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View D34D5H0T's timeline, last visit on February 5th 2020

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Name:Sybastian Lavers

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Terraria Cyber Cursors (16 cursors)

Released on November 30th 2016 by D34D5H0T

This is an amazing terraria, sci-fi cursor set! This is now the 3rd cursor pack I have released.

This is an amazing animated cursor pack. This pack uses sprites originally designed by Zoomo for a player suggestion thread that he posted on the Terraria Forum. Visit my original forum post for these cursors here: http://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/the-unofficial-terraria-forums-cursor-packs.50399/#post-1117796

Latest art

Terraria Confection TeaserTerraria Confection Cursors
by D34D5H0T695Delectable, delicious desserts! (and other sweets!). This is a lovely...
Terraria Cyber TeaserTerraria Cyber Cursors
by D34D5H0T5810This is an amazing terraria, sci-fi cursor set! This is now the 3rd c...
Terraria V.I.P. TeaserTerraria V.I.P. Cursors
by D34D5H0T1112The emoji of some of the members and admins of the terraria forums. T...
Terraria Slime TeaserTerraria Slime Cursors
by D34D5H0T1531Icky, Squishy, Slimes!!! This is an amazing animated cursor pack. Thi...

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Recent comments

user icon D34D5H0T registered user on November 30th 2016

The Cyber is now complete! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! 8-)

user icon nibbler forum moderator on December 2nd 2016

I now have a Terraria Forums Account with the username of Spaceman032! :-)

user icon D34D5H0T registered user on December 5th 2016

My Confection Cursor Pack is complete as well... MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

user icon Anonymous on December 6th 2016



user icon Anonymous on December 9th 2016

My friends keep using your cursors man... you're famous.

user icon D34D5H0T registered user on December 13th 2016

lol thats awesome!

user icon Anonymous
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