Censor_Not (2017-02-21 18:45:07 / 5 stars):
I love "Spock Me" LOL that's great! And you have every skin tone and major currency! Neat! nibbler (2017-02-21 21:55:33):
Thanks! 58629 (2017-02-27 18:50:13 / 4 stars):
This set is cool! I like how on the Google icon and Olympics icon, you look like you made the colors simple. Everything modern these days is simple! nibbler (2017-02-27 19:51:02):
Thanks! Oh, and by the way, why don't you want to make an emoji set anymore? Unknown author (2017-02-27 20:14:12):
please add a Linux penguin. nibbler (2017-02-27 20:36:41):
I added it now. Enjoy! 58629 (2017-03-01 02:29:15):
@Nibbler Unknown author (2017-03-02 08:12:14):
I quite like them nibbler (2017-03-02 16:12:32):
Thanks, Anonymous! OK, torchicishot. pikarock03 (2017-03-03 10:57:01):
Bob the builder (2018-03-27 18:45:30):
its nice, it has animation on some of them, and has quite a lot of cursors nibbler (2018-12-07 21:57:24):
Thanks, guys! nibbler (2018-12-10 17:10:04):
@The Muffin Man who replied:
@achamo who replied:
aka achamo Hey, why do you keep changing your name a lot? It's so confusing to know what you used to be. snickerdoodle (2019-10-31 18:43:39 / 4.5 stars):
these are great! but there are so many, I wouuld appreciate if you separated them into smaller cursor sets with themes maybe....I spent a lot of time going through all of these Unknown author (2019-11-01 03:54:39):
these cursors are revolution! nibbler (2019-11-05 17:41:34):
@Ember Moon who wrote:
Thanks for the suggestion... I have no ability to separate this cursor set, since I'm using a Chromebook. If you want to, download each individual cursor by clicking on the floppy disk icon next to the file, and putting each group of cursors in separate folders. And the point of this cursor set is to show random kinds of cursors; just random. But thanks for the rating! @Anonymous who wrote:
Thanking you! Vlazteron (2019-11-21 19:04:45 / 5 stars):
Hey, amazing cursor. I like it because it has more classic cursors and good recolors, also you added some cursors made by your own, because some other random cursor sets just contain images, converted to cursors. I also like your 3D Uno Cursors, they're a nice recolor, good job making them. You putted a lot of effort making them. -Vlazteron Rain (2019-12-01 22:41:35 / 4.5 stars):
nice set. there are a lot of cursors. i really like the flower ones. please fix your busy cursors hot spots to the middle of the cursor, you don't have to but it would make it better Vlazteron (2019-12-14 04:51:11):
Nah, Rain. It's boring to have every busy cursor always in the middle, I preffer that it stands like it was before. Unknown author (2020-06-08 10:44:43):
there could be resizing of rope, money, shoe and invalid watch, heart, spiral ... Unknown author (2020-06-08 11:40:26):
My suggestions: em português/ in portuguese Minhas sugestões: Unknown author (2020-06-08 17:11:00):
helo im Unknown author (2020-10-16 21:25:19):
@Anonymous who wrote:
Hang on, I need to use a Windows computer to do that. I'm currently an Anonymous user, as you can see, but the user that typed this message is actually me, StickyChannel92. I'm currently a Chromebook user at home, so I won't have access to a Windows computer for some time. Sorry! nibbler (2021-08-31 17:41:21):
yep, that was me who typed that message. ^^^^ Henry vntv (2022-03-19 10:14:20 / 5 stars):
This is so cool Henry vntv (2022-03-20 13:21:04):
thank you for these cursors Henry vntv (2022-04-02 15:05:07):