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80Mb's profile

View 80Mb's timeline, last visit on August 11th 2024

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Name:Amelia Klarecki

Welcome all to my new account on RW Designer! If you know my old account I have now restarted and posted my old cursors and my revamped ones as well. Enjoy my works! <3

2020 Edit: Welcome! I think im gonna come back and start making more cursors. I saw a funny pic of how the default cursor isn't symmetrical and mentioned my old cursors.


Featured art


Amy's Social Media Cursors (9 cursors)

Released on December 12th 2018 by 80Mb

Hey all. As you may or may not know I had an account here years ago and decided that I wanted to start over with a new me and new and improved cursors. If you had the original set here are the new updated versions of your favorite social media icons as cursors! (Transparency added)

I will be adding more as I make them/improve them.

Latest art

Amy's Social Media TeaserAmy's Social Media Cursors
by 80Mb456Hey all. As you may or may not know I had an account here years ago a...
Amy's Pokeballs TeaserAmy's Pokeballs Cursors
by 80Mb402Hey all this might be a wierd nostalgia for you if you have been here...
Amelia's Ugly TeaserAmelia's Ugly Cursors
by 80Mb376Have you ever wanted to make your friends think your dumb? Well here'...

Forum topics, where 80Mb participated

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Recent comments

user icon Xyaena registered user on August 8th 2018

Nice work on your cursor set! I don't think they look that bad, besides I'm just as bad about trying to make them look nice, heheh.

user icon 80Mb registered user on December 12th 2018

haha thanks @Xyaena :-D

user icon Anonymous on May 23rd 2021

nice work

user icon Henry vntv registered user on August 2nd 2022


user icon Anonymous
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Vista & Win 7 icons
I wish there were...
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