Nikentomolog (2019-01-13 18:27:48 / 3.5 stars):
Sorry for bad rating, but i did that because most of hot spots are offset. But the cursors are simple and cool though. RIDDLER (2019-01-15 05:51:28 / 5 stars):
Very nice set. Your cursor hotspots are in the wrong place. Please rectify your hotspots. srbigodon (2019-02-04 01:21:26):
I try to edit hotspots but the site don't save Vlazteron (2019-06-27 03:18:08):
Almost all of those are just of the system. I think the link is the only modifed. Unknown author (2019-09-25 19:34:48):
Those cursors already exist on the system. Unknown author (2019-11-17 11:15:27):
I have black life, with a black light... in a black house, with a black computer and a black cursor with a black wallpaper:) Unknown author (2020-07-09 06:09:00):
These cursors already exist on the operating system Unknown author (2020-09-07 06:57:28):
These r already in my laptop Unknown author (2020-10-21 23:13:56):
yeah but the link select is white by default Hermitage (2020-11-18 13:08:50):
ls that stealing? Y/N Unknown author (2021-05-11 11:17:12):
yeah but the link select is white by default ls that stealing? Y/N <Answer> yes and no ls that stealing? Y/N <Answer>i think yes cuz he dont said nothing about it being an windows cursor so i think yes Unknown author (2021-05-14 03:57:28):
why do u try.... they are already on WINDOWS!!! ꧁ Ryjerun ꧂ (2021-06-18 13:18:54):
Very Good.. It's Just Like The Default Black in The Unit System...Why don't you make this rainbow colored? said ayoub haidari (2021-07-20 13:17:53):
Nice! Unknown author (2021-07-26 16:31:09):
These cursors are already in windows xp , vista , 8 , 8.1 , and 10. But they don't have the black link select. name (2021-10-27 12:23:25):
i made both the location and person select hand made and also the black and white link select ✧ • Skyler • ✧ (2021-11-13 21:19:19 / 2 stars):
Esos cursores le aparecen a mi padre cuando tuvo su computadora, por eso le doy 2 estrellas Unknown author (2021-12-13 12:08:54):
This is cool Unknown author (2022-03-31 20:40:49):
i really think you should make more...i recommend these cursors. Unknown author (2022-04-28 19:28:13):
this is stealing LOLLLL Unknown author (2022-05-03 07:23:50):
Unknown author (2022-05-31 18:01:23):
Unknown author (2022-08-01 10:43:38):
Henry vntv (2022-08-23 13:57:50 / 5 stars):
so cool Minecraft2.0 (2022-08-26 17:11:04 / 3.5 stars):
Its good hamzasolom20 (2023-08-03 07:47:48):
@Anonymous Unknown author (2024-11-09 17:07:34):
its a pretty good looking pack, even tho I don't like it that much I would suggest that you should use this to lock in or just to chill. |