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Zelphis (2017-08-23 20:29:37 / 5 stars):


Unknown author (2017-09-02 05:58:16):

these are great, though low on the FPS department. but much easier to see then the other Plastation crosshair Cursor

siabob007 (2017-09-02 09:44:41):

The animations you see on the wesite are a bit laggy than the actual cursor. Once you download and use the cursors, they'll be much smoother.

Unknown author (2017-09-06 07:12:24):

i love it

Lazer29 (2017-09-08 03:57:38 / 5 stars):

Much piece of art. A simple reason for excellent cursors.
I haven't actually downloaded this set (yet) but once I do I'll probably use it whenever I can. Yay!

TyranicalRex (2017-09-18 23:01:14 / 3 stars):

nice! :-D icon-image/136-16x16x32.png image

Lazer29 (2017-09-22 21:43:03):

ok i downloaded it

Unknown author (2017-10-02 12:24:33):

What does the "H" mean in PSCH? Now the name sort of appears like "psychological" abbreviated.

siabob007 (2017-10-03 08:38:06):

I originally called it PlayStation cross hairs that’s why

adn (2017-10-07 07:03:30):

OK. So that is it.

(I'm logged in now. I seldomly use this account)

Personally, I associate some things that have to do with the OS (mostly Windows) with psychology. There seems to be more behind it. It is hardly a subject in general, so I would say: at least some effects. And cursors are important because they are always in view.

How it all works has also been associated with some things that have to do with psychology specifically by others (being something professionally).

siabob007 (2017-10-09 18:19:49):

Oh ok ;-)

Unknown author (2018-11-03 08:22:39):

Do you have a plain non animated crosshair to use as the default cursor

nibbler (2018-12-17 19:08:15 / 4.5 stars):

These are cool-looking. The Busy animation is very fast. Probably 1 millisecond per frame? That's unbelievably fast. The Unavailable looks weird in the animation.

But anyways, it's good!

LogoFun13 (2020-10-11 21:43:30 / 5 stars):

Guys, PSCH is PlayStation Crosshair.

Anyways, this is great! :-) Did you know that I own a PlayStation 2 console?

Awesome cursor set.

Yoon_0117 (2021-03-21 03:46:06 / 5 stars):


Unknown author (2022-05-19 12:47:24):

Nice set, I'm setting up a PlayStation theme for my laptop and these look great! Good work!!


Unknown author (2023-07-21 19:27:07):

it dosent want to work

Xudatxa Copacabana (2024-02-22 07:52:55 / 4.5 stars):

I liked this creativity of the cross theme in 15 different formats. If you prefer to improve your set to be used on Windows 12; you can include both functions: Local and Person.

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