Unknown author (2018-02-01 01:56:02):
How do you make it work? RIDDLER (2018-02-01 06:51:33):
Make what work? Unknown author (2018-03-11 22:22:38):
hi RIDDLER (2018-03-11 22:30:59):
Hi. Thanks for answering me. Please can you help me by finding more cursor sets like this one. I just want to upload more cursor sets like this one in many other colors as well. Unknown author (2019-04-16 20:25:51):
Vlazteron (2019-11-08 00:17:28 / 4.5 stars):
Instead of naming it White, you could name it Transparent. Good cursors too! Vlazteron (2019-11-29 19:34:28):
Yeah, I really agree with Cyrater. You should name it XXL Transparent. PS: I like a lot your products, RIDDLER. -Vlazteron RIDDLER (2019-11-30 01:38:04):
This cursor set is white, that's why I named it XXL White. Vlazteron (2019-12-06 19:38:32):
Wait a moment, you said it was white? I recently noticed that this wasn't white, as it displays on the website. On my PC it's inverted. Have you stolen those cursors? I also investigated and I found that those cursors were owned by the domain called Joe's Cursors The old website might have some pop-ups but Chrome blocks 'em. The original source is at: http://joescursors.tripod.com/HVCurPg.htm I noticed also the same thing on your old XXL cursor sets. With exception of some of the XXL Red Cursors. Give the credit to Joe's Cursors and give the link to the original source. Plus, you didn't asked the owner of these cursors if you could upload them to this web. I found also that you should even upload these cursors if you didn't acquire permission from the owner. The owner of the site said that, though. RIDDLER (2019-12-06 20:49:28):
Well, those cursors looks white to me. I did not steal those cursors. I did not remember that this cursor set belonged to someone else. Thanks for refreshing my memory. Since Chrome blocks the original website, its good to have this cursor set here on RealWorld site. OK. I will give credit to the owner of those cursors. I have just sent an email to Joe at joescursors@yahoo.com and gave credit to him. I also thanked him for creating the XXL collection of cursors, and said to him that I am only sharing his XXL cursors on the RealWorld website only for sharing purposes. Vlazteron (2019-12-17 20:45:03):
Change the name to XXL Inverse then. RIDDLER (2019-12-17 21:53:36):
No thanks. I prefer to keep it as XXL White. Vlazteron (2019-12-18 17:40:31):
Are you sure? I recommend you to do it, because people will get confused or cheated, it is weird when you name this a XXL White cursor set and then the person who downloads it, realizes that the cursor set is a Inverted cursor set, instead of White. Please change it to XXL Inverted. Also Joe (the original creator of this cursor set) published a XXL White Cursor Set which is totally different to this cursor set, and it is available on his High Visibility cursor set page. The problem is that the cursor set download source is deleted. So I recommend you to download the pack on Softpedia. If you want to upload the XXL White Cursors download them here: https://www.softpedia.com/get/Desktop-Enhancements/Other-Desktop-Enhancements/High-Visibility-Animated-Cursors.shtml Note that it'll download also other XXL Cursor Sets because they belong to the High Visibility pack. You can add bonus cursors, since the pack haves bonuses for user enjoyment. RIDDLER (2019-12-18 19:04:24):
Yes, I am sure. Unknown author (2019-12-19 21:43:58):
These aren't white, these are inverted. Unknown author (2019-12-20 01:17:40):
I agree with the Anonymous, above. Those aren't white, they're inverted. Unknown author (2019-12-21 00:10:40):
How did you made them invert the color? Vlazteron (2019-12-21 01:23:52):
Ok, but, it's inconsistent. They're supposed to be White but they're Inverted. Why you try to trick us? ChrisCursorMaker457 (2020-04-29 12:20:35 / 1.5 stars):
Joe's cursors... RIDDLER (2020-04-29 21:57:59):
This set is white but I am not sure why they are inverted. not used anymore (2020-07-25 20:49:58):
Please, change it to Inverted XXL rather than leaving it at White, nobody likes clickbait. RIDDLER (2020-08-10 02:30:24):
I do not want to rename this set. The set's name reflects the cursor set itself. not used anymore (2020-08-12 23:25:41):
But if people use the set, they'll see that they're inverted, so? Just use one cursor and you'll see what I mean. They are inverted, there is a reason why they look empty. RIDDLER (2020-08-13 01:53:07):
I do not know why those cursors are inverted. I did not create this set so I am not responsible for the inverted colors. Perhaps this set was intended to be like this. I do not want to make changes to it. I will leave this set the way it is. Sorry about that inverted look, but you will have to roll with that. Insane Games (2020-12-14 23:16:11 / 5 stars):
Its good man RIDDLER (2020-12-15 09:50:52):
They are good. Very good indeed. RIDDLER (2021-04-05 02:08:48):
Love the white. RIDDLER (2021-04-05 02:09:20):
This white color deserves 5 stars. Unknown author (2023-02-27 04:06:36):
I love those animations RIDDLER (2023-02-27 04:29:51):
Me too. Please check my latest Binary Enchanced cursor sets and rate them. hamzasolom20 (2023-09-13 19:17:01):
I think it's time we kicked the trash (in my eyes) out of it and edit them to match my personality. RIDDLER (2023-09-14 23:49:11):
This cursor set did not have a rating for a long time. You can improve your personality on RealWorld Cursor Editor by uploading a cool avatar like I did. |