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Unknown author (2016-11-08 22:36:07):

Deez nuts ;-)

Mahlzeit (2016-11-10 01:30:19 / 4 stars):

4 out of five stars because of recycled art and the hotspot on tobjorn is wrong icon-image/136-16x16x32.png image icon-image/136-16x16x32.png image icon-image/136-16x16x32.png image icon-image/136-16x16x32.png image icon-image/7104-32x32x32.png image

Unknown author (2016-11-10 01:33:53):

i like potatoes

Unknown author (2016-11-10 09:47:00):

a serious lack of lucio

QuantumC (2016-11-11 23:42:27):


Unknown author (2016-11-12 08:18:41):

Its Great :-D

Unknown author (2016-11-15 13:20:31):

yo sombra just came out what the fuck do you expect ughghg

nibbler (2016-11-16 15:10:18 / 4 stars):

I like this set. But I haven't played this game before. Great job! It would be more nice if you expand this set.

D34D5H0T (2016-11-18 18:16:20 / 5 stars):

I believe that this is a very high quality cursor set. It appears that you spent a lot of time and effort on making this high quality. Although I must say that these cursors would be better if the had an actual cursor icon on them instead of just the character. 8-)

D34D5H0T (2016-11-21 14:30:09):

Now that they have arrows for them... Definitely 5 star material!! GREAT JOB!

rasadcursor (2017-01-11 03:46:16):


Unknown author (2017-02-15 08:58:12):

I need lucio cuz I'm a lucio main

Unknown author (2017-02-20 00:06:32):

idk how you download this

Unknown author (2017-02-23 18:39:03):


Unknown author (2017-02-28 04:05:07):

Where is ruseu?

Unknown author (2017-03-02 15:55:11):

Please make D.va :-D :-D :-D :-D

Unknown author (2017-03-21 10:48:33):

xdddd nice stuff!!! !! ! ! :)))!

Unknown author (2017-03-23 21:54:18):

Add Orisa

ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2017-05-01 23:57:01 / 5 stars):


Unknown author (2017-05-10 02:15:10):

dood what about D.va? Please make a D.va

Unknown author (2017-05-19 09:24:11):

There is no Junkrat

Unknown author (2017-06-05 15:17:14):


Unknown author (2017-06-11 09:50:00):

its terrible

Unknown author (2017-06-13 14:14:56):


and also a genji and metrcy sex icon


DeadPool Kid207 (2017-06-13 17:51:07 / 5 stars):

cool but can you please add Lucio

Alpha (2017-06-15 06:01:20 / 5 stars):


Unknown author (2017-08-03 03:44:33):

can you make some animated
8-) :-D

Unknown author (2017-08-07 15:18:41):

love it

Unknown author (2017-11-01 17:03:04):

Lucio mouse pls???

Unknown author (2017-12-04 15:27:35):

great but what about roadhog???

Unknown author (2017-12-19 01:18:46):

wheres sombra??????????????

Unknown author (2018-06-28 15:35:35):


Unknown author (2018-11-29 09:24:46):

please junkrat

Unknown author (2019-06-24 13:37:56):

there is a bunch missing like junkrat,lucio,d.va,zanyetta also with new updates theres ash and that other character, there is also wreckingball hes missing and the last one i can think of is moira shes missing, however i like the genji cos i main him and this isnt to bad of cursors

Unknown author (2022-11-14 19:37:38):

please baptiste

Unknown author (2023-08-19 08:27:57):

update this plz i need kiri

Unknown author (2024-12-03 13:57:04):


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