Unknown author (2007-09-01 00:00:00):
i like guns buut when they shot me i hate em. YucK! anyway o just picked a gun cursor because i was bored this might sound stupid but im witing soo i have the longest messege yet( that means im still making u read it NOW lol . i do wish there were better cursors on the google site thingy and all i want as a cursor is something good that would amase my friends lol . something awsome!!!!! from zezima I WAS BORED oK!?!?!?! Unknown author (2008-01-11 00:00:00):
lol ur not zezima!!!!!! Unknown author (2008-04-01 00:00:00):
lol 'from zezima' Unknown author (2008-04-29 00:00:00):
lawl 'i like guns but when they shoot at me i hate em'lolollolololololololololollolololololololololl Unknown author (2008-07-03 00:00:00):
i pwn Unknown author (2008-07-03 00:00:00):
lolololololololololololol Unknown author (2008-07-15 00:00:00):
lolll runescape! Unknown author (2008-07-15 00:00:00):
css i ts realy better then runescape! Unknown author (2008-08-13 00:00:00):
what are frames? Unknown author (2008-09-06 00:00:00):
I LOVE IT Unknown author (2008-11-27 00:00:00):
runescape is gay Unknown author (2008-12-22 00:00:00):
yeah your not zezima, CUZ I AM! Unknown author (2009-02-13 16:19:15):
nice cursors runescape is realy realy gay damn its shit Unknown author (2009-02-27 14:30:46):
runescape is niot gay yopur fucking mum is Unknown author (2009-02-27 21:13:05):
CHEN IT MEEEEEEEEEEE LOL YOU NEED TO LEARN SPELLINS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HAHAHAHAHA Unknown author (2009-03-02 20:46:54):
rs sucks Unknown author (2009-03-21 04:01:32):
runescape rules, it's not gay Unknown author (2009-04-06 19:32:51):
CSS FTW BETTER THAN RS AS CSS HAS ACTION LOL!!!!! Unknown author (2009-06-04 00:14:36):
rofl ok is ur a total nerd rs cool but if ur not it gay as f9ck my friend played it once and it was so boring all we did was swear at people then get reported Unknown author (2009-06-14 16:52:41):
Rs??? SUCKS! Unknown author (2009-06-24 08:36:22):
RUNESCAPE IS THE BEST Unknown author (2009-08-03 19:28:34):
This is GUN cursors not rs Unknown author (2009-08-20 05:15:56):
runescape pwns noob i have high lvl account! Unknown author (2009-10-06 15:14:21):
I LOVE RUNESCAPE Unknown author (2009-10-27 00:28:24):
i used to play rs alot then my friends started calling me gay Unknown author (2009-11-17 20:08:53):
well then your still probably gay and this is all GUN CURSORS so why runescape, its shit anyway. Unknown author (2009-12-26 21:59:54):
RUNE SCAPE IS THE WORST GAME EVER Unknown author (2009-12-28 01:11:14):
runescape is kooler than u and why rs have anything 2 do with gun coursors? Unknown author (2010-01-24 06:04:31):
shut up... who cares if someone likes rs... sixλxis (2010-02-09 18:55:27 / 4 stars):
Runescape sucks. All the noobs hang out there. Halo's where it's at. These are definitely better than the original. Unknown author (2010-02-14 22:13:30):
what is runescape? Modern Warfare 2 is much much cooler. Unknown author (2010-03-04 04:13:02):
i used to play rs and now i see that it is so nerdy Unknown author (2010-03-11 00:46:42):
RUnEsKapE iZ awsome Pwnz0Rz Unknown author (2010-04-23 12:33:46):
bum bum bum bum bum give it up baby give it up bum bum Unknown author (2010-06-11 14:23:59):
every1 ho plays runescape is a nerd mw2 ftw Unknown author (2010-11-18 19:22:53):
everyone has its own style ... but yeah, rs sucks XD Unknown author (2010-11-27 11:22:28):
lol RuneScape iz Fun Unknown author (2010-12-06 11:07:18):
Unknown author (2010-12-08 03:23:20):
despite all of your sensless bickoring i agree with all of you.MW2 does PWN and Halo was the birthplace of the 1337's of gaming, but just because you aren't into RPG's doesn't mean you need to be hatin' Unknown author (2011-09-19 23:42:52):
dudes got a point. this is just my opinion.......MW2!!!!! Unknown author (2011-10-23 05:33:59):
mw2 ftw Unknown author (2011-11-13 17:42:38):
...seriously =`','= get mw3 ya damn nerds. Unknown author (2011-11-14 20:29:43):
wouldn't you prefer peace? Unknown author (2011-12-15 21:14:15):
hell ya mw3............ Bitches Unknown author (2011-12-20 03:31:42):
BF3 Unknown author (2012-02-10 22:16:29):
coolllllllllllllllllllllll Lost Girl (2012-02-16 03:51:28 / 5 stars):
These are a great set for gun curors! I can't wait to try these ou! It looks like you've put a great deal of time an effort into these.I think these are well worth my five-star rating I'm givig it. This gun cursor set has everything a good cursor set should have in it.Detail, but not too much, careful planning and simple colours. Unknown author (2012-03-05 16:49:17):
yes boys mw2 the best add n2345679sharples ps3 get any hack u want SYNTHCRѺ (2012-08-04 19:29:42 / 4.5 stars):
OK this is much better than your other gun set. -SYNTHCRO mastercow (2013-03-02 16:43:24 / 4 stars):
sharples? Unknown author (2013-06-03 17:46:28):
Boss and awesome, Bosome! Unknown author (2014-01-04 16:38:02):
xd Unknown author (2014-05-29 00:04:59):
its cool so keep going but boys or girls SHUT UP AND LET IN DO WHAT HE CAN DO BEST Unknown author (2014-08-25 19:21:17):
ami no me funciona Unknown author (2014-12-25 23:48:10):
nice stuff ;D Unknown author (2016-02-27 09:51:19):
i wish there is a one to replace the finger one with the gun finger Unknown author (2016-03-30 13:33:45):
I have no words its so awesome Unknown author (2017-09-16 21:10:27):
memes BurninLitt14 (2018-10-27 05:16:29):
Where's The NORMAL select Unknown author (2019-11-09 19:46:28):
man no nut November is hard I ned a wonk Unknown author (2019-11-27 22:30:39):
Gabe27 (2020-05-05 06:15:46):
I WANT THE GUN -Uncle Joel Unknown author (2020-12-02 05:05:55):
good BASIC_UwU (2021-02-10 17:30:41 / 5 stars):
Im inlove with this thang Unknown author (2021-05-16 21:01:31):
10 out of 10. no questions asked Unknown author (2021-10-01 21:07:19):
bruh no normal select jhojan (2021-10-05 21:15:17 / 5 stars):
100 de 100 Unknown author (2021-10-07 19:55:01):
que perdida de tiempo casi se me malogra mi lapto Unknown author (2022-05-09 18:34:20):
Unknown author (2022-06-07 01:40:47):
with this cursor i beat people at league cause i am pro Unknown author (2022-10-27 19:17:36):
gun waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa W
YOU WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Unknown author (2022-10-30 00:13:48):
the best cursor in the world Unknown author (2023-02-07 15:29:24):
this is so amazing i love it Unknown author (2023-07-27 13:37:42):
godd gsgbcn Unknown author (2023-08-16 11:12:17):
shut you monkey ass up
Unknown author (2023-12-04 15:39:22):
dude,this cursor is cool,there's nothing missing,it doens't have such a heavy animation like blood,it looks like one of those violent games from those times,but it's really cool seriously Unknown author (2024-05-28 03:51:25):
시발 Unknown author (2024-10-10 16:33:50):
i heard a gun Unknown author (2024-10-23 08:12:49):
你个比亚迪 我给你玛莎拉 我喜欢紫色的王帅博 Unknown author (2024-11-04 19:22:23):
how do you download it, i pressed dowload button but it ends up being a text file. Unknown author (2024-11-20 00:23:09):