Unknown author (2016-09-05 06:49:04):
dis is bud bad i am unonymouse i 4 yeers to xxchs mi mummi sed tis wus bad ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2016-09-05 06:53:14):
Unknown author (2016-09-05 15:26:18):
Amazing *_* ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2016-09-05 16:23:13):
Thanks nibbler (2016-09-09 19:30:21 / 5 stars):
This is nicely designed! Great Job on the design. ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2016-09-09 21:45:11):
THANKS YOU SO MUCH moodie (2016-09-10 18:25:08):
Thank you!Also Could you check out my account and give me feedback on my cursors?That'll be really helpfull.. Unknown author (2016-12-18 20:21:08):
good cursors ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2017-01-03 19:50:02):
Thank you! Unknown author (2017-03-24 22:12:32):
podes hacer uno de nyan cat pliss Unknown author (2017-04-22 14:47:30):
greeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeat ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2017-04-23 03:47:55):
Thank you! Unknown author (2018-01-20 18:38:52):
ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2018-02-16 18:35:17):
Thank you! Unknown author (2018-07-13 20:26:56):
omg keep doing this Unknown author (2018-08-24 09:49:34):
nn ananansnk ssoooooooooo good you are great i lobe vmqkada Unknown author (2018-12-21 03:51:02):
[So cute!} (^ 3 ^) 80Mb (2018-12-26 21:07:22 / 5 stars):
Love the whole set. (Using windows 10 I found there are two other selects as well (Location and person). If you could add those the set would be complete. Otherwise I used the other link selects. WONDERFUL SET!! ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2019-01-26 06:13:22):
Tysm Tysm Unknown author (2019-07-24 14:41:14):
bootiful ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2019-08-01 02:19:29):
Tysm blue waffle (2019-11-04 22:24:21):
you can make this but in blue? pls! RIDDLER (2019-11-14 17:08:03 / 5 stars):
Yes, make it blue for her. She wants a blue set like this. jessicatgirl12 (2019-12-10 04:09:54 / 5 stars):
These cursors are very pretty. The style is amazing, and the pink color compliments the set very well. I like the sets that are themed with colors. Also another thing I like about your set is that the hearts are very pretty and are dancing in cool patterns. You really have a talent for animating! The disappearing cursors are also unique. The hotspots are in the correct place and the overall quality is high. My favorite cursor in the set are the resize cursors, since I like how there are two hearts that go apart and then back together. Overall, very nice set and thank you for having such an amazing profile and sets. I wish you the best in making your sets En español: Estos cursores son muy bonitos. El estilo es increíble, y el color rosa complementa el conjunto muy bien. Me gustan los sets temáticos con colores. También otra cosa que me gusta de su conjunto es que los corazones son muy bonitos y están bailando en patrones frescos. ¡Realmente tienes talento para animar! Los cursores que desaparecen también son únicos. Los puntos de acceso están en el lugar correcto y la calidad general es alta. Mi cursor favorito en el conjunto son los cursores de cambio de tamaño, ya que me gusta cómo hay dos corazones que se separan y luego se vuelven a unir. En general, muy buen conjunto y gracias por tener un perfil y conjuntos tan increíble. Le deseo lo mejor en hacer sus decorados Unknown author (2020-04-03 17:01:33):
not working Unknown author (2020-04-13 22:41:03):
Love the set dani . (2020-05-09 19:09:12):
i love this set so much but i can't seem to get the text select to work. Unknown author (2020-05-24 12:34:41):
they are so amazing! I'm obsessed Unknown author (2020-06-06 15:45:00):
i really like it!!! thank you so much <3 <3 <3 gc_moon (2020-06-07 07:22:50 / 5 stars):
Unknown author (2020-09-30 07:25:32):
I really really like this! Other girly cursors are big images I like how these are animated, pretty,cute and doesn't look out of place being a cursor! 5/5 Unknown author (2020-11-07 18:35:52):
SO CUTE Unknown author (2020-11-09 05:08:49):
Really cute but Location Select and Person Select are missing. Unknown author (2020-11-26 23:34:37):
there are someones like location that are missing but this is great Unknown author (2020-11-29 09:09:26):
Unknown author (2020-12-01 17:07:44):
i love this so much but I dont get why it still wont work Unknown author (2020-12-02 23:03:52):
i love thissss 5 stars Unknown author (2020-12-06 19:57:41):
¿Puedes hacer una versión morada de este? Unknown author (2020-12-07 03:09:08):
How can I implement the whole set on my computer? There is n INF file to install Unknown author (2020-12-12 17:46:21):
great job creating these cursors Unknown author (2020-12-16 21:22:25):
how do i use the full set Unknown author (2020-12-27 15:41:57):
How to do this? Unknown author (2020-12-29 12:49:16):
huh Unknown author (2021-01-04 15:09:59):
idk why everyone here says it isnt working cuz its working fine for me, tysm i rly like these, super kawaii <3 Unknown author (2021-02-02 15:36:58):
Super cute Unknown author (2021-02-07 22:07:11):
so cutee Unknown author (2021-02-10 02:04:38):
Unknown author (2021-02-17 01:48:38):
I loved these! the only problem was theres no location or person select but i just used alternatives that i didnt use originally Unknown author (2021-02-20 10:28:31):
For the people who doesnt know how to do this go search up wintery heart, she will give you clear instructions and make it easier for you too follow! Unknown author (2021-03-12 14:39:07):
Unknown author (2021-03-22 06:19:36):
OMG its cute love it Unknown author (2021-03-23 09:46:31):
how to change it ? Unknown author (2021-04-06 01:39:16):
q trocinho bonitinho =0 Unknown author (2021-04-14 23:29:57):
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Unknown author (2021-04-18 12:04:26):
too cute Unknown author (2021-04-19 05:18:57):
its so cute~! :) hi (2021-04-28 02:48:29):
its beautiful and cute Unknown author (2021-04-28 08:13:13):
it's cute! can you make a brown set? or if you did please link it Unknown author (2021-05-09 19:03:35):
How do you use it? Unknown author (2021-05-10 18:01:02):
stfu bums yall talk too much. damn. i get its cute buty your breathing MY AIR, and clogging it, so stfu. Unknown author (2021-05-16 06:33:53):
This is so cute i love it!! Unknown author (2021-05-19 22:46:12):
Unknown author (2021-05-22 13:51:17):
im kinda sus is it safe to downlaod? anyway its cute! Unknown author (2021-05-23 03:05:43):
8-)im super cool now Unknown author (2021-05-23 22:20:07):
Unknown author (2021-05-25 09:17:14):
ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2021-05-25 10:12:47):
Thanks Unknown author (2021-05-26 22:02:52):
these are so adorable Unknown author (2021-05-29 17:20:14):
so cute Unknown author (2021-06-01 14:45:53):
cute ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2021-06-02 03:31:09):
Thanks you so much Thanks you so much Unknown author (2021-06-03 20:47:46):
omgggg Unknown author (2021-06-04 15:26:51):
meh Unknown author (2021-06-07 14:14:40):
E nice work tho Unknown author (2021-06-11 05:49:25):
thank you i love this cursor <3 Unknown author (2021-06-18 13:02:51):
So cute!! ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2021-06-22 07:21:28):
Thanks you so much Unknown author (2021-06-23 19:21:27):
ok Unknown author (2021-06-28 14:59:47):
love! Unknown author (2021-07-04 01:48:17):
this is so cute! Unknown author (2021-07-09 23:10:51):
i love this so much make more anime ones i will appreciate it! <3 Unknown author (2021-07-10 14:01:59):
i love it!! Unknown author (2021-07-24 16:05:49):
wow i like it Unknown author (2021-07-24 22:03:25):
so cute Unknown author (2021-08-02 05:35:04):
blue next VeryCandyBR (2021-08-03 21:08:02):
como amo os cursores que vc faz! >w< Unknown author (2021-08-06 20:34:23):
Your Cousors are so Cute Unknown author (2021-08-20 11:33:49):
wow just wow ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2021-08-20 19:55:56):
Thanks you so much / Muchas Gracias Unknown author (2021-09-16 18:19:26):
almost all my Cursors are by you!! i love all you cursors ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2021-09-18 21:53:49):
Tysm Unknown author (2021-10-08 19:34:18):
ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2021-10-09 04:30:40):
Unknown author (2021-10-19 23:50:48):
this is so cute ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2021-10-20 04:03:33):
Thanks Unknown author (2021-10-27 07:24:33):
Omg it worked ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2021-10-27 21:36:24):
Unknown author (2021-10-29 12:52:22):
wow it's so cutee ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2021-10-29 21:33:26):
TYSM Unknown author (2021-11-02 03:13:10):
your cursors are so pretty and cute def a 10/10 <3 Unknown author (2021-11-04 08:35:04):
yes they are so cute I use them all the tim 1000000/10 time* ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2021-11-05 05:16:03):
THANKS YOU SO MUCH Unknown author (2021-11-07 01:23:37):
how do i use it ? and put it on Unknown author (2021-11-08 00:19:26):
nvm ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2021-11-08 04:14:57):
Unknown author (2021-11-16 01:39:55):
ahhh is so cute love it ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2021-11-16 09:12:10):
tysm Unknown author (2021-11-24 16:21:30):
Wahhhh it's so adorable! ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2021-11-25 17:03:41):
tysm Unknown author (2021-11-30 03:18:24):
WOAH THESE ARE SO GOOD AND CUTE your really good at playing these are awesome+aesthetic! :O Unknown author (2021-12-06 05:00:51):
its soooo cuteeee ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2021-12-06 06:27:47):
tysm Unknown author (2021-12-07 08:15:27):
cute Unknown author (2021-12-10 02:32:00):
so Cute!! ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2021-12-13 10:15:28):
tysm Unknown author (2021-12-21 01:14:12):
im confused where's the location one? Unknown author (2022-02-07 22:15:33):
super cute i love it so much! please make more ty ! Unknown author (2022-02-13 20:20:41):
how do u download one, whenever i try to open one, it doesnt download the cursor, please tell me ?? Unknown author (2022-02-17 09:21:15):
so cuteeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!! Unknown author (2022-02-22 11:00:30):
So cute! Unknown author (2022-03-04 13:25:42):
lol cutecore ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2022-03-05 10:29:31):
TYSM Unknown author (2022-03-08 04:37:46):
hii, these are sooo cute!! (sorry for my bad english) oh nevermind, these are perfect ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2022-03-09 04:49:52):
OKIDOKIE Unknown author (2022-03-23 21:31:56):
can i use it for my website? soo-sweet (2022-03-25 15:11:50):
cuteeeee Unknown author (2022-03-31 19:08:11):
yes you can use it ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2022-04-03 17:18:04):
yes you can use it ~ ☁ Aesthetic girl ☁ ~ (2022-05-03 19:37:23 / 5 stars):
ME ENCANTA !!! ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2022-05-04 00:07:20):
Unknown author (2022-05-05 05:22:33):
I think this is great but is there someway to remove it cuz i dont want the same cursor forever. Unknown author (2022-05-11 19:11:26):
OMGOMG ITS SOOOOOOO CUTE ILY THIS SM PLEASE MAKE MORE!!<33333333 ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2022-05-13 04:31:00):
tysm Unknown author (2022-07-16 04:04:08):
adorable set!! love it so much thank you Unknown author (2022-08-10 18:07:55):
i love it its sooo cute <33333333 Divaah (2022-08-14 22:40:04 / 5 stars):
adorable little cursor. not many people get the right shade of pink EVER, so bless you. ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2022-08-20 00:05:46):
Tysm Unknown author (2022-09-11 00:17:22):
it rly good my cursorr is so kawaii<3 Unknown author (2022-09-11 01:46:11):
so slay Unknown author (2022-09-13 12:56:35):
this is cute ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2022-09-17 19:35:49):
TYSM Unknown author (2022-09-29 14:22:22):
NO THIS IS SO ADORABLE I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT!!! Unknown author (2022-11-02 03:36:14):
Hii! i have a request, is it possible if you make a version of this but hot pink and without the cheesecakes? no pressure though! you dont have to if you dont want to! love your work btw! ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2022-11-02 20:31:20):
omg this cursor is so cute that some of my friend are jealous hahahahahahaha ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2022-12-24 20:17:33):
tysm Unknown author (2023-02-14 07:56:54):
this cursor is so cute i love it so much Unknown author (2023-05-03 04:07:23):
love it! ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2023-05-03 14:24:40):
tysm Goodbye? (2023-05-09 04:39:04 / 5 stars):
hi! ツ☪ MiMi Destino ♡♥ is this your creatin in another website? nice design ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2023-05-09 10:29:13):
Goodbye? (2023-05-11 05:30:47):
pink is cute ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2023-05-11 14:34:42):
tysm Unknown author (2023-06-01 09:30:29):
ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2023-06-01 12:29:31):
Unknown author (2023-06-06 10:52:34):
ilovepink ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2023-06-06 14:54:46):
Unknown author (2023-08-08 08:49:53):
great Unknown author (2023-08-10 23:01:31):
THIS IS SO EFFING CUTEEE >< Unknown author (2023-08-25 04:27:51):
im using this cursor for like a year now its so freaking cuteeeeeee Unknown author (2023-11-10 17:17:55):
adorable Unknown author (2024-01-23 16:02:57):
i love it Unknown author (2024-02-13 01:23:38):
i am so happy GeorgiosStar (2024-02-14 01:08:22 / 5 stars):
I love this set!! Unknown author (2024-09-03 08:32:13):
사건은 다가와, ah-oh, ayy LegionEagles22 (2024-09-17 21:54:54 / 4.5 stars):
so cute! adding! Unknown author (2024-10-16 08:20:42):
whf this is so good Unknown author (2024-11-17 15:06:33):
so good ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2024-11-17 15:50:25):
tysm! Natzu_Fara_x3 (2024-11-26 18:29:23):
they're so cute tysm for doing these ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2024-11-26 18:40:44):
yw |