ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2016-09-24 18:29:27):
How to dowload (RW DESIGNER) RW-designer.com DOWNLOAD YOUR FAVORITE BELOW ONE FOR ONE Para que los cursores se queden en tu pc aunque la apagues o reinicies debes bajar este programa: PARA DESCARGAR LOS CURSORES (RW DESIGNER) RW-designer.com AQUI UN UN BLOG EXPLICANDOTE MEJOR Dudas de como subir cursores a esta página? aqui un video Request in my facebook page or here: You cannot see all the cursor's when are installed, because are have a diferent role. (you can see the normal one) Es un set para todos los roles del cursor para solo instalar solo el de normal select puedes descargar el que te guste, este pack contiene un cursor para cada rol, ademas tengo mas en mi galeria podrias pasar a verlos o ver los de los demas en la página, en mi gusto personal a mi si me gustan y los comparto por si a alguien mas les gusta, no a todos le tiene que gustar lo mismo que a mi Si no conoces los roles de cada cursor te invito a aprender si deseas yo te enseño Unknown author (2016-09-25 20:34:43):
süß ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2016-09-26 02:45:06):
Unknown author (2016-10-08 03:50:45):
nice! ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2016-10-08 18:39:07):
Thanks you so much Unknown author (2018-10-29 17:30:25):
So cute!!! (Sorry, i'm brazilian! :)) Unknown author (2018-11-19 05:38:02):
could you make some fox ones? I love foxes. Unknown author (2019-01-19 17:07:00):
Beautifully Made. So Kawaii And Persistent ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2019-01-26 00:44:45):
Thanks you so much Unknown author (2019-04-20 15:45:55):
soo cute i like it thanks for this ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2019-04-24 02:10:04):
awww :3 Unknown author (2019-09-04 18:54:08):
love theese!!!! ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2019-09-05 12:22:50):
Unknown author (2020-08-06 10:56:13):
Amazing work! Unknown author (2020-09-03 19:47:11):
pink is such a beautiful color (jk it's not beautiful its ugly) so never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever MAKE SOMETHING PINK AGAIN ABC IF U HATE PINK AND IDC IF U LOVE PINK Unknown author (2020-11-10 18:40:35):
I just found out about this and it is absolutely amazing! Unknown author (2020-12-01 17:46:17):
<3 <3 <3 <3 i love them soo much i have one of yours on right now Unknown author (2020-12-24 06:32:06):
it's so cool Unknown author (2021-01-09 18:14:51):
this probs was so hard to make lmao Unknown author (2021-01-11 04:38:19):
its not working for me Unknown author (2021-01-29 17:29:26):
Wow these are so cute and it worked Unknown author (2021-02-04 20:48:12):
Unknown author (2021-02-18 17:59:47):
are these comments real? doesent work for me Unknown author (2021-02-20 05:01:13):
it works but a bit small Unknown author (2021-03-06 23:16:53):
they worked for me and i rlly like it, thanks to yt Unknown author (2021-03-10 15:01:16):
Unknown author (2021-03-11 18:36:32):
Unknown author (2021-03-16 09:41:41):
너무 귀여워요ㅠ Unknown author (2021-03-28 13:58:08):
it s so cute and helpful to those people who gets boring because of their cursors Unknown author (2021-03-30 21:32:24):
GREAT Unknown author (2021-05-03 15:14:27):
super cute! thanks! Unknown author (2021-05-15 11:11:53):
idk how to upload it i have still my old curstor :/ Unknown author (2021-06-04 15:43:45):
download go to control panel and search mouse and then go to the Pointers tab and then change it thank me later cutiebobashack (2021-06-09 23:39:58):
THIS was a gretaghsdbfns f,smrfgfandjdFDASJFftdnfs45FBGRYKDNYT SAREGHFKDUYSJDCAIYDGFUJAKjooufr7tgfuhsjdkjfditgrqwtghjehelhelpmeudfygdasedxfeyghajshjmdfnawjhelpmedfstyuajklsfg Unknown author (2021-06-23 15:27:16):
that cursor looks veery kawaii Unknown author (2021-09-14 01:50:17):
so cuteee Unknown author (2021-09-28 15:36:05):
cute Social Queen (2021-10-04 01:58:11 / 5 stars):
Very kawaii Unknown author (2021-10-16 23:43:29):
cute Unknown author (2021-10-17 15:01:01):
very cute Unknown author (2021-11-07 04:10:57):
i can't change it idk why Unknown author (2021-11-11 11:11:23):
really cute! Unknown author (2021-11-11 12:34:15):
hermosoooooo ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2021-11-11 14:58:58):
Muchas gracias thanks you so much Unknown author (2021-11-17 19:20:12):
cool very cool ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2021-11-18 01:10:20):
tysm Unknown author (2021-11-19 06:54:58):
soooo amazing! ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2021-11-19 21:49:31):
TYSM Unknown author (2021-11-21 14:09:47):
Cute!! i love it so much ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2021-11-21 20:20:38):
tysm Unknown author (2021-11-25 13:08:17):
cant put it. | SAME ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2021-11-27 01:34:15):
DOWNLOAD ZIP RAR AND WIN RAR FOR YOUR COMPUTER FIRST AND THEN WATCH THE VIDEO How to install? without voice How to get cute mouse cursors │FREE│ see this video with voice --- Como instalarlos? Unknown author (2021-12-07 09:48:16):
cool Unknown author (2021-12-08 04:10:52):
hola quisiera que continues con esta lista de cursores me encantaron pero puedes añadir los que faltan?, INCREIBLE TRABAJO ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2021-12-08 10:18:27):
muchas gracias Unknown author (2021-12-23 13:33:07):
Unknown author (2021-12-25 15:37:01):
i love this but ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2021-12-31 05:46:31):
:c Unknown author (2022-01-05 03:50:29):
this is sooo cute!! tysm for them being free Unknown author (2022-01-20 18:14:57):
why Unknown author (2022-01-27 22:19:55):
fessa felice Unknown author (2022-01-28 05:34:01):
gggg Unknown author (2022-02-01 02:11:46):
IT WORKED1! Unknown author (2022-02-28 05:49:08):
You are the best cute cursor maker!! Mimi Destino! ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2022-03-05 10:10:50):
TYSM Unknown author (2022-03-09 02:03:09):
ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2022-03-09 03:31:18):
TYSM (2022-03-10 17:19:44 / 4.5 stars):
I love the lolipop! Alternate Select.cur >w< (2022-03-31 02:03:14):
You make so much cute cursors! Thank you for making them free! ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2022-04-03 17:17:02):
YW Unknown author (2022-05-16 18:34:42):
mimi is is good to use or no like idk im questioning it ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2022-05-17 16:09:00):
yeah its good Unknown author (2022-06-05 12:09:10):
mimi ur super awesome and the best cursor maker ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2022-06-06 11:05:41):
tysm Unknown author (2023-01-27 12:08:37):
coll cool ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2023-01-31 04:34:46):
tysm Unknown author (2023-02-22 00:51:24):
This cursor is the best!! It matches my computer theme..!! I love your creations mimi Unknown author (2023-07-15 07:29:38):
WOW ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2023-08-01 19:03:50):
tysm eunZM (2024-12-19 23:14:29 / 5 stars):
Unknown author (2025-01-07 15:26:09):