GreenyTheHedgehog (2018-10-05 21:31:15):
Hey everyone review or comment this set if u want Nikentomolog (2018-10-05 22:04:28 / 5 stars):
Awesome set bro! I think smooth animations would be better, but it's okay. It deserves these five stars! GreenyTheHedgehog (2018-10-05 22:05:57):
thanks, in the future i may change this set or make new sets smoother, thanks for the review! RIDDLER (2018-10-06 01:55:57 / 5 stars):
Awesome! GreenyTheHedgehog (2018-10-06 09:54:10):
Thanks everyone for rating this 5 stars! TyranicalRex (2018-10-07 16:10:49 / 4.5 stars):
Nice! GreenyTheHedgehog (2018-10-07 16:40:03):
Thanks everyone for rating this so good! Also soon il make a set called Grey Lava Cursors, You can check it out when ill upload it! TyranicalRex (2018-10-07 23:46:07):
Sure thing, you are a good designer, keep doing it. BurninLitt14 (2018-10-11 23:20:48 / 5 stars):
It's AWESOME ^_^ GREAT E) YAY FOER GREENYTHEHEDGEHOG Unknown author (2018-10-16 17:46:25):
finally, a set with location and person select TyranicalRex (2018-10-24 19:42:45):
I have seen many sets with person and location select, I add them to all of my finished sets, but there is not actual role for them. |