22:56:44):
lupita Unknown author (2013-08-30 08:01:22):
Can I have Vishnu with music notes Please Unknown author (2013-09-02 14:46:15):
A.ARAN christie78 (2013-09-08 03:50:36):
Could you do one with the name Ahmed please. In Black and maybe add it blinking or something that would make it stand out. Thanks Unknown author (2013-09-09 13:46:42):
yanti & moell christie78 (2013-09-12 17:55:58):
Could you make one with the name Christie colored in a purple and pink animated like the #31 on here? Daniel W. (2013-09-14 05:44:17):
Which one is #31? They aren't numbered. christie78 (2013-09-17 20:00:59):
http://prntscr.com/1rv9fx this one its Kenneth i think Unknown author (2013-09-20 07:27:16):
can u put brady pls Unknown author (2013-09-27 19:31:57):
Bikash Unknown author (2013-10-02 09:47:44):
plsss make me now a pink cursor with my name"mich-lyne" Unknown author (2013-10-05 20:07:48):
How about the name Jessica in red with the Eiffel Tower? Conner princessangel (2013-10-10 22:52:47 / 5 stars):
how about the name Secoiya in pink with Stars that change colos with glitter Unknown author (2013-10-19 00:53:36):
Happy Halloween Animated....Dark Yellow/ Dark Orange Thank You. Unknown author (2013-10-19 09:07:25):
Jessica & Desmond in pink Unknown author (2013-10-23 14:46:41):
Dhika Mutiara in Liberty tower Mutia in pink glitter with the eiffel tower Unknown author (2013-10-24 15:57:09):
stoner Unknown author (2013-10-31 14:48:51):
Sreenu Unknown author (2013-11-03 10:28:04):
bailey Unknown author (2013-11-05 16:52:37):
Jason<3Mallory Red and Blue xJackx (2013-11-07 22:32:04):
Can I have xJack but with the letters like Sharyl? Like I want the rainbow blinking one... Please? Unknown author (2013-11-17 12:09:28):
Can I have Katrina please in sparkly purple Unknown author (2013-11-20 01:58:34):
Rebekah in flashing pink? Unknown author (2013-11-20 13:20:36):
can i have an anamaited shannon and lewis with hearts lz Unknown author (2013-11-21 13:00:20):
can you do a shannon+lewis in purple and blue and hearts and can it be anamated thank you xx Unknown author (2013-11-22 11:31:32):
can you make a cursor with Roisin+Justin in blue on it? It's my 10th anniversary with him and i wanted to give him a few special things one of which is a laptop with this very cursor on it. Unknown author (2013-11-22 11:49:10):
can i have a shannon & lewis please! Unknown author (2013-11-23 23:08:15):
put a cheyenne it is a really popular and if u do i will tell my friends about this thing it is really cool that u do and you should do r5 a really awesome new band!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 Unknown author (2013-11-25 17:55:22):
AdRiAn Unknown author (2013-11-29 18:51:27):
Amber ~ Blue Unknown author (2013-12-01 04:20:46):
PRIYA Unknown author (2013-12-01 10:13:08):
Beth, in the colour of Orange and Sparkly!!!! Unknown author (2013-12-10 00:49:24):
Jo purple Unknown author (2013-12-12 00:14:19):
Anushka in turquiose Unknown author (2013-12-14 17:18:19):
Claire in Purple animated Unknown author (2013-12-19 21:39:08):
Yo can you make one that says, Ashlyn? Thank you. ^^^ can you make it animated? I would like for it to be blue and have a peace sign behind it. thank you Unknown author (2013-12-22 09:57:11):
Bonny in Blue Unknown author (2014-01-08 23:08:47):
Conner like... with an "e".. Unknown author (2014-01-11 04:15:09):
telmuun-my name Unknown author (2014-01-12 21:36:47):
one that says "eleni" please! Unknown author (2014-01-17 10:30:11):
Tiegan in pink please animated too please Unknown author (2014-01-31 11:11:19):
Graciel & Sunita Unknown author (2014-02-02 06:55:32):
hedrian please Unknown author (2014-02-05 04:14:15):
Sisy & Gian please.. Sisy & Gian Unknown author (2014-02-08 22:15:10):
jessa with green animation please thanks.. Unknown author (2014-02-10 11:05:07):
Windy & Rivo Unknown author (2014-02-10 14:08:36):
Fil en pourpre Unknown author (2014-02-12 22:28:45):
رضا عامر reda Unknown author (2014-02-13 02:16:26):
Juman or جمان Unknown author (2014-02-14 03:09:28):
Jenevieve Please Make one with the name above. Unknown author (2014-02-26 23:00:30):
Could you please do a Campbell cursor Unknown author (2014-03-11 02:48:16):
could you do a Kane cursor Unknown author (2014-03-12 12:18:08):
could you make melek ^^, Unknown author (2014-03-19 15:07:07):
please can you make shannon with heart animations..... thanks Unknown author (2014-03-28 19:37:33):
charline + eliot Unknown author (2014-03-28 19:43:16):
Can you make one with Mercedes on it Unknown author (2014-04-01 03:32:32):
RiNLyVer in Red Unknown author (2014-04-01 14:52:47):
Can you make one with Mercy on it Unknown author (2014-04-10 16:16:36):
Ethan in blue Unknown author (2014-04-12 16:29:36):
Jov(~_') Unknown author (2014-04-23 10:41:04):
Can you please make one that says 'Flora Chi Yan Cheang', with hearts and is fully rainbow...THX SOOO MUCH! Ilove ur designs! Unknown author (2014-04-26 06:40:13):
could you do one that says ESTHER in purle, that spells out the name. thank you Unknown author (2014-04-30 01:49:16):
Jamie blue Unknown author (2014-05-04 03:38:47):
can u make willow in black please C: Unknown author (2014-05-07 19:19:14):
Ariel in red with hearts Unknown author (2014-05-16 21:07:16):
sarah and purple Unknown author (2014-05-19 15:28:58):
billy in blue please Alastorkunn (2014-05-24 14:26:54):
Brad in Grayish-blue with an animated clock in it. Unknown author (2014-05-26 12:47:49):
Avery+Krisi and can u email adorablepinkpanda@gmail.com to wwarn me whe its done ^can u make it sparkly and avery orange and krisi cyan Unknown author (2014-06-06 21:45:49):
my favourite colour is pink and I like hearts and my name is grace ps make it sparkly Unknown author (2014-06-16 12:27:05):
Tash in aqua (no animation) Unknown author (2014-06-19 11:20:22):
selin just in pink but sparkly please with a smiley face Unknown author (2014-06-28 02:02:14):
Can you make a Julie cursor with stars and have it be baby blue Can you make a ryan cursor that is black and red for a guy? Unknown author (2014-07-02 09:19:30):
Maria in blue pls. Unknown author (2014-07-04 19:38:14):
grace in a nice bright pink plz oh and hearts plz (same person as above) Unknown author (2014-07-07 12:49:09):
ihsaan in a dark black and pointer in a bright blue, like cyan! THANKS Unknown author (2014-07-22 16:40:37):
Tamera + Randy Tamera
Randy in a heart Tamera + Randy black writing with dark pink hearts like Tre.cur tamtam (2014-07-22 16:47:40):
Tamera and Randy like Chris and Tana Unknown author (2014-07-26 18:59:57):
Michelle Unknown author (2014-07-28 09:52:40):
my name is USman and i want to make name to Heart Cursors so plz make it Unknown author (2014-08-13 10:53:33):
my name is suzy and my favorite color is violet my name is suzy and my favorite color is violet .. Unknown author (2014-08-27 10:32:11):
ChibiNoona, Red please? Unknown author (2014-09-01 08:46:37):
can u pls make a Bianca cursor flashing rainbow Unknown author (2014-09-11 08:03:10):
Jan and my favourite is blue Unknown author (2014-09-20 12:35:44):
Hannah and turquoise Unknown author (2014-09-24 19:13:12):
Rodney Unknown author (2014-09-25 21:00:33):
Deztynie & Tashawn 4 ever Unknown author (2014-10-10 17:22:16):
Blake And Breanna Flashing Plz Unknown author (2014-10-28 18:05:02):
flashing rainbow sammi doodle please don't spell my name with an e or y Unknown author (2014-11-06 03:59:44):
ceejaey colored green with cute hearts around it ceejaey, colored green with cute hearts around it Unknown author (2014-11-06 18:42:16):
Orion Unknown author (2014-11-24 08:40:02):
do you know you should do Shikyra,Jay or Jemma or bubble and bubba because me and my friend has got names and nicknames that are not popular and can not find them anywhere Unknown author (2014-12-02 08:20:46):
Jha color pink hearts. thanks Unknown author (2014-12-06 11:14:46):
MN in purple and blue. THANKS! KL in pink and purple hearts. THANKS! And please for the top that i just said don't make it ths same time. and sorry i written too much for the KL can you make it sparkly pink? THanks! Unknown author (2014-12-07 07:48:48):
Angel Ivander, pink colored with hearts. But can you make it like jessica.cur or Kathy.ani style? It's cool Unknown author (2014-12-20 21:42:48):
Name: Silver Color: green Decoration: none Thanks! Unknown author (2015-01-27 01:47:12):
Name: Mateo Color: Blue and green Decoration: Soccer balls Unknown author (2015-01-29 10:35:11):
aya , thank* Unknown author (2015-02-17 22:19:08):
quenton Unknown author (2015-03-03 12:28:12):
Name: Dem & Jay Unknown author (2015-03-05 02:12:36):
Wilver Unknown author (2015-03-06 19:52:32):
Name: Ariana Unknown author (2015-03-27 20:57:56):
Name: Karin Name: Martina Alessia Color: Red / Black Unknown author (2015-03-28 19:38:34):
Could you make me a Ryan & Julie cursor with a heart that changes color and hearts around it and the colors blue and green. Could you make a Ryan + Julie cursor with a heart that changes color and the colors red and black and hearts around it Could you make a Julie cursor with the colors blue, black, and purple and hearts and stars around it that change color Unknown author (2015-03-30 10:39:47):
sakirin Unknown author (2015-04-12 18:04:34):
EtzelMMM con fuego : D- lo pdrias hacer? Unknown author (2015-04-16 20:13:09):
Unknown author (2015-04-27 23:50:52):
2 chainz Unknown author (2015-06-12 15:36:36):
Jenny love hears multi coulors amaleerocks13 (2015-07-04 08:56:49 / 5 stars):
cool i love them, but could you put my name in there Unknown author (2015-08-05 15:55:29):
looks awesome! name=vinod Unknown author (2015-08-13 12:54:52):
Prakash Unknown author (2015-09-14 06:40:13):
Holly with pink and sparkles Unknown author (2015-09-29 06:58:01):
INDRA Unknown author (2015-09-30 14:01:16):
RAFI Unknown author (2015-10-02 18:31:57):
name : vaishak nibbler (2015-10-28 23:05:52 / 5 stars):
WOW! Unknown author (2015-12-25 23:07:05):
Sydney, orange and green Unknown author (2016-01-15 17:45:35):
giant and amazing Unknown author (2016-01-24 18:50:08):
lillien and yellow Unknown author (2016-02-03 15:00:17):
Meg with stars in purple Unknown author (2016-02-08 03:22:21):
Can you please make blue and white one that says "Putri Fitrika" on it with stars flashing around. thank you Unknown author (2016-02-11 18:42:02):
milly in purple with yellow stars please Unknown author (2016-02-24 20:17:50):
Could I please have... BLAZYNFYRE with fire around it in red and black please... thank you very much for your hard work. Unknown author (2016-02-29 09:06:42):
Tamika Unknown author (2016-03-13 22:00:22):
Hi...can you please make me a name tag with Patrice(color Black) and the jamaican flag flowing in the background...Thank You. Unknown author (2016-03-15 15:23:15):
tajay i want pls am tajay Unknown author (2016-04-20 10:37:30):
carwyn plz Unknown author (2016-04-21 10:25:28):
carwyn one plz Unknown author (2016-04-29 04:24:27):
Ruby in pink please Unknown author (2016-05-10 21:03:56):
Blake Red An Black Unknown author (2016-05-15 17:29:10):
Juliana in purple with penguins around it Unknown author (2016-05-18 14:06:21):
Maddie and Conner in red please Unknown author (2016-05-23 04:22:09):
Helo in magenta Unknown author (2016-05-27 10:18:03):
Hi...can you please make me a name tag with Patrice(color Black) and the jamaican flag flowing in the background...Thank You. Unknown author (2016-08-14 02:37:56):
Sean Blue Unknown author (2016-08-15 14:42:30):
+ U R ! P 0 5 Blue-Bold color Unknown author (2016-09-02 02:05:53):
shakia on plz paige on there plz Unknown author (2016-09-08 05:14:24):
Donna with animated purple & black cat paws Unknown author (2016-10-05 19:14:42):
Dionne please be blue Unknown author (2016-10-06 22:14:08):
you forgot JUDY Unknown author (2016-11-05 22:35:45):
Melissa pink with puppy paws Angel Of Fire (2016-11-10 06:38:48):
Plz make KitCat with animated cursor. Plz have Eiffel Tower beackground Moon Chosen (2017-02-06 15:20:57):
i dont see nicole up there HaylieC. (2017-02-10 18:52:23):
hi can you make a Haylie one with a wolf next to it plz Unknown author (2017-03-04 13:24:59):
Can you make a Samantha green and black or an Emily and Dan. Unknown author (2017-04-24 10:09:45):
elika Unknown author (2017-05-22 10:52:56):
Ashleigh and my favourite colour is Aqua thanks hi My name is Ashleigh my favourite colour is aqua and can you please do hearts around it Unknown author (2017-06-24 23:11:34):
Higgy , chartreuse color with blinking hearts pleaseeee. thanks homie :3 Unknown author (2017-06-27 22:11:11):
Please do Avery with blue Unknown author (2017-07-18 00:25:44):
my name is fighetto and preferite colors is blue .. thank you .. Unknown author (2017-08-27 01:11:09):
SHEA with red Unknown author (2017-09-08 00:37:02):
can you do a Phoebe +Anthony one please! Thxs!!!!! Unknown author (2017-09-28 21:26:23):
James with Green jlm (2017-09-29 13:45:58):
Randy with purple Unknown author (2017-10-03 18:24:39):
Can you please do..Merry Christmas Patrice & Willie in red and green colors ...Thank You. Unknown author (2017-10-10 09:15:32):
Mustafa please Unknown author (2017-10-17 19:15:00):
Niyla Unknown author (2017-10-28 20:06:36):
Nina with pink Unknown author (2017-12-16 21:02:09):
maxino Unknown author (2018-02-03 23:10:06):
Serge Unknown author (2018-02-15 14:28:04):
pls add jeb and jurian cuz those are really cool names pls pls ps pls pls pls pls do it (i luv yu) Unknown author (2018-02-24 16:35:44):
There is no Elijah. I'm kina suprised Unknown author (2018-03-27 05:24:56):
There is no Natahlia can u please do it in cyan colour?? RIDDLER (2018-06-02 17:59:07 / 5 stars):
This is the biggest cursor set that I have seen so far. SoloBoi (2018-10-31 22:20:50):
SoloBoi please teal blue can u do SoloBoi w/ pot leaves? Unknown author (2018-11-01 01:55:01):
shay Unknown author (2018-11-01 18:59:55):
Jacob Unknown author (2018-11-24 23:12:58):
Echo Unknown author (2018-12-21 18:12:54):
yasir mehmood any colour shahmeer khalid any colour Unknown author (2018-12-25 19:13:09):
Hutch Unknown author (2019-01-22 18:56:24):
bob rambow pls Unknown author (2019-02-10 16:08:08):
Ibrahim Plz any Purple or green Unknown author (2019-02-14 17:51:21):
Anjalina! Please! Unknown author (2019-02-16 16:01:31):
Aron please, green Unknown author (2019-03-13 02:39:22):
Ben!!! Unknown author (2019-04-09 16:30:41):
Jaden Fav colors red and black Unknown author (2019-05-24 17:45:23):
rowie and color is yellow Unknown author (2019-06-14 02:33:02):
Name:JAck Colour: Rainbow if possible Unknown author (2019-07-01 07:33:47):
Name Meet Colour: Black Unknown author (2019-08-15 06:05:17):
Suhas Fruitwala 9727783339 color:Blue Unknown author (2019-11-08 17:03:43):
Name: Renato Color: Red Unknown author (2019-12-03 18:52:44):
arvea snickerdoodle (2019-12-07 22:10:49 / 5 stars):
all i can say is wow. how long did it take you to make this set? super amazing, includes so many names Unknown author (2020-01-28 00:03:26):
PERRY BLUE Jenny red Unknown author (2020-02-05 23:07:56):
wyatt wyatt clor red Unknown author (2020-03-12 02:57:30):
Indigo in Indigo Unknown author (2020-03-20 07:39:18):
Where Is AISHA?!!!! \o
0 out of 5 stars Unknown author (2020-04-14 17:47:55):
Sanjeev Unknown author (2020-04-30 13:50:45):
nikko Unknown author (2020-05-03 21:38:52):
Lalee (Lavender sparkly If you can ) please & thank you in advance... Jon Jon & Lalee Unknown author (2020-05-03 22:40:43):
OMG too CUTE! My kids would love this! I listed their names below if you can that would be awesome! If you not I totally understand! Thank you either way! #1 Kaiya Kalee
#4 Blaze - COLOR: Flame behind name with letters in Black #5 YaYa- Unknown author (2020-05-16 19:02:55):
$udheer Unknown author (2020-05-25 19:43:36):
FAZ O NOME MARCOS E MARC E GUSTAVO Unknown author (2020-06-09 17:59:39):
Chayah G Unknown author (2020-06-28 22:49:02):
DONNA red cats Unknown author (2020-08-07 17:46:15):
Apzs (blue sparkling heart design pls)tnx Unknown author (2020-08-26 22:47:38):
Jatins, red Unknown author (2020-08-27 22:48:16):
Ronan, Red and a fire without animations plz Unknown author (2020-09-28 15:16:41):
DONNA FAV. COLOR IS RED Donna ,red with heart and Unknown author (2020-10-29 00:01:25):
Trevor With fire animation Unknown author (2020-12-03 09:49:10):
Raudha with heart Unknown author (2020-12-09 17:42:39):
Ben Unknown author (2020-12-16 02:13:08):
sam with red harts Unknown author (2021-01-19 09:46:38):
nathaan with guns of jelly green colour Nikdo (2021-01-20 11:50:11):
Nikdo, red and animated, please. Unknown author (2021-01-24 18:25:44):
Tala Insane Games (2021-02-25 23:50:35 / 5 stars):
Name: Insane GamingYTT I hope you have not discontinued this i need that cursor for my YT vids! Unknown author (2021-02-28 03:57:52):
NAURA WITH PINKY FLOWER PLEASE rae<3 (2021-03-01 16:40:57):
Ray in navy blue:-) Unknown author (2021-03-16 06:27:03):
Este with normal pointer Unknown author (2021-03-18 14:27:16):
Chelsea in teal Unknown author (2021-05-25 18:49:54):
I want Error Can you make it like this cursor: http://www.rw-designer.com/cursor-detail/16359 Unknown author (2021-06-05 08:46:49):
Deuter Unknown author (2021-08-29 05:00:42):
I want Jisoo and Rosé! Unknown author (2021-08-31 19:42:34):
^ who the blink Unknown author (2021-10-13 09:38:08):
devil Unknown author (2021-10-28 15:01:32):
aiden Unknown author (2021-12-07 16:09:40):
เพ้นท์ สีชมพู Unknown author (2021-12-19 00:52:01):
Liloo Unknown author (2021-12-27 23:14:07):
Syed ad in lime green plz Unknown author (2022-02-04 21:48:38):
I want messiah<3 in black plx Unknown author (2022-03-03 02:15:11):
❄Helen❄ in blue Helen (2022-03-03 20:46:21):
Danna in pink with sparkles Unknown author (2022-03-14 07:35:47):
Jofre Arnau Unknown author (2022-05-03 00:44:41):
Lily Red or pink plz! Unknown author (2022-09-28 13:50:49):
sahiba Unknown author (2022-10-16 14:59:27):
sani Unknown author (2023-09-14 00:09:54):
< Unknown author (2023-11-14 04:06:52):
Kodye Gyurike (2024-06-03 23:54:03 / 5 stars):
it is SUPER cute!! can I get some too? the letter id like is "Gyuri and Jelle" they are me and my boyfriend's names. i want it to be ani(moving) and i would like cute things like heart or butterflies or flowers or colorful things... but i cannot choose one they are all so so cute :((( if possible, can you please make a few of them? Unknown author (2024-09-06 19:46:34):
what about bentley? Unknown author (2025-03-17 15:49:21):
PLEASE CAN YOU DO "LUCA" PLEASE PLEASE Justy888 (2025-03-20 17:50:14):
pls do matuah and justuah pls do matuah and justuah pleaseeeee do a Matuah and a Justuah in pink |