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codewar65 (2017-04-21 20:10:40 / 4.5 stars):

Nice tech writeup. I enjoy reading descriptions with the hows and whys. Very complete set. Good work!

highmystica (2017-04-21 20:36:38):

G-Z make up the rest of the web cursors - hexatridecimal - still in a kind of hex ... I will post the web and alts separately - later this weekend probably.

Parker (2017-05-05 23:19:52 / 5 stars):


Unknown author (2017-05-06 07:49:05):

I used this for 1 day (Yesterday). But today the cursor Is back to normal... Is there a way to fix It or do I just have to redo It every single time? Also. Nice cursor's :-)

Nevermind... I just had to download them again and they would be back. Guess I gotta make floders for the cursor's.

highmystica (2017-05-09 01:46:27):

How did you get them to work without downloading them?

мутнι¢αℓ✧ (2017-05-10 17:18:29 / 5 stars):

This is one awesome series. I wonder what software is used for this..I didn't notice before, the closed hands grabbing the hotspot. Nice! ... I like the text select better without the mini-indicator, but that's just my quirk. And backward compatible with win3.x! You appear to be THE rocket-scientist of cursors. If you designed space shuttles, we'd be on Mars already LOL :-D
Oh, and your angled hand shape is the best.

Goodbye (2017-10-22 14:54:09 / 5 stars):

love it! ;-)

meower (2018-10-14 03:42:07 / 5 stars):


2ndmowae (2019-06-15 22:28:39 / 4.5 stars):

great job! how do yuo get them so smooth! i would like it even more if there was a glow animation. 8-)

adrenochromedream (2019-12-18 01:41:46 / 5 stars):

approves Yoda does icon-image/17233-16x16x32.png image

Unknown author (2020-09-11 20:06:19):

Eu não conseguir saber esse ponteiro é dificil

inactive account (2021-02-19 18:24:58 / 5 stars):

They look so good although they 're in 16 color format.

♠♣♥♦Liyan Graphicsツ (2021-08-06 09:48:06 / 5 stars):

great job! how do yuo get them so smooth! i would like it even more if there was a glow animation.

great job! how do yuo get them so smooth! i would like it even more if there was a glow animation.

Unknown author (2021-10-25 09:06:35):

/that was great/

(/that was great/ means oh my goddddddy

xTikans (2024-05-07 15:19:23 / 5 stars):

W blue set

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