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Rain's profile

View Rain's timeline, last visit on December 17th 2019

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I am friends with Ember Moon and jessicatgirl12. I like to make cursors and Ember Moon helps me sometimes. Please give her some credit.

I sell red sprays and purple sprays for 2 buttons each, message please.

Featured art


Green Gem Cursors (19 cursors)

Released on November 24th 2019 by Rain

This is a green gem cursor set, it is my first cursor set. My friend Ember Moon helped me with making these. They have white borders and dark green gems so they may best be used on dark backgrounds. I added in some text selects and handwritings without gems because the gems cover the text when typing and it's kinda annoying.

I managed to find a way to fix the cursor hot spots.

Latest art

Green Gem TeaserGreen Gem Cursors
by Rain116This is a green gem cursor set, it is my first cursor set. My friend ...

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Recent comments

user icon RIDDLER registered user on November 23rd 2019

You don't have any cursor sets. Please make one.

user icon Rain registered user on November 23rd 2019


user icon RIDDLER registered user on November 24th 2019

Thanks for making this new set. Please fix your cursor hotspots. They are in the wrong place.

user icon Rain registered user on November 25th 2019

yeah the thing is I can't figure out how, is there any way you can help me maybe?

user icon Anonymous
Vista & Win 7 icons
Select background
I wish there were...
What about ICL files?