58629 (2016-09-18 23:42:33 / 4.5 stars):
These look very nice! They look pretty transparent, which I like! ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2016-09-19 15:47:58):
Thanks you so much ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2016-09-20 16:54:10):
How to dowload DOWNLOAD YOUR FAVORITE BELOW ONE FOR ONE Para que los cursores se queden en tu pc aunque la apagues o reinicies debes bajar este programa: PARA DESCARGAR LOS CURSORES AQUI UN UN BLOG EXPLICANDOTE MEJOR Dudas de como subir cursores a esta página? aqui un video Request in my facebook page or here: You cannot see all the cursor's when are installed, because are have a diferent role. (you can see the normal one) Es un set para todos los roles del cursor para solo instalar solo el de normal select puedes descargar el que te guste, este pack contiene un cursor para cada rol, ademas tengo mas en mi galeria podrias pasar a verlos o ver los de los demas en la página, en mi gusto personal a mi si me gustan y los comparto por si a alguien mas les gusta, no a todos le tiene que gustar lo mismo que a mi Si no conoces los roles de cada cursor te invito a aprender si deseas yo te enseño Unknown author (2016-09-29 12:27:03):
ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2016-09-29 14:33:20):
Unknown author (2016-10-12 21:14:23):
pinche chambon, echale un poquito mas de cabeza a tus diseños ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2016-10-13 17:17:28):
Enseñame Unknown author (2016-12-14 21:42:57):
Great Work!Thank you! ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2017-01-03 19:46:29):
Thank you! Unknown author (2017-06-03 01:45:39):
So Cool ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2017-06-03 23:48:11):
Thanks Unknown author (2021-02-02 14:35:11):
nice Unknown author (2022-04-29 19:55:16):
que ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2022-04-29 20:38:05):
que ✧ • Skyler • ✧ (2022-05-02 21:41:43 / 4 stars):
No me gusta mucho, es muy simple, a comparacion de otras bellesas xd KittyUwU (2022-05-03 05:47:58 / 5 stars):
Skyler , i see you couples times giving mimi destino, a bad reviews on her sets, i dont know why you are doing this, but thats bad, If you dont like them , keep going with your life and dont give a bad review, And of course she been here since 2012 so thats why her have so many downloads. [5 stars because its her creation] baby (2022-05-03 07:52:50 / 5 stars):
nice Sun_l1ght (2022-11-27 06:41:32 / 5 stars):
i used to tink mimi was like the owner of the website or sum.. honestly she's a great cursor creator ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2022-11-27 11:58:30):
awww tysm |