ChrisCursorMaker457's profile

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ChrisCursorMaker457's profile

View ChrisCursorMaker457's timeline, last visit on August 8th 2021

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ChrisCursorMaker457's picture

Cursors, fonts and writing systems are my professionalism.
Abbreviation of my new name: CCM457

I'm also:
- A developer of Scratch games released on
- The one remastering Frogs and Spiders, a classic Taito game
- A archiver of old versions (if I have one)

Featured art


Baltimore Oriole Cursors (17 cursors)

Released on June 15th 2020 by ChrisCursorMaker457

Requested by a anonymous in my stand.
You can't get a glimpse of a baltimore oriole if you aren't in Baltimore. But, this set allows you to get a constant glimpse at a baltimore oriole if in Baltimore or not.
Stay safe from this natural bioweapon which is deployed because of Wuhan's carelessness, COVID-19.

Latest art

Baltimore Oriole TeaserBaltimore Oriole Cursors
by ChrisCursorMaker457751Requested by a anonymous in my stand. You can't get a glimpse of a ba...
Angeligender TeaserAngeligender Cursors
by ChrisCursorMaker4571147The Angeligender pack is the 2nd genderflag theme cursor set made by ...
Allosexual TeaserAllosexual Cursors
by ChrisCursorMaker457309Since there's no more new gender-flag cursor sets, I'm up to revive t...
Vulpix TeaserVulpix Cursors
by ChrisCursorMaker457331Vulpix Cursors Created by: Christian Belchior Sprites shown ripped by...
Color It Yourself TeaserColor It Yourself Cursors
by ChrisCursorMaker457297---Requested cursor set--- So instead of making 16 sets which wastes ...
16 Color Hand Teaser16 Color Hand Cursors
by ChrisCursorMaker457548Hey guys, I'm introducing the 16 Color Hands! This set makes cursor s...
Aero Closed Finger Link Select TeaserAero Closed Finger Link Select Cursors
by ChrisCursorMaker457478From the Aero Tailless cursors I got from a Czech website. WARNING - ...
Hans TeaserHans Cursors
by ChrisCursorMaker457440Hey guys, I shall introduce to you Hans cursors! Named after the hand...
Baby Hand™ - The missing TeaserBaby Hand™ - The missing Cursors
by ChrisCursorMaker457140These are the gone missing cursors of Baby Hand™. Please, download ...
Baby Hand™ TeaserBaby Hand™ Cursors
by ChrisCursorMaker457525I'm introducing to you, Baby Hand™! This is designed to go approxim...

Show all icon and cursor sets.

Forum topics, where ChrisCursorMaker457 participated

Recent comments

user icon ChrisCursorMaker457 registered user on April 28th 2020

Welcome to my profile, lass! ;-)
I appreciate any kind comments you post.

user icon ChrisCursorMaker457 registered user on April 30th 2020

Now I have sixaxis' name color!

user icon Anonymous on June 16th 2020


user icon ChrisCursorMaker457 registered user on July 8th 2020

@Anonymous, your post was deleted because:
You are advertising a website I would never visit.

user icon not used anymore registered user on August 26th 2020

So your alternate e-mail is What kind of e-mail adress is that?

user icon eeveelover64 registered user on August 26th 2020


user icon Anonymous on May 18th 2021

:-D hello

user icon nibbler forum moderator on September 12th 2021

were you the same person that rated my iconsflow set half star? (not trying to be intimidating, just pointing it out)

rsrc/paulasignature.png image

user icon Anonymous
I wish there were...
Vista & Win 7 icons
Select background
What about ICL files?