TyranicalRex (2018-05-10 19:14:25 / 2.5 stars):
How many are there? Is this all stuff you made? I like it! Unknown author (2018-05-11 01:32:03):
The look awesome >;] TyranicalRex (2018-05-11 21:30:37):
Hey I just noticed something Also I think these should be different sets, not all shmushed together, so that if you want to download some you don't have to download all or one at a time adrenochromedream (2018-05-13 05:05:21):
I don't see a Superman logo that needs fixing. As far as how large I make my sets, you're entitled to your opinion as far as that goes. If people want just the Superman cursors for example, they can only download those from this set and so on & so forth. Unknown author (2018-05-14 03:10:50):
The left-handed Superman "S"'s are backwards. Just sayin'. That happens when "flip horizontal" is used. It requires drawing the pointer on the right side of the frame without using the "flip horizontal" tool. Then the "S" will stay normal. adrenochromedream (2018-05-14 07:23:42):
well they work as is so I see no real issue VrCat (2018-05-16 19:23:59 / 5 stars):
Great set! Love the deadpool cursors! adrenochromedream (2018-05-16 20:18:22):
ty Vr lmj0011 (2018-05-22 02:05:08 / 5 stars):
@adrenochromedream great cursor set, I PM'd you. Bitslayn (2018-05-25 22:31:03):
The Superman emblem is backwards in some of the cursors. You might want to fix that. adrenochromedream (2018-05-26 06:07:25):
Very funny Bitslayn you think typing stuff backwards makes you clever? I call it lame. devilcat (2018-06-20 15:54:06):
i wish these cursors were handmade but ok Insane Games (2020-12-17 22:03:53 / 5 stars):
I BELIEVE I CAN FLY LIKE A SUPERHERO IN THE SKY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Unknown author (2021-02-24 15:31:12):
Unknown author (2023-08-12 21:59:06):
caralho todo mundo e loco nos comentarios pqp Unknown author (2024-01-15 05:05:07):
6 yg RIDDLER (2024-12-05 05:13:47 / 5 stars):
You forgot to add the Riddler character. |